High School Never Ends . . . Lie! by Demetrius
You would be so surprised as to how many people told me before coming to BG, “You are only from Sandusky! It is basically GLORIFIED high school and it is gonna be the same DRAMA filled place!” …where is a glove so I can smack those people for lying to me. I have been in college for nearly a month now and it is SO very different. There are barely any similarities at all to my very DRAMA filled Sandusky High School, and my easygoing Bowling Green State University.
I can honestly say the only thing that is the same as high school is homework but honestly, college has tweaked the tradition of boring ol’ homework so it is something from a whole new reality. I am so used to my teachers just giving me a syllabus at the beginning of the year, and all it outlined were the expectations from the teacher to the student and MAYBE a list of when test/quizzes were. Now that I am in college, I have a stack of syllabi that is a collection of ALL of my homework assignments for the whole semester…oh and did I mention the various test/quizzes/exams that accompany the homework? It’s a bit stressful and overwhelming.
I, myself, am still trying to figure out how to continue to keep up with my homework without having every class of mine every day in a finite bit of time. That leads me into another worry for most first year college students: what to do about the homework and studying for a class you might only have twice a week. UGGGHHH is what you do about that…or at least how you feel about it.
I guess you could say that college is different from high school is this way also; you are much more inquisitive. High school was a place where you didn’t really ask about what was going to go on because teachers coddled you so you could make it to get your diploma, but in college…coddling is thrown out the window, set on fire, and never to be felt again. These abundant professors, doctors or regular instructors are just here to tell you what to do, what to learn and the deadlines, and it is up to you to do what they say and them not remind you to check your e-mail, or syllabus (also, there is no asking the teacher all of the time…the professors have these lackies that are not really lackies called Grad Assistants to do the question answering for them hahaha).
I can’t really tell you what is going to be different from high school for you, all I can do is speak for me, but I do offer this tid bit from “Meech’s Head”: College is not what you expect. Whatever you are expecting throw it in the street, watch it get ran over by a car, make sure it does not enter your thoughts again, and then finally, HAVE NO EXPECTATIONS ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT IS A RANDOM ACT OF FAITH AS TO WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU HERE!!!! So, take that for what it’s worth and just take things as they come.
Love, Meech(: