Jackson Article Published in African and Black Diaspora


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Dr. Nicole Jackson had an article published in African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal.  Her article, “‘A nigger in the new England’: ‘Sus’, the Brixton riot, and citizenship” appeared in the most recent volume, available for download here. From her abstract, “This paper situates the Brixton riot within the context of Section IV of the 1824 Vagrancy Act, which shaped the lives of Black youth in the 1970s and early 1980s, and demonstrates the level to which Black people were historically marginalized in English society in the post-World War II period.”

For more on Dr. Jackson’s research and interests, please visit her faculty page.

Dr. Nicole Jackson

Dr. Nicole Jackson

Grunden Presents at Conference on Chemical Weapons at Max Planck Institute


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Dr. Walt Grunden recently presented at a conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of the use of chemical weapons in Belgium, conducted by the Max Planck Institute in Berlin. Grunden presented “No Retaliation in Kind: Japanese Chemical Weapons Policy in China and the Pacific,” on Japan’s use of chemical weapons against the Chinese in World War II. He examined interviews related to the Tokyo Trials of General Hideki Tojo and two other generals who had authorized widespread use primarily of “sneezing gas” similar to tear gas, plus mustard and other gases in Japan’s battles against the Chinese when the Chinese outnumbered or were beating them.

For more on Dr. Grunden’s presentation, and an interview conducted by the BGSU News, please visit: http://www.bgsu.edu/news/2015/06/chemical-weapons.html. For more on Dr. Grunden’s research and teaching, visit his faculty page.

Dr. Walt Grunden

Dr. Walt Grunden


Nichter Books Forthcoming


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Luke Nichter, Ph.D. alum from the Graduate Program in Policy History, will have several books released in the coming months:

·         Richard Nixon and Europe: The Reshaping of the Postwar Atlantic Alliance, published May, 2015 by Cambridge University Press.

·         Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and the Decline of the Eastern Establishment is now under contract with Yale University Press. This will be the first biography of Lodge, who found himself near the epicenter of so many significant 20th century events.

·         The Nixon Tapes: 1973, co-authored with Douglas Brinkley, will be published September, 2015 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. The is the sequel volume to the New York Times bestseller The Nixon Tapes: 1971-1972 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014).  A written offer has been accepted for a Mandarin version to be published by the top Chinese academic publisher SDX/Sanlian.

Dr. Luke Nichter signing a copy of his book, The Nixon Tapes

Dr. Luke Nichter signing a copy of his book, The Nixon Tapes

Seven Masters Students Present at New Scholars Conference at Drew University


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Seven Masters students representing the Graduate Program in Policy History at Bowling Green State University presented at the Dean Hopper New Scholars Conference at Drew University in Madison, NJ.

Michael Ginnetti presented “USeless and UNbelievable: How the U.S. and the U.N. Abandoned Rwanda to Genocide,” on a panel titled “Questions & New Perspectives Regarding International Law.” Victoria Harwood presented “Science vs. Theology: A Historiographical Review on the Work of Andrew D. White,” on a panel titled “Modern Uses and Responses to Religion.” Alex Sycher presented “Capital Punishment in Wood County, Ohio, 1820-1900,” on a panel titled “The Lens of Local Laws.”

Aaron Lewis presented “Reconstruction in America: From Origins to Revisionism,” on a panel titled “Revising the American Civil War.” Liz Adamo presented “Complicity and Resistance in French Women’s Colonial Nonfiction: The Case of Clotilde Chivas-Baron,” on a panel titled “Women on the Periphery.” Brian Yager presented “Northwest Ohio Political Sentiment during the 1863 Gubernatorial Election,” and Joe Lueck presented “‘Paying the Penalty for Lawlessness’: Major Stephen Cabot’s Account of the Boston Draft Riot,” on a panel titled “Recovering the Local Impact of the American Civil War.”

The students then departed for New York City for a couple days of sight-seeing and cultural exposure.

Masters Students at the Dean Hopper Conference in Drew University

Masters Students at the Dean Hopper Conference in Drew University

Graduate Awards Presented at “Excellence in History”


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The Graduate Awards were presented by graduate coordinator Dr. Michael Brooks on Friday, April 24 at the “Excellence in History” celebration. The following were recognized:

Outstanding Teaching Assistant: Michael Ginnetti, for his work in Dr. Benjamin Greene and Dr. Rebecca Mancuso’s courses.

Outstanding Seminar Paper: Joe Lueck, for his paper “‘Gun Battle on Prospect’: Competing Visions of Heroism in Dirty Thirties Bowling Green,” written for Dr. Rebecca Mancuso’s local history seminar.

Outstanding Departmental Citizen: Michael Ginnetti.

Outstanding Dissertation: Jay Perry, for his work, titled “The Chinese Question: California, British Columbia, and the Making of Transnational Immigration, 1847-1885.” Dr. Jay Perry was advised by Dr. Rebecca Mancuso (dissertation advisor), Dr. Scott Martin, Dr. Vibha Bhalla, and Dr. Eber Dena.

