Just call me the frozen yogurt connoisseur
The western United States has had frozen yogurt for a long time. Growing up, I would occasionally check out the TCBY and try something new and exciting.
But about two years ago, frozen yogurt started making a larger scale appearance. Three varieties of frozen yogurt shops opened in and around my hometown. Being able to drive and go check out these places, I discovered that I am a typical teenager – I love frozen yogurt that tastes like ice cream. I also love the idea of putting your twist on the frozen yogurt, as in a variety of toppings. At my favorite frozen yogurt shop, you even get to dispense the frozen yogurt yourself and put on toppings. The price varies d on the weight of your desert.
When I heard that Pinkberry was coming to BG, I was pumped! I LOVE FROZEN YOGURT. The delay in opening was sad, but I moved on. Then, the big opening came! Being an RA in Centennial meant that I could go get frozen yogurt quickly and often if I wanted to.
On opening day, I tried each flavor of Pinkberry. My personal favorite is pomegranate, but I can honestly say that I was not blown away by Pinkberry. After having experience with frozen yogurt, I wanted to be able to dispense my frozen treat that same way I could back home. This was a minor detail, though. The main thing that shocked me was the lack of flavor variety. My favorite shop back home had on average 10 choices and the ability to mix ANY of the flavors. Seeing as my choices were limited, I took what I could get.
There was another noticeable issue that I heard people talking about. This issue, while it was not bothersome to me, since I am what we affectionately call a “Chatty Cathy,” was how much talking the Pinkberry employees did. Many people said that they just wanted to order their Pinkberry and leave since their intention in buying was not to purchase unneeded conversation. I suppose the problem would depend on your personality.
Then there is the price. Many complain about how expensive Pinkberry is, but I will defend these prices for two reasons. One, BGSU gives on campus residents a TON of meal plan and if manage it correctly, the price should not be an issue. Second, it would only make sense to charge $4-5 for something as in demand as frozen yogurt. If people want something bad enough, they will pay the money to eat it.
Overall, I had a good Pinkberry experience, but it was not great. I wish that there was more variety of flavors and it was a self-serve type of business. Yet, I understand that these sorts of features may not be practical for a college campus like BG’s. I do recommend Pinkberry to others but I say be open to possibilities and if you do not like it, well, maybe it is not for everyone.