Prior to college, the one time in my life I had heard about Ultimate Frisbee was from my crazy neighbor Marty, who played the game during his days at Notre Dame and had continued to play with those same buddies years after he graduated. One day, suspicion had risen at my house when Marty made his wife mow the lawn because he had blown out his knee while playing this game he called “ultimate frisbee”. Marty went on and on about this game like a broken record but I had never even heard of it. He tried explaining the game to my father and I but it went in one ear and out the other. Like many people in America, my father and I tended to stick with the traditional games such as; football, baseball, and basketball. Marty stated that this game was much different and that it was big on college campuses.
Besides football, ultimate frisbee may be the most sought after championship amongst collegiate intramural players. After four years of being on this campus I have learned that this game goes further than the intramural competitions. On any given day when the weather is permitting, ultimate frisbee will most likely be played somewhere on campus. The game is very fast paced and full of action. Unlike some other sports, every player on the field is constantly moving and competing against the guy next to him. Honestly, I don’t know the rules, the scoring system, or even how many players are on a team, but it’s something different and it looks fun. Anthony Althauser is a BG student who plays ultimate frisbee. In an interview he said,
“I’ve been playing about 5 years. Ultimate frisbee is fun because it’s competitive and I love running down or diving for a tough catch. It takes a lot of skill but almost anyone can play. You have to be athletic, be able to throw well, and know how to read it in the air. I love it.”
Ultimate Frisbee has been around for a little longer than four decades, created by Joel Silver in 1968. At the time of it’s creation Joel was in high school, but later he also formed the first collegiate club when he attended Lafayette College in 1970. Ultimate Frisbee, in a way, is like a best kept secret among those who play the sport.
At Bowling Green, ultimate frisbee is offered as an intramural sport to all students who attend the university. The fall season began on September 7 and play continues until the end of the month. If you are interested in the game or just want to see people running around chasing a frisbee, the intramural league is played at the Perry Field House on Monday and Wednesday nights. For more information about intramurals click HERE.