* You are viewing the archive for March, 2011

Let the Countdown Begin by Carla

Since I have been back from break, I have been pretty lazy. I have summer on the brain. I’ve started a countdown with post-its. I started planning out my summer during my math class the other day: join the gym, make money babysitting, catch up on Grey’s Anatomy. There’s now a gap in my notes where information on regression should be. Summer’s close but it’s not that close, so I’m going to make a good effort to hang in there six more weeks. I was certainly grateful for a relaxing spring break.  My break took me to Chicago, then back to Bowling Green, then home and through it all, it rained and snowed and generally acted like winter.  All the same, though, it was awfully great.

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Haunted Happenings by Caitlyn

So, just like anyone else, I always get a little thrill out of being afraid. But did you know that there are “haunted” places in BG where you can test these fears? I know! I am so fascinated by these stories! I do not know if I believe in hauntings or “evil” spirits who are out to get us, but I do believe in spirits.

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Any Reason to Celebrate by Carla

Spring started today, but the campus celebrated early. A few days ago, the campus went green for St. Patrick’s Day. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much green. It’s apparently a big hit on college campuses. I have a theory, though, after witnessing Halloween, Valentine’s Day and a variety of home games here in Bowling Green. Here’s my theory: students and faculty will accept any reason to celebrate.
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Finding My Niche by Carla

Back in the first weeks of school, I went to an involvement fair to learn about the organizations on campus.  I was introduced to a wide range of organizations, from Relay for Life to a juggling team to a high-spirited Academic Quiz Team.  I’d been hoping for something relevant to my major, though, so when the heat started to get to me, I gathered up my accumulation of flyers and freebies and went back to my dorm.

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Spring Break by Caitlyn

Spring break has already come and gone! WOW! That means seven more weeks of school then finals…. It is almost overwhelming. So, rather than focusing on all the work I need to do, I am going to share my spring break with you!

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Weekend With Family by Caitlyn

So, this past week started out like any other week. Monday I dreaded the time spent in lab, Tuesday I didn’t feel like learning but went to class and learned anyway, Wedneday I couldn’t wait until it was Friday, Thursday I prayed for snow. Then, something happened that never happens in BG…. WE GOT A SNOW DAY ON FRIDAY!!!!

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