The Department of History held its annual “Excellence in History” celebration on Friday, April 24 in Bowen-Thompson 207. Lindsey Bauman presented “Irish Women in America: An Exploration of Independence Supplemented by Poetry,” written for Dr. Rebecca Mancuso’s research seminar. Kasie Durkit presented “First Ladies Who Don’t Play by the Rules: Feminism in the East Wing,” written for Dr. Nicole Jackson’s seminar “The US Since 1945.”
The following undergraduates prepared research posters for the banquet: Briana Grooms on “Margaret Sanger”; Nichole McCrory on “Hitler’s Youth”; Daniel Rossignol on “President Truman’s Firing of General MacArthur”; Tanya Schardt on “Col Patrick Guiney and 1SG Michael MacNamara: Two social classes, one need to tell of their exploits with the ‘Fighting Ninth'”; and Chad Warner on “Bowling Green State University: Affirmative Action, 1965-1979.”
The following awards were presented to undergraduates:
Gwyndolyn Pym Lougheed Canadian Studies Scholarship: Sara Strauss
Undergraduate Research Excellence in History: Lindsey Bauman
Stuart R. & Florence P. Givens Senior History Scholarship: Jarod Rose
John Schwarz Essay Award: Daniel Rossignol
Grover and Virginia Platt Memorial Scholarship: Nichole McCrory
Jo Enger Arthur Scholarship for Study Abroad: Alexis Rose Czajka and Sara Mayhew
Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship: Elizabeth Hile and Jarod Rose
Outstanding Senior Award: Kasie Durkit
Daniel Rossignol Receiving the John Schwarz Essay Award
Kasie Durkit receiving the Outstanding Senior Award