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Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby: “

Mondochuckno: New page

”’The Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (VGLRL)”’ is the peak lobby group in [[Victoria, Australia]] for the attainment of equality, human rights and social justice for gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer and same sex attracted people.

<br />
VGLRL was created following presentation of a report to a public meeting in October 1997 which proposed a model for a Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby. This model was accepted, and 21 days later the Lobby held its first annual general meeting, elected a management committee, adopted the rules of association, and began the process of incorporation <ref></ref>.
<br />

<br />
VGLRL lobbies all levels of government, and non-government organisations, to ensure gay and lesbian people are treated with the same dignity, fairness and opportunity afforded to all other Victorians. Current campaigns include relationship recognition, access to IVF and adoption, and an end to homophobic violence.

<br />
Current Co-Convenors of the Lobby are Stephen Jones and Hayley Conway.

<br />

”’External links”'<br />
Official website:

<br />
”’See also”'<br />
[[LGBT rights]]
<br />
[[LGBT rights in Australia]]

<br />
Categories: [[LGBT rights organizations]] | [[LGBT organizations in Australia]] | [[Organizations established in 1997]]

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Zois Ballas

Zois Ballas: “

Ashton har: [[WP:AES|←]]Created page with ””Zois Ballas”’,(in ”'{{lang-el|Ζώης Μπάλλας}}”’; born 1987) is a [[Greece|Greek]] professional [[basketball]] player. He is 2.05 m (6’9′) in height …’

”’Zois Ballas”’,(in ”'{{lang-el|Ζώης Μπάλλας}}”’; born 1987) is a [[Greece|Greek]] professional [[basketball]] player. He is 2.05 m (6’9′) in height and he plays at the [[Power_forward_(basketball)|Power Forward]] position. He is currently playing for [[AEK Athens BC]].

{{DEFAULTSORT:Ballas, Zois}}
[[Category:1987 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Greek basketball players]]
[[Category:AEK Athens basketball players]]


(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Dye (surname)

Dye (surname): “

JLaTondre: create surname page

”’Dye”’ may refer to:

*[[Alice Dye]] (born 1927), American golfer
*[[Babe Dye]] (1898-1962), Canadian hockey forward
*[[Brad Dye]] (born 1933), American politician
*[[Cameron Dye]] (born 1959), American actor
*[[Dale Dye]] (born 1944), American actor
*[[David William Dye]] (1887-1932), English physicist
*[[Doug Dye]] (1921-2005), New Zealand microbiologist
*[[Ernest Dye]] (born 1971), American football offensive lineman
*[[Eva Emery Dye]] (1855-1947), American writer, historian, and suffragist
*[[Gladden Dye]], American college football coach
*[[Graham Dye]] (born 1961), English musician
*[[Jeff Dye]], American comedian
*[[Jermaine Dye]] (born 1974), American baseball right fielder
*[[John Dye]] (born 1963), American actor
*[[John Dye (cricketer)]] (born 1942), English cricketer
*[[Kenneth M. Dye]] (born 1936), Canadian Auditor-General
*[[Les Dye]] (1916-2000), American football player
*[[Nancy Dye]], American college president
*[[Pat Dye]] (born 1939), American college football coach
*[[Pete Dye]] (born 1925), American golf course designer
*[[Sidney Dye]] (1900-1958), British politician
*[[Stanley Harding Dye]] (1908-2003), Canadian politician
*[[Steven Dye]] (born 1963), English musician
*[[Tippy Dye]] (born 1915), American college basketball coach
*[[Thomas K. Dye]] (born 1969), American webcomic artist
*[[Thomas R. Dye]], American political scientist


