News (NDSU affiliation)

News from Sivagroup during affiliation to NDSU (prior to research group move to BGSU)

July 2017

Sivagroup left NDSU to Bowling Green State University and the Center for Photochemical Sciences. Group members thank NDSU for their tremendous support for the last 11 years.

Ravi and Sunil attend the Gordon Conference in Photochemistry.

June 2017

Group members present at the Great Lakes Regional meeting in Fargo, ND. Anthony presented an talk and other group members - Sapna, Sunil and Ravi presented posters. undergraduate student Zach also presented a poster. PRof. Siva gave two talks one in two different sessions.

May 2017

Group attends the Ohio Photochemical Society conference (OOPS) at Maumee Bay. Sunil, Ravi and Sapna present posters and Prof. Siva was an guest speaker

April 2017

Sivagroup's collaborative work with Prof. Erik Hobbie's group on Origin of Stretched-Exponential Photoluminescence Relaxation in Size-Separated Silicon Nanocrystals,  (doi: gets pulished in AIP Advances, Congrats 

Group new thioxanthone catalyst developed by Akila and Tony gets published in J. Phy. Org. Chem. as part of the Waldemar Adam Special Issue (DOI: 10.1002/poc.3738)

 Mar 2017

Aza Paternò-Büchi Reaction published in  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. as an Frontispiece; (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201702273R2 and 10.1002/ange.201702273R2).  Congrats Elango and Sunil

Feb 2017

Transposed Paternò-Büchi Reaction published in J. Am. Chem. Soc.,  (DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b05936 ). Congrats Elango and Sunil

Life cycle assessment of photodegradable polymeric material derived from renewable bio-resources  appears in J. Clean. Prod.  (DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.10.177). This is a collaborative work with Jim Stone (south Dakota school of mines) and NDSU CSMS researchers.

 Jan 2017

Congrats Akila for her paper in Chemical Communications on Photo-auxiliary approach - Enabling excited state classical phototransformations with metal free visible light irradiation

Group members welcomed the new year by attending 26th INTER-AMERICAN PHOTOCHEMICAL SOCIETY MEETING -Sarasota, FL. Akila, Anthony, Sunil and Ravi presented poster and Prof. Siva gave oral talk.

Dec 2016

Elango, Ramya and Sunil paper on Transposed Paternò–Büchi Reaction was published in Great going congrats all. 

Nov 2016

Siva and Ravi attended 2ndKU-NDSU Joint Symposium on Biotechnology, Nanomaterials and Polymers at Kagoshima, Japan. Prof. Siva gave oral talk and Ravi presented “Completing the Cycle: Photodegradation as a tool to make sustainable and recyclable Polymers/Oligomers Derived from Bioresources”. Kudos for the participation towards international collaboration.

Group published Accounts article on Tale of Twisted Molecules. Atropselective Photoreactions: Taming Light Induced Asymmetric Transformations through Non-biaryl Atropisomers. Congrats all. Go siva group!!!!!

Oct 2016

Congrats Ramya for the publication in Journal of Cleaner Production-“Life cycle assessment of photodegradable polymeric material derived from renewable Bioresources”. Group thanks Prof. Sibi, Prof. Webster and Prof. Stone for wonderful collaboration.

Sapna presented her Second year seminar to the department on “Photochromic Molecular Switches in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”.

Sep 2016

Akila successfully defended her dissertation on “Visible Light Photocatalysis of N-N Bond Based Compounds “ and becomes 6th PhD student of Sivagroup. Congrats Akila.!!!!!

Ramya joined as a Postdoc in Luis Campos research group at Columbia University. Group wishes her all the best.

Aug 2016

Akila presented her work on Visible light induced polymerization of alkenes under solvent free conditions and gave a talk on Choromethylation under metal free photocatalysis, at 252nd ACS NATIONAL MEETING -Philadelphia, PA.

July 2016

Nandini’s paper on “Photoreactions with twist- Atropisomerism-Driven Divergent Reactivity of Enones with UV and Visible Light” in collabration with Prof. Sunoj was published in Chemistry of European Journal. Congratulations Nandini and thanks for good collabration.

Congrats Anthony, Nandini and Retheesh for their work on Metal-Free Visible Light-Mediated Photocatalysis: Controlling Intramolecular [2 + 2] Photocycloaddition of Enones through Axial Chirality , was published in JOC as a special issue in photocatalysis.

