Research completed by students in Dr. Mancuso’s Local History seminar was recently featured by the City of Bowling Green in its monthly “Historic Building of the Month” feature.
By Chase Fleece, Graduate Student in the Department of History at BGSU
In the small hours of August 25, 1934, the residents of McGuffey, Ohio–a small rural community fifty-five miles southwest of Bowling Green–slept peacefully following a rather uneventful afternoon. Since mid-June, the monotony most McGuffians enjoyed had been disrupted by sporadic squabbles between union organizers and anti-union deputies. Organized with the American Federation of Labor (AFL), AWFLU 19724 comprised nearly 800 local farmworkers and sharecroppers who weeded, topped, and harvested the Scioto Marsh’s many onions. To many their demands were simple: increased wages and an eight-hour workday. Yet growers had refused to negotiate and confrontations continued. Then, at three o’clock in the morning, a charge of nitroglycerin ripped through McGuffey Mayor Godfrey Ott’s home breaking windows and caving in the southside walls. Luckily, no one was injured in the blast – but more violence was yet to come.
Emily Shaver Kay and Peter Limbert, students in the History M.A. program, presented a poster about the Eclipsing History podcast in the National Council for Public History annual conference in Salt Lake City.
The poster gathered good attention and multiple attendees scanned the QR code to open up the season! Those who engaged with the presenters and the poster commented on how innovative the class which constructed the podcast sounded and that it covers perspectives and topics usually left behind in the history field, like Indigenous knowledge and contribution to American history and Western scientific thought. There was also great interest in the digital history skills that students learned. Congratulations on the presenters and everyone in the class for this success!
Authored by Emma Brown (B.A. History, Media Production at BGSU, graduated December 2022)
Two years ago in April of 2021, I got an email from a professor I’d only ever had through an asynchronous class. It was the end of a school year spent fully online and this email was an opportunity I could only dream of. The absolutely incredible Dr. Melissa K. Miller of the political science department was working on a documentary and wanted me to be a undergraduate researcher that summer. The documentary was looking at Trailblazing Women in Ohio politics and with my history major and media production minor she thought I would be a perfect fit with the three other undergraduate researchers. Of course, I accepted!
Emma Brown and Dr. Miller at the Maumee showing of the documentary in March ’23Continue reading →
Chloe S. Kozal has been passionate about researching how civilians express their political views through art during tumultuous periods of history in Latin America. A continuation of her research and her article (Communication from Far: The Role of Subversive Mail Art During the Argentine Dirty War (1976-1983), this podcast investigates how Mexican artists and mail artists brought change and protest during the Mexican Dirty War.
Nicholas Hartzell- NPR Mexican Debt Crisis Talk
A podcast on the Mexican Debt Crisis in 1982. Listen on Spotify!
Connor Przysiecki- NAFTA, the Economy, and Mexico’s Public Heath Crisis
In Connor’s own words: ” This is my final project for a course I’m taking (Spring 2022) at Bowling Green State University, Modern Mexico. I’ve never done a project in this format. I’m open to civil conversations in the comments, if you’d like more context on a particular subject within this area of study. Enjoy!”
This is a paper that was written by Kasandra Fager, a graduate student in the 2021-22 cohort and recipient of The Donna M. Nieman Award for Undergraduate Research Excellence in History. Fager recently published an article featuring some of the research in this paper in the NW Ohio History Journal.
you look around a city, what do you see? I am sure that you see buildings,
factories, streets, and homes like any other city or town in America. You would
also probably see parents rushing to and from work, grandparents running to the
grocery store, and children playing ball in the streets. These things are
normal and have been considered as such for centuries, but have you ever
stopped to consider how we got here and who or what came before us? In history
class, we learned how the wilderness and the Native Americans lived on this
land before the Europeans came and the rest is, as we say, history. Today, I
want to stop for a moment and consider how the land in Bowling Green, Ohio was affected
by the battle between Native Americans and Europeans to live on and
commercialize the land to better understand our nation’s environmental and
economic history.
This is part of an ongoing series of posts about the work of students in BGSU in public history. Joshua Dubbert is a graduate student in the M.A. in history. He studies 19th-century America, Victorian Culture, and the composer Stephen Foster. To learn more about our history programs, visit
Portrait of Stephen Foster, Center for American Music Library, Stephen Foster Memorial, University of Pittsburgh.
I recently visited the Stephen Foster Memorial Museum in Pittsburgh, PA to do research for my Public History Capstone project, entitled Stephen Foster, at Home in the 19th Century. The project deals with 19th-century composer Stephen Collins Foster, author of some of the most famous songs in American history including “Oh! Susanna,” and “Camptown Races.” It will be available through an Omeka site that will be linked permanently on the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for American Music website. The central contribution of the project will be a synthesis of the conceptual and physical aspects of home relating to Foster, anchored in the early to mid-Victorian era. It will be the first study to examine Foster solely in relation to the Victorian idea of “home.”
by Mohammed Alnaqeeb, BGSU History major. This is one in a series of posts written by students in HIST 4800 in Spring, 2020, putting our world into historical context for the public.
Historical facts eventually come to light despite any mass media deception, but do we learn from history’s lessons? War is an extreme action that begets the most serious of consequences, it is not a decision to be taken lightly. Yet, time and again, people are fooled into thinking that war is the only alternative. A prime example of such a deception is the drive to convince the American people of one of the most unnecessary and calamitous conflicts in modern times and that is the 2003 Iraq War. This illegal war, that was supposed to bring freedom and liberty, plunged the whole of the Middle East into a bottomless pit of anarchy and chaos flowering into nightmares like ISIS. This pattern of deception, However, is neither unique nor isolated as it was practiced throughout history in almost every country and every war.
by Olivia Cotterman, BGSU History major. This is one in a series of posts written by students in HIST 4800 in Spring, 2020, putting our world into historical context for the public.
I have always been
interested in the personal side of history. The personal accounts of an event,
the artifacts people make, and their diaries and journals. My latest research
project has been about the Japanese Internment Camps and the way in which it
has been remembered among the survivors. The xenophobia that pushed Japanese
Americans into internment camps continues into the present day.