Dr. Lamson, Dr. Herndon, Dr. Green and Dr. Eisel pose for a photo at The University of Guelph.
Four historians, all alumnae of BGSU’s Department of History, made presentations and renewed collegial ties earlier this month at a conference organized by the Society for the History of Children and Youth (SHCY) and hosted by the University of Guelph in southern Ontario.
Dr. James Forse was a member of our department for 44 years and retired in 2010. The department sends our support and love to his family, friends, and former students.
If you wish to share a memory of Dr. Forse with his family, please see this link.
Dr. Forse’s research and teaching focus was on Medieval and Renaissance Europe. He was the author of Art Imitates Business: Commercial and Political Influence in Elizabethan Theatre (Bowling Green State University Press, 1993), and published articles which have appeared in German History, The Journal of Medival History, SRASP, Journal of Popular Culture, and Theatre Survey .
As the Gary Hess Lecture approaches and our speaker, Bill Allison, is a distinguished graduate of our program, we take the opportunity to share this post of our colleague Dr. Doug Forsyth about the department’s contributions to the field of Policy History —Amílcar E. Challú
As a remembrance of our colleague Professor Emeritus Don Rowney, who recently passed away, we share below Dr. Doug Forsyth’s eulogy with minor edits for brevity. We thank Dr. Forsyth for sharing the text.
Don Rowney on the lower right-hand side.
early as my on-campus job interview at Bowling Green, in spring 1996, it became
clear to me that Don Rowney was the faculty member at the university who was
most interested in having me as a colleague.
My wife, Mercedes, and I drove out to northwest Ohio in early summer of
1996, as I looked for a place to live.
Don and Susan invited us over for dinner, and I paid my first visit to
the Old West End Historical District in Toledo, where Don and Susan were
living, where Susan is still living, and where I would go on to live for
twenty-four years and counting. I still
remember vividly that dinner, on the porch behind Don and Susan’s house, and in
particular one detail. Don asked
Mercedes, who was and is a professor at Brown University in Providence, Rhode
Island, why she had accompanied me on the long drive out to the Midwest as I
looked for a place to live. ‘Do you
think I’m going to leave my husband back here, without making sure it’s a
decent place?’ she quipped. Don looked
at her with this peculiar expression of delight he sometimes had, when someone
said something unexpected, and in his view particularly amusing—it was the
first, but not the last time I saw that expression on his face. And that sealed it—he and Mercedes became
friends for life. Mercedes and I made life-long friends in the Old West End,
and in many cases they were already friends of Don and Susan. I think I owe not just the continuation of my
career to Don, but also a good deal of the happiness I’ve derived from living
in this part of the world, over the past quarter century.
It is with great sadness that we learned that Dr. Ron Seavoy, emeritus professor of the Department of History, passed on March 25th. Ron retired in the early 1990s but was an active presence in our department until very recently. It was common to see Dr. Seavoy biking down the streets of Bowling Green to his retiree office in Williams Hall.
At its September 20th conference at the U.S. Naval Academy, the Naval Historical Foundation awarded Dr. David Curtis Skaggs, professor emeritus of history at Bowling Green State University, its Commodore Dudley W. Knox Award for his significant contributions to naval history. Continue reading →
Dr. Gary Hess’ new book, Vietnam: Explaining America’s Lost War, is being published to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the escalation of troops in Vietnam. The BGSU News published an article detailing the book and Dr. Hess’ interest and approach.
Dr. Gary Hess is the Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus in the Department of History at Bowling Green State University. For more on his research, please visit his faculty page.
Dr. Peter Hahn, professor and chair of the History Department at The Ohio State University, presented the 4th annual Gary Hess Lecture on Tuesday, April 7th.
Dr. Hahn’s lecture was titled “Mission Accomplished or Mission Failure? The United States and Iraq since 1990,” presenting the history of our relations with Iraq from the invasion of Kuwait to the present-day tensions with ISIL.
Dr. Peter Hahn, delivering the Gary Hess lecture on US-Iraqi relations since 1990
Dr. Gary Hess, Dr. Peter Hahn, and Dr. Benjamin Greene, who organized the event and introduced Dr. Hahn
Dr. Peter Hahn, Dr. Gary Hess, Dr. Dwayne Beggs, and Dr. Benjamin Greene
The Gary R. Hess Lecture in Policy History will be held Tuesday, April 7 at 4 pm in Room 228 of the Bowen Thompson Student Union as the Department of History welcomes Dr. Peter Hahn, Professor and Chair at The Ohio State University. Dr. Hahn will lecture on “Mission Accomplished or Mission Failure? The United States and Iraq since 1990.”
The Hess Lecture was created at the initiative of Professor Hess’s former students. This annual lectureship is held to recognize his contributions to the profession and university during his forty-five years of service to BGSU from 1964 to 2009. This year, additional funding to support this lecture has been provided by BGSU’s College of Arts and Sciences. The coordinator for this year’s lecture is Dr. Benjamin Greene.
Dr. Hahn is the one of the most prominent scholars of American foreign relations with the Middle East. His publications include Missions Accomplished?: The United States and Iraq since World War I (Oxford University Press, 2011); Crisis and Crossfire: The United States and the Middle East since 1945 (Potomac Books, 2005); Caught in the Middle East: U.S. Policy Toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1945-1961 (University of North Carolina Press, 2004); and The United States, Great Britain, and Egypt, 1945-1956: Strategy and Diplomacy in the Early Cold War (University of North Carolina Press, 1991).
To facilitate planning, please email history@bgsu.edu by April 1, 2015 to let us know whether you plan to attend.
The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee of the Department of History will host a Teaching Forum on “Mastering the Art of Teaching and Developing Strategies for a Productive Classroom Experience” on Wednesday, February 11th at 12:30 in the History Conference Room (Williams 141). The session will feature Dr. Stephanie Gearhart from the Department of English and Professor Emeritus Ed Danziger from the BGSU History Department. All are welcome to attend; light refreshments will be served.