Ravi attended the 1st International symposium on materials derived from renewable at North Dakota State University, ND and presented his research.

Akila participated in ACS Division of Organic Chemistry 2016 Graduate Research Symposium at Bryn Mawr College, PA and presented poster on “Visible light mediated photocatalysis of classical photoreactions”

Mona Abdelrahman, joined siva group as a PICNICS (Parents involvement with Children Nurturing Intellectual Curiosity in Science) student and worked on light mediated photochemical transformations.

June 2016

As a joint collaboration between Prof. Ramamurthy and Prof Siva a Chemical Review article on Supramolecular Photochemistry as a Potential Synthetic Tool: Photocycloaddition was published as part of the Special Issue: Photochemistry in Organic Synthesis. The review was highlighted as a Cover art.

Congrats Dr. Retheesh and Prof Siva for the publication on Synthesis of silicon quantum dots using cyclohexasilane in Journal of Materials Chemistry C. This was published in collaboration with Prof. Sibi and Prof. Boudjouk.

Akila attended 20th ACS GC&E CONFERENCE 2016, - Portland, OR and gave an oral talk on her research

Ravi, Akila and Prof. Siva attended 36th Reaction Mechanism Conference at St Louis University, MO. Ravi and Akila presented their research by poster presentation.

Sunil attended ACS Summer School in Green Chemistry and Sustainable Materials - Colorado School of Mines, CO. He did poster presentation on his research on Transposed Paternò-Büchi Reaction.

Siva group host two high school students, Heather One Horn and Sasha Azure from Solen High School, ND and Saul Bobtail Bear, Josh Silk form Sitting bull college Fort Yates, North Dakota, as a part of NATURE (Nurturing American Tribal Undergraduate Research and Education) to promote and encourage native American students for STEM education.

Abbey Forward, a Governor school student joined siva group to work on photodegradable polymers.

Anthony started collaborated work with Prof. Yoshimi at University of Fukui.

Retheesh Krishnan  joined as Faculty in Department of Chemistry, Government College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram

May 2016

Ramya defends her thesis and becomes the 5th PhD student from sivagroup. Congratulations Ramya!!

Congrats Ramya for her paper in Chemical Communications on “Engaging electronic effects for atropselective [5+2]-photocycloaddition of maleimide”

Anthony attended NSF/IAPS Workshop on Photocatalysis, Photoconversion and Photoelectrochemistry: Fundamentals, Techniques and Applications for the 21st Century and also participated in I-APS (Inter-American Photochemical Society), conference Santiago Chile and did poster presenation on Controlling Intramolecular [2+2] Photocycloaddition of Enones by Axial Chirality.

Sapna received Dr. Robert and Mary Ann Tucker Presidential Research Fellowship from College of Science and Mathematics. Congrats Sapna.

April 2016

Nandini’s cover page was featured as Frontispiece: Organophotocatalysis: Insights into the Mechanistic Aspects of Thiourea-Mediated Intermolecular [2+2] Photocycloadditions for Angew Chem. Congrats Nandini!!!

Congrats Akila for getting selected to her work at the Graduate Research Symposium sponsored by ACS-DOC. Congrats Akila.

Congrats Ravi for receiving the 1st prize in the poster presentation sponsored by the Graduate Student Council.

 March 2016

Congrats Sunil for getting selected to attend the ACS Green Chemistry workshop in Colorado.

Nandini's Organophotocatalyisis paper gets published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. It is also selected as an Frontispiece article. 

Congrats Akila Iyer and Anthony Clay for receiving an IAPS travel fellowship (Sponsored by NSF). They will be presenting their work at the IAPS 2016 conference in Chilie. In addition, they will attend a workshop. Thank you IAPS.

February 2016

Congrats Anthony Clay for receiving an NSF fellowship to visit Japan this summer. Thank you NSF!

January 2016

Zeolite dye decomposing paper, a collaborative publication with Prof. Ramamurthy (University of Miami) paper gets published in Journal of photochemistry and photobiology A: Chemistry as part of the Yoshihisa Inoue Special issue.

December 2015

Ramya's organocatalysis paper gets published in Journal of photochemistry and photobiology A: Chemistry as part of the Yoshihisa Inoue Special issue.

