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The Sonic Stadium

The Sonic Stadium: “

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”’The Sonic Stadium”’

”’Brief Overview”’

The Sonic Stadium was founded in the year 2000 by Svend ””Dreadknux”” Joscelyne as a small fansite for the popular SEGA character Sonic The Hedgehog.

Since then over the last 8 years it has grown into the (currently) biggest Sonic fansite around, having gone through multiple variations of layouts and staff changes. It currently boasts a forum with large activity called ‘SSMB’. It’s origonal meaning lost, though most likely standing for Sonic Stadium Message Board, some have come to think it may possibly mean SEGA Sonic Message board or Super Sonic Message Board.

It also has a sub-website known as SSN or Sonic Showcase Network. Devoted to things such as artwork, music, fangames, fanfictions and Role plays.

”’The Sonic Stadium”’

As previous stated, The Sonic Stadium also known as =TSS= began in 2000 when Svend ‘Dreadknux’ Joscelyne wished to create something to show his love for Sonic The Hedgehog.

It began with a simple main page, along with details about the games. Such as scans of the Game Manual/box.

Slowly but surely the site grew over the years untill the point where it contained information about Games, Cartoons, Comics (archie-America, Fleetway-Europe), it even grew to contain a very regularly updated News feed dubbed ‘Sonic News’ which contained news about SEGA in general aswell as Sonic Merchandise and upcoming games.

As the site grew in popularity, it grew larger and branched off more into different things. This required a server upgrade and a reach into Dreadknux’s pocket, that is until, Andrew ‘Hawkz’ Hawkes offered to pay for the server costing him 135ASD a month. This was generally unknown to the public therefore Hawkz did not get the credit he deserved from fans.


The Sonic Stadium branched off into two main large sites.

The first one was ”’Sonic Spriters Network”’ (SSN), as of 2007/8 it became known as the Sonic Showcase Network. As can be derived from the name, SSN was made for the fanbase of sonic who loved working with Sprites. That is to say fangames, sprite comics, or pixel artwork.

The owner of SSN Rory ””Roareye Black”” Joscelyne, Svend’s brother, decided one day that SSN could do a lot more, and with a website overhaul and a name change, it began to incorporate all new kinds of things sonic. It gave artists a place to put their artwork and a place for musicians to put their Sonic Game tablature and recordings.

As of ’08 It is one of the most active areas of The Sonic Stadium.

The second branch of TSS was the Sonic Site Awards or SSA. This is the part of TSS where they linked to other Sonic fansites and had fans vote on them for different area’s of expertise such as information, layout, best forum etc. And an award was issued for each area of expertise. During the time of SSA every year The Sonic Stadium receives more hits due to each site linking to them for voting.


The SSMB is The Sonic Stadium’s forum led by Allan ””Roarey Raccoon”” Fildes. It is one of the most popular forums in the fanbase and has suffered many ‘Attacks’ in the past all of which have been dealt with rather well by the staff.

The forum itself has been through a couple of major changes, most notably back in 2004 when it was started over completely. And then more recently in 2008 when it was changed to a smaller ‘easier’ design cutting out some of the sections deemed ‘redundant’ and ‘unnecessary’


SSR, or SEGASonicRadio is a popular online radio show led by ””Roarey Raccoon”” and features many ‘LiveCASTS’ from different DJ’s throughout the week. it has a 24/7 stream when there is no DJ live that plays Sonic/SEGA music from a large playlist selection.


The Sonic stadium also has an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel on the server the channel is #sonicstadium it is led by ””Joshu”” and ””Gilder/Gildy”” and is quite popular during the time of LiveCASTS or other events held by The Sonic Stadium

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

March 14, 1992

March 14, 1992: “

RSkyhawk: Tagging for [[WP:SD|speedy deletion]], [[WP:SD#G7|blanked or requested by creator]] ([[WP:HG|HG]])


(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

From the Devil’s Chalice

From the Devil’s Chalice: “


””’From the Devil’s Chalise””’ is long waited ep by [[black metal]] band [[Behexen]].

”’Track listing”'<br />


01. Canto I – Invocation of Zabulus 05:00<br />
02. Canto II – Melancholic Rememberances of Dark Times 05:16<br />
03. Canto III – from the Devil’s Chalise 04:48<br />
04. Canto IV – Void… 04:48<br />
05. Canto V – Holy Foul 05:05<br />
06. Canto VI – Canticle (for Ye Lord) 05:09<br />

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Cam deas

Cam deas: “

VasileGaburici: {{references}}

Cam Deas, born Cameron Jacob Deas is a Folk, Minimalist, Experimental artist currently based in Sheffield, England.