(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Viniegra de Abajo

Viniegra de Abajo: “


{{otrosusos|Viniegra de Arriba|el otro pueblo riojano}}
{{Infobox ciudad España
| nombre = Viniegra de Abajo
| imagen = [[Imagen:Viniegra de Abajo – La Rioja (Spain) – Municipality Map.svg|232px]]
<br />[[Imagen:Viniegra2.jpg|232px]]
| cod_provincia = 26
| región = [[Rioja Alta]]
| comarca = [[Comarca de Anguiano|Anguiano]]
| cp = 26325
| coor = {{coord|42|9|N|2|53|O|type:city|display=inline,title}}
| superficie = 65.68
| altitud = 881
| distancia = 70
| referencia = [[Logroño]]
| distancia2 = 24
| referencia2 = [[Anguiano]]
| fundación =
| población = 113
| ine_año = 2007
| gentilicio = viniegrés/a
| alcalde = Pedro Ochoa Espiga ([[Partido Socialista Obrero Español|PSOE]])
| alcalde_año = 2007
| presupuesto = 464700
| presupuesto_año = 2005
| hermandad =
| patrón = San Ildefonso
| patrona = Virgen de la Soledad
| web = []
”’Viniegra de Abajo”’ es un municipio de la comunidad autónoma de [[La Rioja (España)|La Rioja]] ([[España]]).

Viniegra de Abajo se encuentra haciendo límite entre el [[Camero Nuevo]] y la [[sierra de la Demanda]], en lo que se conoce como la subcomarca del Alto [[Río Najerilla|Najerilla]].

Por Viniegra pasa el río Urbión, un río que nace en los [[Picos de Urbión]], que están dentro del término municipal de la población.
[[Imagen:Panorámica de Viniegra desde Teilo.jpg|center|800px|Vista panorámica del pueblo desde Teilo]]<br />
== Historia ==
El hallazgo de tumbas y una estela [[visigodos|visigótica]] en el recinto urbano testimonian la antigüedad de la fundación de la villa.

En [[1366]] fue incluida con la denominación de ”Viniegra de Yuso”, entre las localidades del [[Señorío de Cameros]], que sería cedido por [[Enrique II de Castilla|Enrique II de Trastámara]] a [[Juan Ramírez de Arellano]] por su apoyo en la lucha contra [[Pedro I el Cruel]].

Desde entonces perteneció al señorío de los condes de Aguilar e Inestrillas, herederos del dominio de [[Cameros]], según aparece constatado en el [[Catastro de Ensenada|Catastro del Marqués de la Ensenada]] del año [[1751]].

Tras la [[Abolición de los señoríos en España|desaparición de los señoríos]], en [[1811]], se convirtió en villa exenta de la [[provincia de Soria]], hasta la creación de la [[provincia de Logroño]] el [[30 de noviembre]] de [[1833]].

== Economía ==
*Se basa fundamentalmente en la ganadería ovina, caprina, vacuna y caballar. Su larga tradición trashumante rememora épocas de esplendor en los siglos XVI y siguientes.
*También posee explotaciones forestales en choperas, pinares, encinares y restos degradados del robledal autóctono.
*Las truchas de sus cotos dan merecida fama a las carcavas por las que fluyen sus ríos, el Najerilla, el Urbión y afluentes.
*La caza del jabalí y corzo junto con los pasos de paloma le dan otro aliciente adicional a Viniegra para los aficionados al deporte cinegético.
*La agricultura se basa exclusivamente en las huertas para consumo propio que se cultivan en los alrededores del pueblo.