Nandini successfully defends her doctoral dissertation. She will be joining Prof. Porco's group in Boston University.

November 2015

The group welcomes new graduate student Sapna Ahuja.

Prof. Siva becomes an associate editor for RSC advances.

September 2015

Elango and Ramya's Chem. Rev. article gets published. Congrats Elango and Ramya.

July 2015

Inforum, the Fargo-Moorhead news paper highlights the PICNICS progarm (PDF).

Congrats Ramya for receiving the NDSU Graduate School Fellowship.

2015th PICNCS program students presented their resarch work in the poster sesson held at NDSU.

Prof. Siva's prested the programmed degradaton work at the ACS Green Chemistry confernce.

Groups work gets hightlighted in European photochemical society newsletter. Congrats Group!

June 2015

  • Graduate student Akila Iyer was selected to attend 19th Annual ACS-Green Chemistry and Engineering conference, N Bethesda, MD. July 2015.
  • Graduate students Ramya Raghunathan and Akila Iyer were selected to attend 2015 Gordon Research Seminar and Gordon Research Conference, Stone hill college, Easton. July 2015
  • Graduate student Ramya Raghunathan got selected to give oral presentation at 2015 Gordon Research Seminar, Stonehill College, Easton, MA.
  • Graduate student Ramya Raghunathan was selected to attend Graduate Research Symposium. This was sponsored by Division of Organic Chemistry. She will be presenting her work at the conference at St. Edward University, Austin. July 2015.

May 2015

  • Graduate students Ramya Raghunathan and Akila Iyer received the 2015 Robert MaryAnn Tucker Research award from department of chemistry and biochemistry, NDSU.
  • Graduate students Ramya Raghunathan and Akila Iyer received Dean travel award from NDSU College of science and Mathematics to attend the GRC meeting in photochemistry.

April 2015

  • Group receives NSF funding. Thank you NSF for your continued support of our research program.

Feburary 2015

  • Graduate student Anthony Clay secured 2nd place in a poster presentation at graduate student association 2015-research and arts forum held at NDSU.

January 2015

  • Graduate student Nandini received the best poser presentation award (1st place) at the poster 2015 IAPS conference in Fl.
  • Graduate student Nandini received 2015 I-APS travel grant.
  • Graduate student Elango received the 2014 I-APS- Gerhard Closs student award and presented his research work in 24th Winter I-APS conference 2015.

December 2014

  • Graduate students Nandini Vallavoju, Akila Iyer and Ramya Raghunathan received Dean travel award from NDSU College of science and Mathematics to attend 24th Winter I-APS conference.

November 2014

  • Congrats Ramaya, Saravana and Retheesh for the ACIE paper being selected across different media outlet . The research is a collaborative effort between the groups of Siva, Sibi and Webster as part of the sustaniable materails program. (Science magazine science Shot- Link | PDF; Newswise highlight - Link | PDF; Science Daily highlight - Link | PDF; IFL science highlight - Link | PDF; NDSU press release - PDF).

July 2014

  • Congrats Anthony and Akila for getting selected to participate in the 2014 ACS green chemistry summer school to be held in Colorado school of Mines, Co.
  • Nandini has been selected to present her research work at Graduate research seminar series organized by ACS-Division of organic chemistry meeting at UC Irvine. CA. Congrats Nandini!

June 2014

  • Congrats Anthony for being named the recipient of Milde scholarship.
  • Congrats Ramya for receiving the Chemistry graduate Student Scholarship.
  • Congrats Ramaya for receiving three awards at the American Society for Photobiology conference held at San Diego, CA. - The Urbach Travel award, Poster of Merit Award and Best poster award from ACS Bioconjugate chemistry.
  • Nandini's Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. paper highlighted in Synfacts by Prof. Benjamin List (Link).
  • Elango and Ramya's paper on visible light initiated photoreactions involving atropisomeric maleimides appears in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congrats Elango and Ramya!

May 2014

  • Congrats Nandini for receiving the Graduate Research Fellowship from NDSU.
  • Congrats Elango for receiving the best poster award from "Frontiers in biomedical research symposium" held at Fargo, ND.

