Category Archives: Intramural Sports

Student Employment with RecWell Is More Than Just a Job

Are you looking for a good resume builder but also could use some extra cash in your pocket? If so, working for the Department of Recreation and Wellness may be the right choice for you.

According to the BGSU Career Center, there are more than 4,300 students that work on-campus.  The Department of Recreation and Wellness offers opportunities to students that are looking for a job on campus. RecWell employs between 200 and 300 of these students to work at the Student Recreation Center (SRC), the Ice Arena (IA), Perry Field House (PFH), and Forrest Creason Golf Course.

Working for RecWell can be beneficial for students because there is a chance to grow and advance within the department. Employees are rewarded with Rec Bucks when they go above-and-beyond their call of duty and there is a Student of the Month award given out monthly to the department’s hardest workers.

Student employment jobs are put into a category that signifies their rank within the department. Jobs can range from Level 1 to Level 4. Level 1 positions are the entry level jobs, and the highest positions with the most responsibility are put into Level 4.

If you’re just starting a job with RecWell, Level 1 is where most employees will begin. Some of the jobs included are: PFH Attendant, SRC Floor Attendant, and IA Skate Shop Attendant, among others.

Andrew Clair, an employee at the SRC, has made the most of his time working with RecWell.

“It’s been a great place to work,” explained Clair. “I’ve met a lot of cool people and I really enjoy what I do. I started the job this summer and I’ve already learned so much in my short time here [with RecWell].”

Those who perform exceptionally well on the job can receive a promotion to Level 2, which includes managerial positions throughout all departments within RecWell. Level 3 positions include managers of the SRC and PFH among others. Supervisor positions, the highest position a student employee can hold, are categorized in Level 4.

Each level holds more responsibility than the next and at the same time offers more of a reward.  Not only will holding a higher position within the department teach you more about working in a fast-paced environment, you will also earn more money for your work.

“This [job] will look great on my resume,” said Clair. “It doesn’t hurt to add as much experience you can in any department on campus and I think working at the Recreation Center will only help me in the future when I start my career. For students who have no work experience, I recommend trying to find a job with RecWell.”

If a practicum, internship, or graduate assistantship is what you need, RecWell offers excellent opportunities as well.

For more information, check out the Employment Opportunities page on the RecWell website.

Three-on-Three Women’s Intramural Basketball

Monday night, the three-on-three women’s intramural basketball season began. Each three-on-three basketball game is played half court in the Perry Field House. Each successful basket is worth one point and teams are required to record their own scores. The tournament is divided into two divisions: Women’s 5′ 6″ and Under and Open Division. Below are pictures of the first game in the Women’s three-on-three open division tournament. The four teams that competed Monday night were The Breezeway, Team Falcon, Geeks-N-Sneaks and BG Ballers.

If you are interested in joining an intramural team please contact the Department of Recreation and Wellness at 419.372.2464 or email at Please visit the intramural web page for more information concerning costs and eligibility. Also, become a free member of IM Leagues and keep up with your favorite team.

Intramural Ultimate Frisbee Champs: Friends of Jesus

Friends of Jesus celebratory huddle
Friends of Jesus teammates huddle up for the last time this season.  They end their regular season with a 3 – 1 record and win the championship game against Kettering Kounty.

Last week, the Ultimate Frisbee playoffs were held at the Perry Field House over a period of two days. Friends of Jesus squashed the competition and were the overall victors. Intense and aggressive, Friends of Jesus played their first playoff game against team Phrenocon last Tuesday night and wiped the floor with the competition gaining a 10-point lead by the end of the game. Phrenocon team captain, David Harrand, said his team seriously underestimated their competitors and the near shut out by Friends of Jesus upset their usual cooperative attitude with one another.

“We made the mistake of playing in our flag football game just before our frisbee game thinking that Tuesday night was going to be as easy as the regular  season was.” said Harrand. “We clearly weren’t prepared. We were down early in the game and instead of working together we criticized each other. No one was on the same page and everyone wanted to play their own way.”

After a big win against Phrenocon with a final score of 7-17, Friends of Jesus were scheduled to play Kettering Kounty the following night in the championship game.

The Kettering Kounty defense intensifies as Friends of Jesus’s Holden Smith nears the end zone. Ahmed Hayat (center, back, left) attempts to tear away from the Kettering Kounty defense to assist Smith.

Unlike Phrenocon, Kettering Kounty team captain, Nathan Wahle, understood that Friends of Jesus were serious competition.

