* You are viewing the archive for the ‘Olivia’ Category

Why I love living in … Harshman Dunbar

This is my first year at BGSU, and I chose to live in Harshman Dunbar. I come from a family of six, so my parents wanted me to live in a residence hall that wasn’t too expensive.

I was a little bummed that I wasn’t going to be living in the new Centennial Hall, but within my first week of school, I was certainly glad that I chose Harshman!

When people would ask me which res hall I was staying in, I would tell them. Almost immediately they would say things like “it … Continue Reading

Part 2: ‘Becoming’ a BGSU football player

Part 1 of 2

Read Part 1 here, http://blogs.bgsu.edu/pieces/2011/11/16/my-interview-with-a-bgsu-football-player/

On the night of the interview, I got a text from Stephen (my interviewee), saying he was downstairs in the lobby. I brought him up to my room and began to get everything ready. Since I did not own a video camera, I used the camera on my Mac. Once everything was ready and in place, I asked him the first question on my list. He let the question sink in for a moment and opened his mouth to speak.

That’s when his phone went off.

It was his mother, so he took the call, … Continue Reading

My interview with a BGSU football player

It is hard to believe that it is already mid-November. People had told me that senior year of high school flies by, but it is crazy how fast my first year of college is flying by. I have already scheduled my classes for the spring semester, and I am just about to get started on my final assignments.

For these past few weeks, I have been focusing on my final project for my performance class. We have to interview someone about something that has happened in his or her life, and then portray that person in front of the class.

I had … Continue Reading

Theater girl turned sports fanatic

I was never one for sports. I came from a family that was involved in music and theater. When I went to school sporting events, I was only there because I was in the band. I never really paid attention to the games; I just talked to my friends. Sports just did not interest me.

And when I came to BGSU, my view on sports completely changed.

Some of my floor-mates had decided to go to the first home football game, and I was invited to join them. I was hesitant at first. I didn’t like football games, and I certainly did … Continue Reading

I knew classes would be big, but not this big!

One of the big differences about starting college is the class size. It is strange walking into a class where there are already 100 other people waiting for the lecture to begin.

I knew to expect this when I came here, but I really had to see it to believe it. And I sure did believe it! I have five classes – three of them being on the bigger side. Out of all five of these classes, I look forward to going to my two smaller ones.

 My Performance Studies class and my General Studies Writing class have approximately 20 people in … Continue Reading

Freshman’s first thoughts: ‘No one knew my name’

So here I am. My first year at Bowling Green State University.

I can honestly say that I was so excited to finally become a part of something so grand, but at the same time, I was scared out of my mind. I wasn’t ready for such a drastic change.

Leaving everything behind at home made me sad. My family, my adorable schnauzer, my friends, my parish, everything everyone knew me for.


Left behind.

I was going somewhere where no one would know my name. But, as far as freshmen go, we were all in the same boat.

I left home with the thought that … Continue Reading

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