April 2014

  • Nandini's paper on Enantioselective organophotocatalysis mediated by atropisomeric thioureas, which is a collaborative research effort with the Sibi group appears in Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Congrats Nandini!
  • Nandini's Supramolecular Photocatalysis review appears in Chem. Soc. Rev., Congrats Nandini!.
  • Congrats Ramya for receiving the Travel award from the Dean of Science and Mathematics.

January 2014

  • Ankolase, Anthony and Elango's paper on Enantiospecific photocyclization mediated by heavty atom effect appears in Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. as part of Nick Turro memorial issue. Congrats Anoklase, Anthony and Elango!

September 2013

  • Prof. Siva invited to present at the ACS committee of science, Emerging science frontier: Young investigators symposium during the Fall 2013 ACS meeting to be held at Indianapolis.

July 2013

  • Ramya, Elango and Akila's paper on enantiospecific Paterno-Buchi reaction appears in Chem. Commun. Congrats Ramya, Elango and Akila!

May 2013

  • Elango has been selected to present his research work at Graduate research seminar series organized by ACS-Division of organic chemistry meeting at Delaware. Congrats Elango!
  • Ramya has been selected to participate in the 2013 ACS green chemistry conference to be held in Colorado school of Mines, Co. Congrats Ramya!
  • Elango and Nandini have been selected to presented their research work at Gordon research seminars. Elango will be presenting a poster as well as a research talk. Nandini will be presenting a poster on her research. Congrats Nandini and Elango!

April 2013

  • Anoklase successfully defends his PhD. He is headed to UCLA to work under the guidance of Prof. Miguel Garcia-Garibay. Anoklase was named the recipient of UNCF-Merck Post-doctoral fellowship. He will also receive the Chancellor's Post-doctoral fellowship from UCLA to carry our his post-doctoral research. Congrats Anoklase!

January 2013

  • Prof. Siva has been named as the Editor of Journal of photochemistry and Photobiology: A - Chemistry, an Elsevier Journal. (link to journal)
  • Anoklase and Elango's paper on pressure effect on non-biaryl atropisomers and their photochemical reactivity, done in collaboration with Prof. Yoshihisa Inoue's group at Osaka University, appears in Chem. Eur. J. Congrats Anoklase and Elango!
  • Barry's paper of Cucurbit[8]uril mediated photoreaction upon mechanical grinding appreas in Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry. Congrats Barry!
  • Dr. Saravana Kumar from IIT-madras joins the group as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome Saravana! He has a joint appointment with the Sibi’s group and will be working on the sustainable materials funded by NSF ND-EPSCoR in collaboration with Dean Webster’s group at Coatings and Polymeric Materials.
  • Group members, Anoklase, Elango, Nandini and Ramya presented their research work at the IAPS conference in Florida. Prof. Siva received the IAPS young investigator award and delivered his award lecture.

November 2012

  • Elango's paper on enantiospecific [2+2]-photocycloaddition appears as part of Young investigator speical issue in Chem. Commun. Congrats Elango!
  • The group welcomes two new graduate students. Anthony and Akila, welcome to the group.

September 2012

  • Congrats Nandini for receiving the best poster award from "Symposium on Sustaniable materials and Light Driven Processes" at NDSU.

August 2012

  • Barry successfully defends his PhD public defense. He will be moving to Center for Photochemical Sciences as a Post-Doctoral Fellow to work with Prof. Castellano from September 2012. Congrats Barry and Best of Luck!
  • Graduate students Anoklase, Elango, Nandini and Ramya receive travel award from the Dean's office. Congrats!

July 2012

  • Elango receives the ND-EPSCoR dissertation fellowship for 2012-2014. Congrats Elango! (News Release).
  • REU student Danielle Barnett wrote about her experience of working in the siva group. (Link to Dana's blog).

June 2012

  • Anoklase selected as one of the graduate students to give a talk at Barga (Luca), Italy as part of the graduate symposium organized by the Gordon Research Conference and Gordon research seminar for graduate students. Congrats Anoklase!
  • Summer PICNCIS student Mason DuBord REU student Danielle Barnett and Governor School Student Elizabeth Hendrickson join the group to carry out their research activities.

May 2012

  • Elango and Nandini selected to participate in the 2012 ACS green chemistry conference to be held in Boulder, Colorado. Congrats Elango and Nandini!