== Early Life ==

Born in Greenwich on June 29th, 1989 to parents Chris and Margaret, much of Cameron’s early life is unknown and it is common fact between fans that he is a character of mystery.
Records of Cameron mainly begin around the time of his primary school education at Chestnut Lane Primary school in Chesham Bois, Buckinghamshire. At this time Cameron suffered from a mild stutter but this did not stop him from forming a friendship with a young Samuel Tippet (a school mate whole lived along the same road) and being a superb student and achieving the necessary high grades to gain a place at the notorious and well respected Doctor Challanors Grammar school. Although only aged 11, Cameron was already well on the way to becoming the accomplished guitarist that he is today.
At this time Cameron met local child Thomas Kilburn through Samuel and the three formed an instant bond.

Years later at the age of thirteen, Cameron made his first major, musical appearance with the formation of a band with friends Sam and Tom. The trio went through various disastrous names before settling on ‘Formaldehyde’. The band debuted at the local youth club, ‘Lens’ and the show became the start of Cameron’s live career.

== The ‘Formaldehyde’ years ==

His skills already developing, playing his infamous black Ibanez, Cameron and the band became a youth phenomenon of the local music scene with songs; ‘My Life’ and ‘I wanna be your dog’. The band played numerous shows around local areas and gained a small cult following.
As the band progressed and began to find themselves they moved away from their original ‘pop-punk’ roots with Cameron’s guitar style borrowing from bands such as Alkaline Trio and N.W.A.
Around this time the band shortened its name to Form, and whilst still keeping their ‘party’ attitude (involving on-stage stints such as milk drinking competitions) started to make heavier music, mainly due to Cameron’s recent purchase of a Laney amp head. This would prove to be a staple to his electric guitar based music. This also signaled the end of his ridiculously poor and explosive prone Behringer V-amp.
Towards the age of 16 Cameron and the band began to disband due to GCSE study. Although the band would still play irregular gigs, they became less and less regular and almost came to a complete stop around the age of 18. It was at this time that Cameron began becoming a lot more spanish guitar based and this was evident with his music production and live performances of Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ at his high school.

== Current Career ==

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Vivian Girls (album)

Vivian Girls (album): “


””’Vivian Girls””’ is the debut album by [[lo-fi]]/[[punk]] band [[Vivian Girls]], released in 2008.

=Track Listing=
#All the Time
#Such a Joke
#Wild Eyes
#Going Insane
#Tell the World
#Where Do You Run To
#Never See Me Again
#I Believe in Nothing

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)


Nerdzpwnms: “

Brewcrewer: Requesting speedy deletion ([[WP:CSD#G11|CSD G11]]). ([[WP:TW|TW]])

NerdzPwnMs is a maplestory private server that everyone would like to play, We have a 24/7 dedicated server, 4th job, pets, and skills are automaxed. Come to

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Count von count band

Count von count band: “

JustinVavala: new page.

Count von Count [] are a Stoner-Doom band from Wilmington, Delaware consisting of Justin Vavala, Tom Ewing, and Justin Angeline.

They have released 3 official EPs: ”Self-titled”, ”Dark Side of the Dune”, and ”Hey Asshole”. <ref></ref>
They also have recorded songs for an Upcoming split release with Delaware’s own Melon, Ape!, and Onita.

Other releases include: Split 7inch with Tit Patrol on Madison Underground Records {<ref></ref>, Several short run EPs, and a repressing of their first two EPs on one Disc (”Biggest Hits)” <ref></ref>

Their personal motto is: Play Loud and Intoxicated.

Many believe that noone in the band will live to be 30 years old.

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)


B^U: “

CurtDogg: [[WP:AES|←]]Created page with ‘[[REDIRECT|]]’


(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

The Bites Site

The Bites Site: “

VasileGaburici: Requesting speedy deletion ([[WP:CSD#A7|CSD A7]]). ([[WP:TW|TW]])

[ The Bites Site]

The Bites Site is a food blog that was created in August 2008. It is for cooks of all levels – from beginners to experienced. The Bites Site gives recipes and explanations of how to create them. With play by play photos, readers find it easy to understand how to create and cook these dishes.

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Who helped venezula gain independence

Who helped venezula gain independence: ”

Brewcrewer: Requesting speedy deletion ([[WP:CSD#G2|CSD G2]]). ([[WP:TW|TW]])

i need help with a project and it consist of me knowing the dates that south America gained independence as well as the hero’s that helped gain the independence and what caused the rebellion

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

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