Joe Lueck receiving the Seminar Paper award

Joe Lueck receiving the Seminar Paper award

Michael Ginnetti receiving the Departmental Citizen and Teaching Assistant Awards

Michael Ginnetti receiving the Departmental Citizen and Teaching Assistant Awards


Phi Alpha Theta Inducts New Members at “Excellence in History”


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Phi Alpha Theta inducted its newest members into the history honorary at the Department of History’s “Excellence in History” celebration on Friday, April 24 in the Student Union.

Current president Joe Faykosh provided some information on the organization and its activities from the present year, while recognizing current officers and the incoming president, Joe Lueck.

New members were: Liz Adamo, William Bosch, Kaysie Harrington, Rebecca Larntz, Aaron Lewis, Nanosh Lucas, Nichole McCrory, Anna Ocreto, Tanya Schardt, and Alexandra Schmidt.

Current officers were: President Joe Faykosh, Vice President Rachel Pawlowicz, Secretary Joan Eardly, Treasurer Alex Sycher, Historian Michael Ginnetti, and Archivist Travis Snyder. The group is advised by Dr. Beth Griech-Polelle.

President Joe Faykosh presents the Phi Alpha Theta cake with new member Ally Schmidt and Lanna Demers

President Joe Faykosh presents the Phi Alpha Theta cake with new member Ally Schmidt and Lanna Demers

Undergraduate Research Forum and Awards Presented at “Excellence in History”


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The Department of History held its annual “Excellence in History” celebration on Friday, April 24 in Bowen-Thompson 207. Lindsey Bauman presented “Irish Women in America: An Exploration of Independence Supplemented by Poetry,” written for Dr. Rebecca Mancuso’s research seminar. Kasie Durkit presented “First Ladies Who Don’t Play by the Rules: Feminism in the East Wing,” written for Dr. Nicole Jackson’s seminar “The US Since 1945.”

The following undergraduates prepared research posters for the banquet: Briana Grooms on “Margaret Sanger”; Nichole McCrory on “Hitler’s Youth”; Daniel Rossignol on “President Truman’s Firing of General MacArthur”;  Tanya Schardt on “Col Patrick Guiney and 1SG Michael MacNamara: Two social classes, one need to tell of their exploits with the ‘Fighting Ninth'”; and Chad Warner on “Bowling Green State University: Affirmative Action, 1965-1979.”

The following awards were presented to undergraduates:

Gwyndolyn Pym Lougheed Canadian Studies Scholarship: Sara Strauss

Undergraduate Research Excellence in History: Lindsey Bauman

Stuart R. & Florence P. Givens Senior History Scholarship: Jarod Rose

John Schwarz Essay Award: Daniel Rossignol

Grover and Virginia Platt Memorial Scholarship: Nichole McCrory

Jo Enger Arthur Scholarship for Study Abroad: Alexis Rose Czajka and Sara Mayhew

Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship: Elizabeth Hile and Jarod Rose

Outstanding Senior Award: Kasie Durkit

Daniel Rossignol Receiving the John Schwarz Essay Award

Daniel Rossignol Receiving the John Schwarz Essay Award


Kasie Durkit receiving the Outstanding Senior Award

Phi Alpha Theta Graduate Research Forum on Friday, May 1 at 1 pm!


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Phi Alpha Theta will host a Graduate Research Forum on Friday, May 1 from 1-2 pm in the Conference Room (Williams 141), highlighting the research process of three of our graduating Masters students: Rachel Pawlowicz, Alex Sycher, and Liz Adamo. All are invited to attend this forum as we discuss their process of identifying a topic, researching, and writing a thesis!

“Excellence in History” Presentations and Awards scheduled for Friday, April 24


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The BGSU Department of History and the BGSU Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta will host the “Excellence in History” event Friday, April 24 at 1 pm in Bowen-Thompson Student Union Room 207. Among the events featured are the presentation of awards and scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students, initiation and recognition for Phi Alpha Theta, and the presentation of Research Posters. All are invited to attend; there will be a light luncheon afterwards in the History Department Conference Room, Williams 141. If interested in attending, please RSVP to Tina Thomas at tamos@bgsu.edu by Monday, April 20.

Phi Alpha Theta Officers after the Rose Ceremony

Phi Alpha Theta Officers after the Rose Ceremony

Masters Students at the Queen City Colloquium


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Three Masters students in the Graduate Program in Policy History presented at the Queen City Colloquium on April 10th, hosted by the University of Cincinnati. Joan Eardly presented “Rules, Roles, and Resistance: Female Students at Bowling Green State University, 1940-1959,” as part of a panel titled “Education.”  Mike Ginnetti presented “Leaning Forward All the Way: Bowling Green, Ohio During the Economic Downturn of 1975,” on a panel titled “Ohio and Kentucky in During the 1970s.” Joe Lueck presented “‘Pretty Boy’ Floyd’s Bowling Green Shootout” on a panel titled “Uncovering Injustice and Crime.

Joe Lueck, Joan Eardly, and Michael Ginnetti presenting at the Queen City Colloquium at the University of Cincinnati

Joe Lueck, Joan Eardly, and Michael Ginnetti presenting at the Queen City Colloquium at the University of Cincinnati

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