== Fiestas ==

En Viniegra hay dos fiestas principales, las de Invierno, que son las de ”’San Ildefonso”’, y las de verano, ”’Santiago”’. Pero además de estas, también hay otras:
* ”’San Ildefonso.”’ Son las fiestas de Invierno, el [[23 de enero]]. Es costumbre repartir a todo el que quiera una hogaza de pan llamada «bodigo». Suele haber verbena en una carpa que ponen en la plaza de la villa.
* ”’Fiesta de las piraguas.”’ Se celebra el primer domingo de mayo. Es una concentración de piragüistas para realizar el descenso del Najerilla desde la [[Venta del Goyo]].
* ”’Santiago.”’ Se celebran el [[25 de julio]] y son las fiestas grandes. La [[24 de julio|víspera del 25]] se baja el santo de la ermita de Santiago a la iglesia, donde permanece hasta el último fin de semana de agosto, que se vuelve a subir en procesión a la ermita donde permanecerá el resto del año. Hay verbena en la plaza para todos.
[[Imagen:Cenaviniegra.jpg|thumb|right|280px|Cena de todo el pueblo en la fiesta de la Subida del Santo.]]
* ”’Romería de San Millán.”’ A mediados de agosto se realiza una romería a la ermita de San Millán, situada en La Sierra. Después de la misa, y de comer y beber bien se realiza el manteo de gente. Al regresar al pueblo, se hace una parada en el Plantío para merendar.
* ”’Subida del Santo.”’ Se suele celebrar el último fin de semana de agosto y se sube al Santo a la ermita. Por la noche, todo el pueblo cena en la plaza acompañados por «la Orquestina».
* ”’Feria del ganado.”’ Es el [[9 de septiembre]] y es fiesta para los ganaderos, aunque no venden ninguna res en este día pero se sigue celebrando.
* ”’Noche de las Ánimas.”’ Es el día [[1 de noviembre]]. Durante la noche de «Los Santos» se cantan por las calles del pueblo unos «rosarios». Antiguamente se solía hacer dos grupos, uno de hombres y otros de mujeres, aunque ya solo se hace uno por la escasez de gente.
* ”’El chozo.”’ El día de [[31 de diciembre|Nochevieja]] se hace una [[pira]] de leña de bastante altura y se prende fuego.

== Demografía ==
{{Demografía/Viniegra de Abajo – La Rioja – España (Siglo XX)}}

== Personajes ilustres ==

*”’Domingo Izquierdo”’ ([[1745]]-?), nombrado teniente general en [[1794]] por su heroica defensa de la plaza de Rosas durante el sitio de los franceses. Responsable en [[1795]] de la defensa de [[Pamplona]], y, posteriormente, capitán general de [[Valencia]] y caballero de la Orden de San Juan.

*”’Martín Matute Pérez”’ ([[1781]]-[[1868]]) quien, tras cursar estudios en [[Gerona]], alentó a la población sitiada editando el ‘Diario de Gerona’, divulgando más tarde, tras ser nombrado académico de la Historia en [[1820]], el pasado de su ciudad de adopción en varios tomos de ‘España Sagrada’.

== Monumentos y lugares de interés ==
[[Imagen:Corazondejesus.JPG|thumb|Un monumento llamado ‘Corazón de Jesús’, que vigila a Viniegra de Abajo desde las alturas.]]

=== Arquitectónicos ===
* Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción, del siglo XVI.
* Ermita de la Soledad.
* Ermita de Santiago (en la cumbre de un monte cercano).
* Estela de Santa Marina.
* Monumento al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (en la cumbre de un monte cercano).

=== De ocio ===
* Charco de las ranas (terreno para acamapar al lado del río).
* La Vega (lugar en el río Urbión con refugio).

== Enlaces externos ==
*[ Official website of Viniegra de Abajo]
{{commons|Viniegra de Abajo}}

[[Categoría:Municipios de La Rioja (España)]]
[[Categoría:Localidades de La Rioja (España)]]

[[es:Viniegra de Abajo]]
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[[roa-rup:Viniegra de Abajo]]

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

98.1 the River

98.1 the River: “

Vchimpanzee: Forgot to check on marathon (no article for its use here)

{{Infobox Radio station
| name =
| image = |
| city =
| area = [[Asheville, North Carolina|Asheville]] and [[Western North Carolina]]|
| branding = 98.1 The River
| slogan = |
| airdate = 2008|
| frequency = 98.1 FM|
| format =
| power = |
| erp = |
| class = |
| callsign_meaning = |
| former_callsigns = |
| owner = Asheville Radio Group|
| sister_stations = [[WOXL-FM]], [[WTMT]], [[WISE (AM)|WISE]]|
| webcast = |
| website = |
| affiliations = |

”’98.1 the River”’ is a [[radio station]] in [[Asheville, North Carolina]]. It is operated by Asheville Radio Group, owner of [[WOXL-FM]], [[WISE (AM)|WISE]] and [[WTMT]]. In addition to the over-the-air signal, The River is also heard on the second [[HD Radio]] channel of WOXL.

