A day in the life of … a math education major

Hello BGers,

Well, things have been a bit better since the stressful blog I posted.  I am finally getting into the swing of things with RA stuff and the new semester starting.  This is the first time since last May that I have been in a real classroom.  It’s a strange feeling.

I have now been to every single class, and the semester seems like it will pan out to be GREAT!  I’m an Adult/Young Adult (AYA) Math Education major with a minor in Intervention Services (Special Ed).  This semester I am taking two math classes, one education class and three special education classes.  Eighteen credits, which is a full workload!  But for some strange reason, I am really excited for the semester to get into the important stuff.  I might regret saying that later.

On Monday, I started my Modern Algebra class. I showed up to class four minutes early, which I thought was fine, and the professor was already teaching!! And not just passing out the syllabus and talking about it.  Literally, teaching our first section.  Then, he went four minutes late.  So, a 50-minute class went for 58 minutes.  In my book:  unacceptable.  The good thing is he seems like a really cool professor.

I went to a class Tuesday and realized it was going to way too much work!  I was going to have to read about 50 pages a night, take a quiz over the chapter and then also write a one-page summary about what the chapter said.  To me, I thought it was useless, so I dropped the class.  And, I know the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” or in this case syllabus, but I am a REALLY SLOW reader.  To read one chapter in a textbook probably takes me an hour.  With 18 credits, I knew I couldn’t devote the time to this particular class. So, instead of getting a bad grade, I signed up for a new class that seemed easier.

Education classes are fairly easy for me.  In addition, the professors won’t just stand up there and lecture.  They get you involved in the classroom.  We watch a lot of movies, participate in group projects and even listen to some songs.  My favorite nerdy YouTube videos are “Teach Me How to Factor.”  Then two Taylor Mali videos, “What Teachers Make” and “The Impotence of Proofreading.”  I think that is why BGSU has such a great education program.  It’s because the professors don’t teach like most professors do and care about you.  They make is much better, and I couldn’t be happier that I chose BGSU for education.

Until next time BG,                                             



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