Treat your RA with respect by Caitlyn
So, I have been back on campus for two weeks doing RA training. And let me tell you, I am beyond shocked at how much work goes into being an RA!
I adored my RA freshman year and now that I have seen the amount of effort she put into everything, I have admired her even more. Then, I tackled the craziest thing on the planet – first-year move in day… in Centennial Hall!
I never experienced move-in day because I was an early move-in my freshman year. So, seeing everything that went into preparing the building and halls was simply astounding.
Then, the students showed up. The line for Centennial stretched to the education building. However, we were able to check in nearly every resident of the hall within a strict time frame.
I have never been so exhausted, not even from jet lag. The past two weeks of preparation and training have resulted in me going to bed at obscure hours of the evening and getting up early to do it all again. Yet, I have loved every minute of it. Last year was my first year, so I know how the students feel. And that makes me even more excited to get to be their resource this year.
I suppose in all, I ask that all first-years respect their RAs. The amount of effort that they have put into their job may not be immediately visible to you, but I can guarantee that they have put in a ton of effort to make life easier for the on-campus BGSU students.