The River signed on October 1, 2008, with 10,000 songs in a row. Artists include [[Dave Matthews]], [[R.E.M.]], [[U2]], [[Norah Jones]] and [[Jack Johnson]] as well as less familiar performers such as [[Ray LaMontagne]], [[Sara Bareilles]], [[The John Butler Trio]], [[My Morning Jacket]] and [[Ingrid Michaelson]]<ref>Tony Kiss, ‘New Radio Station on the Air,’ ”Asheville Citizen-Times”, October 1, 2008.</ref>.


==External links==

{{Asheville Radio}}

[[Category:Radio stations in North Carolina]]


(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Nick Royston Davis

Nick Royston Davis: “

Sammyjoejor8: [[WP:AES|←]]Created page with ””Nick aka Nicholas Royson Davis goes to Upton St. Leonards primary school and he just lives down the road from the school. He is really good at school and when he…’

”’Nick aka Nicholas Royson Davis goes to Upton St. Leonards primary school and he just lives down the road from the school.
He is really good at school and when he is older he wants to be a actor or a police officer. He is in year six and would like to go to Sir Thomas Rich’s grammar school and the teachers think that he can get into the school.”’

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)


Life++: “

Knownot: Requesting speedy deletion ([[WP:CSD#A1|CSD A1]]). using [[WP:TWINKLE|TW]]

== ”’Life++ Programming Language”’ ==

This article will be edited to display its content shortly. Please stand by, and visit this page later through-out the day to found out what
”’Life++”’ exactly is.


Thank you,

Life++ Manager

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Andrei Vlasichev

Andrei Vlasichev: “

Jogurney: wl

{{Infobox Football biography
| playername = Andrei Vlasichev
| fullname = Andrei Vladimirovich Vlasichev
| nickname =
| dateofbirth = {{birth date and age|1981|01|27|df=y}}
| cityofbirth =
| countryofbirth = [[Uzbek SSR]]
| height = {{height|m=1.81}}
| currentclub =
| clubnumber =
| position = [[Midfielder]]
| youthyears =
| youthclubs =
| years = 1999 <br> 2000 <br> 2001-2003 <br> 2003 <br> 2004 <br> 2004 <br> 2005-2006 <br> 2006
| clubs = [[Sogdiana Jizak]] <br> FC Dustlik Tashkent <br> [[FC Pakhtakor Tashkent]] <br> [[FC Baltika Kaliningrad]] <br> [[FC Pakhtakor Tashkent]] <br> [[Navbahor Namangan]] <br> [[FC Ordabasy]] <br> [[Sogdiana Jizak]]
| caps(goals) = {{0}}5 (0) <br> {{0}}7 (1) <br> 43 (2) <br> 14 (2) <br> {{0}}3 (1) <br> 13 (3) <br> 30 (1) <br> 11 (2)
| nationalyears = 2001-2003
| nationalteam = [[Uzbekistan national football team|Uzbekistan]]
| nationalcaps(goals) = 11 (0)
| pcupdate =
| ntupdate =

”’ Andrei Vlasichev ”’ (born January 27, 1981) is a retired [[Uzbeks|Uzbek]] professional [[association football|football]] player who played for [[FC Pakhtakor Tashkent]] in the [[Uzbek League]], [[FC Baltika Kaliningrad]] in the [[Russian First Division]] and [[FC Ordabasy]] the [[Kazakhstan Premier League]].