April 2012

  • Prof. Siva to receives funding from NSF, his CAREER renewal grant.
  • Anoklase selected to the 2012 Division of Organic Chemistry graduate symposium to be held in Boulder, Colorado. Congrats Anoklase!

February 2012

  • Prof. Siva to receive 2012 Peltier Award for Innovation in Teaching.

January 2012

December 2011

  • Anoklase to receive NASA fellowship. Congrats Anoklase!

November 2011

  • Graduate student Ramya Raghunathan joins the group. Welcome to the group!

October 2011

  • Elango's paper on light induced enantiospecific transfer in axially chiral pyridone appears in JACS. Congrats Elango!

August 2011

June 2011

  • Prof. Siva to visit Osaka University as a GCOE (Global Education and Research Center for Bio-Environmental Chemistry) visiting young professor.

May 2011

  • Prof. Siva is named the recipient of 2011 "Excellence in Teaching " award from college of Science and Mathematics, NDSU, Fargo.
  • The Grammaticakis-Neumann Prize lecture given at the swiss chemical society meeting, appears as a cover review article in CHIMIA.
  • Barry's paper on supramolecular photocatalysis appears in Chem. Commun. as part of the supramolecular chemistry special issue.

April 2011

  • Prof. Siva is one of the sixteen young investigators selected internationally to deliver a invited lecture at the ACS Young Investigator Symposium, Organic Division, Denver ACS-2011 Fall meeting.
  • Anoklase's paper on enantiospecific axial chiral transfer in the solid state appears in Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. as part of the special issue in honor of Prof. Yoshihisa Inoue.
  • Both Barry and Anoklase are selected to attend the Green Chemistry Conference at Montreal Canada. Congrats guys!

March 2011

  • Anoklase named the recipient of the GlaxoSmithKline Fellowship Graduate Fellowship from NOBBCChe. (Link). Congrats Anoklase!

February 2011

  • Barry's paper on coumarin photophysics within CBs published in Canadian Journal of Chemistry as part of the special issue for Prof. Tito Scaiano.
  • Book chapter written by Prof. Siva and Prof. Murthy from Univ. of Miami on photochemistry within zeolites appears in the edited book Supramolecular Photochemistry.

January 2011

  • Anoklase' s paper on spin state dependence of enantiospecificity appears in Chem. Commun.

September 2010

August 2010

  • Barry receives the ND EPSCoR dissertation fellowship for 2010-2012. Congrats Barry!

July 2010

  • PICNICS program summer 2010 concludes with a poster session (Links)

May 2010

  • Anoklase has been named the recipient of the NSF_graduate fellowship. Congrats Anoklase! (Link)

  • Josepha's paper on Axial Chiral memory appears in Chem. commun. Congrats Josepha!

  • Two new graduate students, Elango and Nandini, join the group. Welcome to the group!

April 2010

  • Prof. Siva is named the recipient of 2010 "Excellence in Research" award from college of Science and Mathematics, NDSU, Fargo.
  • Barry named the recipient of the 2010 Graduate Student Research award from college of Science and Mathematics, NDSU. Congrats Barry. (Link)

March 2010

  • Anoklase has been awarded the UNCF-Merck Graduate Research Fellowship. Congrats Anoklase! (Link)
  • Barry's Chem Commun paper highlighted by SynFacts! (Link)

December 2009

  • Prof. Siva is named the recipient of the 2010 Grammaticakis-Neumann Prize from the Swiss Chemical Society given to a outstanding independent young researcher (News release from the Swiss Chemical Society). We thank the Swiss Chemical Society for this honor.
  • Barry Receives GraSUS fellowship. Congrats Barry!
  • Barry's paper on Supramolecular Catalysis in Chemical Communication selected as a hot paper. Congrats Barry! (Link)

November 2009

  • Barry's paper on Supramolecular Catalysis appears in Chemical Communication. (Link)

August 2009

  • Anoklase Receives fellowship from the Osaka University Global COE Program, Global Education and Research Center for Bio-Environmental Chemistry (GCOE). Congrats Anoklase!

July 2009

  • Anoklase's and Josepha's paper on paper on Enantiospecific g-hydrogen abstraction in JACS (Link)

March 2009

  • Anoklase's paper on Enantiospecific 6p-photocyclization appears in JACS (Link)

January 2008

August 2007

  • Anoklase Ayitou Named as the McNair Scholar for 2007-2008

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