Learn to say ‘no’

It’s been FOREVER since I have written a blog, and it feels good to do so again.  With all the recent things happening in my life, I haven’t had time for much of anything else.  Each day is a straight 8-5 with class and work.  Following that is an evening of meetings and homework.  I have lost touch with my friends and overcommitted myself to working and organizations.

My problem:  I cannot say no.

I get great satisfaction from being busy and involved in my organizations; however, I never know here to draw the line.  I am too eager and willing to help anyone out with any situation.  So, I put my life (aka classes and friends) on the backburner and focus on someone else.  It took me a month to realize it, but I am losing touch with myself and my friends, and it’s a problem.

One of my goals for this year was simply to have fun.  This isn’t saying I haven’t had fun in college ever, but I wanted to have more fun and have more freedom.  By overcommitting myself, I have pushed this goal away.  Now, I can finally say I am saying NO. I feel comfortable and happy about my most recent decision:  quitting a job that I thought I would have liked.  I am not gaining anything from the position, so I am going to give it up for someone else to hopefully gain something.

My advice to you: Don’t be afraid to say no.  If you have a huge exam and a friend asks you to watch a movie, say no.  Your life is the most important.  It’s OK to be selfish sometimes.  Do things you want to do and save room for free time and social events.  Every Friday, I get lunch on campus with a few friends.  It’s a small tradition that I have been doing since the start of the school year.  When I am with them, I feel more relaxed and comfortable. More myself.  Make sure you get involved, but do not overcommit yourself OR you might regret it.

Until Next Time BG,


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