Vlasichev made 11 appearances for the [[Uzbekistan national football team]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Uzbekistan – Record International Players|publisher=”RSSSF”|accessdate=2008-10-01}}</ref>


==External links==
* [ Profile at National Football Teams]
* [ Profile at KLISF]

{{DEFAULTSORT:Vlasichev, Andrei}}
[[Category:1981 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Uzbekistani footballers]]
[[Category:Uzbekistan international footballers]]
[[Category:FC Pakhtakor Tashkent players]]
[[Category:FC Baltika Kaliningrad players]]


(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Ranulph Bacon

Ranulph Bacon: “


Lieutenant-Colonel ”’Sir Ranulph Robert Maunsell Bacon”’ [[Queen’s Police Medal|QPM]] (born c.1907) was a [[United Kingdom|British]] [[police]] officer.

Bacon joined the Metropolitan Police as a [[Constable]] in 1928 and later attended [[Hendon Police College]]. In May 1940 he was commissioned into the [[British Army]] as a [[Provost Marshal]] on the [[General List]].<ref>{{LondonGazette |issue=34872 |date=[[14 June]] [[1940]] |startpage=3598 |supp=yes}}</ref> By December 1941, when he was [[mentioned in despatches]] for his service in the [[Western Desert Campaign|Western Desert]], he held the local rank of [[Major]], although his substantive rank was [[Lieutenant]].<ref>{{LondonGazette |issue=35396 |date=[[26 December]] [[1941]] |startpage=7349 |supp=yes}}</ref> He was later promoted [[Lieutenant-Colonel]] and in 1942 was appointed Deputy Provost Marshal of the [[British Ninth Army|Ninth Army]].

In November 1943 he was seconded to the [[Colonial Police Service]] as Deputy [[Inspector-General]] of the [[Ceylon Police]], and was promoted Inspector-General in 1944. His Deputy Inspector-General was [[John Waldron (police officer)|John Waldron]], another Hendon graduate who was later to succeed him as both Assistant Commissioner ‘A’ and Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.

In 1947 he returned to Britain as [[Chief Constable]] of the [[Devon County Constabulary]], and held the post until his appointment as [[Assistant Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis|Assistant Commissioner ‘A’]] of the Metropolitan Police, in charge of administration and territorial policing, on [[1 November]] [[1961]].<ref>’Metropolis Post for Chief Constable’, ”[[The Times]]”, [[29 June]] [[1961]]</ref> He was awarded the [[King’s Police and Fire Services Medal]] in the 1953 New Year Honours.<ref>{{LondonGazette |issue=39732 |date=[[30 December]] [[1952]] |startpage=34 |supp=yes}}</ref> In 1963, he was appointed Assistant Commissioner ‘C’, in charge of the [[Criminal Investigation Department]].<ref>’Senior Changes at Scotland Yard’, ”[[The Times]]”, [[1 June]] [[1963]]</ref> At a press conference on [[31 December]] [[1964]], he urged the public to ‘have a go’ if they saw an armed robbery taking place, which was criticised as irresponsible by many.<ref>’No Uncontrollable Crime Wave, Police Say’, ”[[The Times]]”, [[1 January]] [[1965]]</ref> He was [[Knight Bachelor|knighted]] in the 1966 New Year Honours.<ref>{{LondonGazette |issue=43854 |date=[[31 December]] [[1965]] |startpage=1 |supp=yes}}</ref>

In 1966 he briefly served as [[Deputy Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis|Deputy Commissioner]], from 8 April to his retirement in October.<ref>’Two Police Chiefs Promoted’, ”[[The Times]]”, [[16 March]] [[1966]]</ref>

{{start box}}
{{succession box | title=[[Ceylon Police|Deputy Inspector-General of Police of Ceylon]] | years=1943–1944 | before=Unknown | after=[[John Waldron (police officer)|John Waldron]]}}
{{succession box | title=[[Ceylon Police|Inspector-General of Police of Ceylon]] | years=1944–1947 | before=[[Gordon Halland]] | after=[[Richard Aluwihare]]}}
{{succession box | title=[[Devon County Constabulary|Chief Constable of Devon]] | years=1947–1961 | before=[[Lyndon Morris]] | after=[[Robert Greenwood]]}}
{{succession box | title=[[Assistant Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis|Assistant Commissioner ‘A’, Metropolitan Police]] | years=1961–1963 | before=[[Douglas Webb (police officer)|Douglas Webb]] | after=[[John Waldron (police officer)|Sir John Waldron]]}}
{{succession box | title=[[Assistant Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis|Assistant Commissioner ‘C’, Metropolitan Police]] | years=1963–1966 | before=[[Richard Jackson (police officer)|Sir Richard Jackson]] | after=[[Peter Brodie]]}}
{{succession box | title=[[Deputy Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis]] | years=1966 | before=[[Douglas Webb (police officer)|Douglas Webb]] | after=[[John Waldron (police officer)|Sir John Waldron]]}}
{{end box}}