“[We knew] it would be a tough game to win because we knew how good they were.” said Wahle.

With two teams prepared and ready to play, competition was fierce. The championship game began with an intense alternating goals between the two teams. Within the first two minutes of play, Friends of Jesus scored. Within seconds, Kettering Kounty tied up the game, however, Friends of Jesus quickly gained another one-point lead. This type of intense gameplay continued throughout the championship.

In fact, gameplay became so intense that twice “things got a little heated,” Wahle said. In the second half, a Friends of Jesus offensive player made a beautiful diving catch into the end zone. Friends of Jesus teammates cheered and Kettering Kounty teammates jeered, insisting that the frisbee hit the ground first. Ultimate Frisbee is known as a “gentleman’s sport” which means teams are expected to rely on the honor code in terms of play discrepancies. In the end, they determined the pass to be complete and Friends of Jesus went on to win the championship with a hard-earned win of 13-11.

Participating in intramural sports is a great way to stay active, be competitive and interact with people. According to Scott Sehmann, assistant director for intramurals and sports clubs, nearly 6,000 people participate in intramurals annually, earning approximately $65,000 for the University Sehmann said.

“Our offerings are as vast as any institution in the country and we typically have more divisions(levels of play) then most institutions as well giving more participants an opportunity to compete for an IM Championship title and T-Shirt.” said Sehmann.

If you are interested in joining an intramural team please contact the Department of Recreation and Wellness at 419.372.2464 or email at Please visit the intramural web page for more information concerning costs and eligibility. Also, become a free member of IM Leagues and keep up with your favorite team.

November Intramurals

As the seasons change so do the intramural sports at BGSU.  Say goodbye to intramural football and frisbee, say hello to innertube waterpolo, raquetball, team handball, and wiffleball.  These are the new sports that will be played during the month of november.  Finding a sport that is right for each student is easy because these sports each target different types of people.

If students are looking for a fun, team sport, then handball, whiffleball, or waterpolo is the right choice.  If students are in search of a solo sport, then raquetball is the right choice.  Raquetball is like a strategic chess match against the opponent.  Unlike team sports, each person can only count on themself to make the right shot or do the right thing.  Raquetball is a lot of fun and students should join a league this season.

Whether students want to join a team sport or an individual sport this upcoming season, there are many options to consider.  If there are questions regarding anything intramural visit our online page by clicking HERE!

Internship and Practicum Students Wanted for Recreation and Wellness

Are you looking for an on-campus internship or practicum for the spring semester? Look no further, Recreation and Wellness is now accepting applications for next semester from a wide variety of majors.

The internships and practicums are open to all majors including recreation and tourism, sport management, marketing and journalism.

“We base the jobs on what the academic credentials are of the student,” Lona Leck, Assistant Director of the Department of Recreation and Wellness, said.

Students can apply to the various departments within Recreation and Wellness including the Ice Arena, Intramurals and Sport Clubs, Youth and Family, advertising, Forrest Creason Golf Course, Perry Field House, Student Recreation Center and Wellness Connection.

Leck believes having interns and practicums within the department helps the staff and broadens the knowledge of the department overall.

“We want to get those new ideas from students,” Leck said. “You know what our programs are lacking more than we do.”

Leck also said the department sometimes gets lucky enough to find an intern or practicum student who they hire full-time.

Not only does interning or having a practicum with Recreation and Wellness benefit the department, but also the students.

“It’s a great experience to put on a resume,” Leck said.

Chris McDaniel, a senior Tourism and Event Planning major, interns with Recreation and Wellness and works on marketing in the Perry Field House. McDaniel said he feels he is gaining a lot of valuable knowledge that is going to help him in his future career.

Carolyn Deas, Senior Sports Management major also enjoys having her practicum at the with the Department of Recreation and Wellness.

“As a practicum student, you learn how to plan an event from the very beginning, from contract to execution,” Deas said. “And it’s rewarding to see it progress over time.”

Leck also said working with the department gives students a “taste of what the work in Recreation is really like.”

Students can  only gain valuable resume-worthy experience and enjoy where they work.

We’re really laid back, but we get our work done,” Deas said. “But that doesn’t stop us from taking a few minutes out of our lunch break to fly a kite, which we’ve done.”

While there are multiple internship and practicum opportunities available within the department, students are encouraged to apply early for positions and not wait until the start of the semester.

Leck also recommends students follow the instructions on the web site.

“We’re most impressed with students who follow instructions,” Leck said.

For those interested in applying for a spring internship, follow the link to learn more about the positions offered and apply now.