Becoming an RA … in nine hours

The day I got back to BGSU I began working.  I needed the money to pay rent and wanted to come back early to hang out with friends anyways.

On Wednesday, I had a training session for New Student Orientation (I serve as an Orientation Leader). Because of my awkward schedule, I didn’t go to sleep until 2:30.  Shortly after closing my eyes, my alarm was going off at 5:15 a.m.  to be at Orientation by 6:15.

Running on little sleep, I knew the importance of remaining energetic and professional.  Around 1 p.m. I got a call from the hall director in Offenhaurer.  He wanted to know if I wanted to become an RA for the spring semester (as in three days from now).  I really wanted the position and said yes!

As soon as I got off work at 5 p.m. I started moving into my new RA room in Offenhaurer.  I was moving and organizing until about 11 p.m.  Of course, I couldn’t get to sleep until midnight and only got 5.5 hours of sleep.  After the nine-hour Orientation Day on Friday, I finished moving into my new room by 6 p.m.  THANK GOODNESS!

I organized a bit more Friday night and went out to eat  at Cinco de Mayo with some friends. Saturday, I started RA training at 8:15 a.m.  Normally, RAs have two weeks of training.  I have about nine hours to fit in two weeks of material.  I would say, “Challenge Accepted!”  I love a good challenge.

Out of all this stress in two days, I learned to remain positive.  Even as stressed as I got with little sleep, I still managed to find the bright side of situations.  I know the RA experience will be worthwhile even if there is added “moving-in” stress.  I try to think of all the blessings in my life including my Orientation job, great friends who helped me move in, and a supportive, calming family.  Secondly, Cinco de Mayo is subpar to El Zarape.

Until next time BG,



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