*’Metropolis Post for Chief Constable’, ”[[The Times]]”, [[29 June]] [[1961]]

{{DEFAULTSORT:Bacon, Ranulph}}
[[Category:1900s births]]
[[Category:British Army General List officers]]
[[Category:British colonial police officers]]
[[Category:Sri Lankan Inspector Generals of Police]]
[[Category:British Chief Constables]]
[[Category:Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioners]]
[[Category:Metropolitan Police Deputy Commissioners]]
[[Category:Knights Bachelor]]
[[Category:Recipients of the Queen’s Police Medal]]

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

Georgia (Elton John song)

Georgia (Elton John song): “


{{Infobox Song <!– See Wikipedia:WikiProject_Songs –> |
| Name = Georgia
| Type = [[Song]]
| Artist = [[Elton John]]
| Album = [[A Single Man]]
| Cover = Elton John – A Single Man.jpg
| track_no = 7
| Released = [[October 16]], [[1978 in music|1978]]
| Recorded = January-September 1978
| Genre = [[Gospel]], [[Country music|Country]]
| Length = 4:50
| Label = [[MCA Records|MCA]] (US/Canada)<br> [[Rocket Records]]
| Writer = [[Elton John]], [[Gary Osborne]]
| Producer = Clive Franks, Elton John
| prev = ‘[[Part-Time Love]]’
| prev_no = 6
| next = ‘[[Shooting Star (Elton John song)|Shooting Star]]’
| next_no = 8
”’Georgia”’ is a song by [[Elton John]] with lyrics by [[Gary Osborne]]. It is the seventh track off his 1978 album, [[A Single Man]].

==Musical structure==
As many of his other songs, John’s main inspiration here is [[gospel]]. However, it has also got a certain ‘Southern’ feel over it, adding a choir reminiscent of those heard in the slave plantations in the 1800’s. John plays both harmonium and church organ on the song. There is also a [[pedal steel guitar]] featured, creating a country-esque feel. It also plays the solo. The heavy choir featured in the songs chorus features John’s then-owned football team, [[Watford F.C.]].

The pedal steel guitar was provided by [[B.J. Cole]], who had previously worked with John on his ‘[[Tumbleweed Connection]]’ and ‘[[Madman Across the Water]]’-albums.

==Lyrical meaning==
This song could easily be an homage to Ray Charles’ ‘[[Georgia on My Mind]]’. It basically just praises the state of Georgia, its weather, its people and the atmosphere. However, there seem to be a doubt from the writer:

”’Times are changing down in Georgia, though not always for the best. Give me 35 good acres, Lord, and let the progress take the rest”’.

The song also appeared as the b-side to Elton’s 1979 single, ‘[[Johnny B. Goode]]’ from his [[disco music|disco]]-album ‘[[Victim of Love (album)|Victim of Love]]’ when released in the United States. It didn’t appear on any other album and was rarily, if ever played in concert.


*Elton John – [[piano]], [[harmonium]], [[church organ]], vocals
*Tim Renwick – Lesley guitar, [[mandolin]]
*[[B.J. Cole]] – [[pedal steel guitar]]
*Clive Franks – [[Bass guitar|bass]]
*Steve Holly – [[Drum kit|drums]]
*[[Ray Cooper]] – [[tambourine]]
*Watford Football Team – backing vocals
*The South Audley Street Girl’s Choir – backing vocals

[[Category:1978 songs]]
[[Category:Elton John songs]]

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

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