* You are viewing the archive for the ‘Rebecca’ Category

Why I loved living in … Kohl and Founders

There’s such a buzz about Centennial Hall. Yes, it’s brand-new and conveniently located on campus, but it isn’t the only nice place to live on campus.

I’ve lived in two residence halls (Kohl and Founders) and I’ve loved my experience in both halls. I’ll give some information about both.

Kohl Hall:


  • Location! It’s close to almost everything, and it was especially nice for me because I am an education major and most of my classes are located in the Education Building or on old campus. Last year, none of my classes were more than … Continue Reading

Read this if you are thinking about taking 19 credit hours

Hey there, Falcons!

It’s been QUITE a while since I’ve blogged … sorry about that. Next time I’ll give you a little look into my life this semester (this will be especially helpful to all you Early Childhood Education people), but today I’m going to recap last semester.

I was SO busy last semester. Here’s what I had going on each week: 19 credit hours,  10 hours of work,  four hours of field placement, executive board for my learning community and participation in my learning community. Oh, and sleep. I didn’t get a whole lot of that last semester, so I kind … Continue Reading

BG makes me feel at home by Rebecca

I can’t believe that it’s time for school to start again. I just had my first three classes of the semester, and I have one more to go. It’s crazy how the summer flew by. I thought summer would seem to last forever because we had from the beginning of May until now, but it actually passed really quickly.

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Spring Break by Rebecca

YAY! Spring break is almost here! I can’t wait to go home. I really love it here at BG, but I’m really excited to see my family, boyfriend, and friends from home again. I can’t believe March is already almost here! I’m super excited for March. First of all, it’ll start getting warmer, and I’m definitely ready for that! Also, it’s my birthday month! This year, I think that my birthday really will last all month. My birthday is on March 29, but that’s a Tuesday and I won’t be home. My mom said we are going to do my birthday dinner on Saturday when I’m home for spring break, so it will make it seem like my birthday lasts all month.

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Ohio Weather and Preview Day by Rebecca

I have to say, last week was a complete tease. It got up to around 57 degrees, I think, and I was just getting used to the weather until it started snowing really hard today! It came out of nowhere too. At 8 a.m., there was no snow at all and by noon, it was coming down really hard. Today was Preview Day too, so I’m sure all of the future BGers out there got a nice taste of BG winter.

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Almost Spring Break by Rebecca

YAY! Spring break is almost here! I can’t wait to go home. I really love it here at BG, but I’m really excited to see my family, boyfriend and friends from home again.

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Keeping Busy by Rebecca

Wow! Have I been busy! I’m really loving second semester so far. I’m really busy, which I see as a good thing. My classes are going well, and I’m counting the days till spring break. (17 in case you’re wondering!) I’m in a learning community, Partners in Context and Community, which is a living and learning community that is housed mainly in Kohl Hall. It is for pre-service teachers who are interested in working in an urban area. I love PCC! I’m super involved in it. It’s nice to have friends who have similar goals. Part of PCC is having 50 hours of field placement every semester.

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Seasonal Depression by Rebecca

Maybe you’ve heard of seasonal depression, maybe you haven’t. The “real” term for it is Seasonal Affective Disorder. Basically, it is when someone feels depressed (slightly or severely) during a certain season. I happen to have this from about December until around March. This year, it has been particularly difficult because I don’t have my mom here to make me feel better. Also, I haven’t made as many friends up here at BG as I have at home, so that is another factor.

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Snow Days No More by Rebecca

I’ve decided I’m not a big fan of real life. I’m sure this sounds confusing. Let me be more specific. I’m not a fan of not having snow days any more. College feels like real life more now that snow days don’t really exist. Luckily, I’m going to be a teacher, so snow days will come back for me.

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Getting Back in the Swing by Rebecca

Holy good night! If it’s at all possible, this semester is flying by faster than last semester! It’s already Wednesday of the second week of classes … In my mind, I’m stuck back in winter break. The weekend was a flash, though that may have something to do with the fact that I was sick on Saturday. This past weekend was mostly about resting for me because I wanted to get better. Now, it’s back to schoolwork.

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