* You are viewing the archive for the ‘Tucker’ Category

Music major gets through the ‘sophomore slump’

tuckerYou may have heard the phrase, “sophomore slump.” Well, I am here to tell you that it is a real thing and that you aren’t stuck there forever.

I believe that classes get progressively more difficult in your sophomore year because you are taking classes more applicable to your major and you realize just how much work is involved in your major classes.

This doesn’t mean that you hate the major; it just means that you might not have realized how much work a college class may include.

I am a jazz studies performance … Continue Reading

Jazz studies major glad to be living in music learning community

BGSU is known for many things. Traditions, organizations and a great atmosphere.

BUT one thing most people don’t realize is how well-known we are for our music program.

BGSU ranks up in the top 100 music colleges in the country!

Being a part of this college is more than I had ever hoped for in my musical studies. I always knew I wanted to go to this university, but I have only known about the music college for about five years.

When I first got the opportunity, I attended Honor Band, and then I spoke … Continue Reading

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