AIMS program gives students a research edge
I was heavily involved in our Environmental Science Club in high school. I loved the fact that I could be hands-on and learn more about the things I found interesting.
So, in college I wanted to find a program that would offer me the same opportunities.
This is when I found the Academic Investment in Math and Science (AIMS) Scholarship Program on BGSU’s website. This program encompassed everything I was looking for and more.
This program related to my major and would push me to get involved in research and obtain internships. Bonus: It would also help fund my education!
The AIMS program honors 20 incoming freshmen with a $1,500 renewable scholarship that increases by $500 increments every year.
Luckily, the AIMS advisers are very welcoming and want to retain you once you are chosen, so they really work with you so that you are successful and are eligible to keep the scholarship.
One of the best parts is that there are also other scholarships available through the AIMS program for summer terms and the special programs.
The AIMS Program mission is to help women and underrepresented minorities to excel in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
To ensure that the students who are accepted are successful, they require each cohort to attend a four-week summer accelerated program before their first semester begins, schedule one-on-one meetings throughout each semester, obtain an internship and participate in undergraduate research before they graduate.
Although this may seem like a lot of work, I am very glad that I made the commitment.
Although I felt overwhelmed before being accepted into the program, I can honestly it does not feel like work at all.
The summer program gave me an edge by exposing me to the resources on campus, such as The Learning Commons, the Career Center and Student Employment Services.
We met with several BGSU professors, which led me to obtain a position as a research assistant my freshman year of college.
As time goes on, I have grown to appreciate these expectations that the AIMS Program has set for each cohort, not as work, but as chances to better myself and give myself an advantage in the future when I am applying for jobs.
These opportunities grow as the AIMS directors learn what each student needs to excel, whether it be in environmental science, visual communications or biology.
AIMS have recently created Academic Success Teams with the new AIMS cohort to help mentor each other.
We network to find jobs, research projects and graduate schools.
The AIMS Program works to build a family atmosphere, so that students feel that they have a solid foundation to be successful.
The AIMS directors want to retain the students who are accepted into the program by dedicating themselves to advising us throughout the semester.