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Attitudes and perception towards proliferation of men’s magazine

Attitudes and perception towards proliferation of men’s magazine: ”

Jesebelle2000: [[WP:AES|←]]Created page with ‘CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study: The proliferation of men’s magazine displayed for sale in magazine stands, bookstore, malls and shops, caught t…’


Background of the Study:

The proliferation of men’s magazine displayed for sale in magazine stands, bookstore, malls and shops, caught the attention and concern of social authorities in the country.
In the present generation, rapid changes and high technology and sophisticated equipments, such as computers, digital cams, internet, websites, laser printers, etc., the contemporary society is beset by numerous maladjustment and crucial problems, affecting the moral and educational values of the young population. Such maladjustment and crucial problems challenged the best powers of social leaders and authorities.
The researcher became aware of the effect of the proliferation of men’s magazine in the market on the attitudes and perception of the students that enhance or will be harmful to their moral education values. Therefore, a study on the situation will support discussion of the issued related to the topic.

Significance of the Study:

The researcher realized that the study on the issue of knowing and understanding the students’ attitudes and perception towards proliferation of men’s magazine in this society will contribute towards an awareness and clearer understanding of the social conditions that might perceived to be factors in which social problems like rapes, incest, acts of lasciviousness, teenage marriages, sexual deviations, other sexual offenses, lowering of moral and educational values. These social problems might be committed by young student, being motivated by proliferation of men’s magazine. Therefore, it is timely that this study is study is decided to focused the discussion on psychosocial development of young adolescents’ mental and social growth and development will enlightened the readers to deal with the positive, negative, neutral attitudes and perception in this society.

Theoretical Framework

In this study, a general theory is applied:
‘Human development, particularly the adolescents, is very complex, both quantitative and qualitative, is continuous and orderly, the tempo is uneven, many environmental influence affect psychosocial development, different aspects occur and different rates, rates and pattern can be modified, have critical periods, a tendency to seek maximal potential, each individuals develops his/her own unique way.

Conceptual Framework:

Based on the theory of human development, the concept on the general theory supports:
‘That man strives for wholeness throughout the life span. An individual uniqueness result from interplay between hereditary and environmental influences, and individuality can be observed throughout the life span.

Scopes and Limitations

This study undertakes the present and simple as possible the theory concept in psychology and sociology that would contribute towards an awareness and clearer understanding of the adolescents, particularly young students ‘attitudes and perception onwards proliferation of men’s magazine in this society. It will discuss the psychosocial growth and development of adolescents in the present-day society.
Data-gathering through survey-questioner sheets distributed to selected respondents of this school, for total of one hundred respondent, fifty males and fifty females, from first, second, third, fourth-year level, 2008-2009.
The researched literatures made possible from foreign and local textbooks, discussing comprehensively the psychosocial growth and development of adolescents,
From respondents ‘data supports the study based on the presented, analyzed and interpreted data, with the use of table.
Summary of findings, conclusion and recommender by my research from researched literatures and gathered respondents’ data. A list of foreign and local references, termed as bibliography, is facilitated as evidenced that comprehensive a study and data gathering was made.

Statement of the Problem

As a guide in accomplishing this study, the researcher realized that there must be problem-solution statements, to cite:
1. What is the focus of discussion in this study?
2. How will the researched literatures support the topic presented?
3. Who were the selected respondents that will justify questions raised?
4. What were the findings, conclusion and recommendations in this study?

These problems enumerated will be dealt with allotted time, money, and effort. The researched literatures and gathered data will be treated with accuracy and comprehension.

Definition of Terms:

The study defines terms found within the context of discussion of researched literatures for knowledge and understanding.

Adolescence/adolescent – pertains to young individual, aged 12-18 to 19-21
Attitudes – predispositions to respond favorably or unfavorably toward particular people, object, events or situations.
Concept – a term that expresses generalized or common elements found in a number of specific cases.
Conflict – sharp disagreement or opposition, as of interests, ideas, etc.
Culture – the social heritage which the individual receives from the group; a system of behavior shared by members of a society.
Deviance – refers to any conduct that violates social expectations.
Deviation – failure to conform, to the customary norms of a society.
Ideology – a system of ideas which sanction a set of norms.
Interaction – a process which responses of an individual successively become stimuli for the response of the other individual.
Insight – understanding and evaluation of one’s own mental processes; self-analysis, self-knowledge; accurate appraisal of one’s own motives and abilities.
Learning – relatively permanent changes in behavior that result from the past experience.
Libido – a term symbolizing that part of the wish concerning sexual or other afflictive relation with people.
Mal-adjustment – a broad tem covering not only the psychoneuroses and psychoses but also mild disturbances in which a person is anxious or behave particularly.
Maturation – completion of developmental processes in physical, mental, emotional factors.
Motivation – a general term referring to behavior instigated by needs and directed toward goals.
Objectivity – freedom from bias; judgment unaffected by feeling.
Obsession – a seemingly groundless idea that constantly intrudes into a person’s thoughts.
Perception – a general term referring to the awareness of objects, qualities or event stimulating the sense organs.
Personality – the traits, modes of adjustment, and ways of behaving that characterize the individual and his relation to others on his environment.
Psychology – the science seeking to describe, understand, and predict the behavior of an individual.
Social Value – a learned goal involving one’s relationship to society and other people.
Traits – an aspect of personality reasonably characteristic of a person and distinguishes him/her in some ways from many other people.
Value – s learned goal.
Wholeness – total being of an individual.


This chapter presents the psychosocial development of an individual (adolescence period between childhood and adulthood, aged 12-21), normally completed high school and college education. Discussion concerning the self-image, (the way person perceives himself/herself), the psychosocial aspects of the personality (traits, modes of adjustment, and ways of behaving that characterize the individual and his/her relation to others in his/her environment).
It is also a study on the cognitive (process by which a person becomes aware of the world through perceiving, thinking, and remembering), and developmental task (those things that make up healthy and satisfactory growth in society; an accomplishment of balance between two opposite than an individual attempt to make during each of the age period through which he/she passes. Such discussion of cognitive and developmental process will be related to the study of students’ attitudes (readiness to respond in a certain way when the appropriate situation occurs) and perception (process of taking in information through sensory capabilities and transforming it into meaning) toward proliferation of men’s magazine (FHM, Playboy, Stud, Bunny, Cover Girl, other local and foreign porno-magazine.

Foreign Literature

Based on findings, most typical of the American and European societies, particular their high school and college students, whose cognitive and psychosocial development are more influenced by cultural variables and class groups. The work credible theorist described cognitive and psychosocial development of an individual adolescence.
Jean Piaget theorized that ‘individuals learn to form concepts that cognitive development occurs in four stages:
Perception – the process taking information through sensory capabilities and transforming it into meaning.
Cognition – the press by which a person becomes aware of the world through perceiving, thinking, and remembering. The progression from stage to stage occurs in a rather fixed sequence based on age and experience. In adolescence, ages 13 to 21, is stage 4, formal operations.
Robert J. Havighurst the theorized that ‘there are developmental tasks one must accomplish throughout life’. He described developmental task as being those things that make up health and satisfactory growth society. The tasks are organically and socially determined. Accomplishing task at a lower level, oral earlier age, is the first step in the progression toward accomplishing task at a later age. In adolescene, these are developmental task:
1. Achieving new and more mature relation with age mate of both sexes.
2. Achieving a masculine or feminine social role.
3. Accepting one’s physique the body effectively.
4. Achieving emotional independence from parent and other adult.
5. Preparing from marriage and family life.
6. Preparing from economic career.
7. Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as a guide to behavior-developing and ideology.
8. Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior.

Erick Erickson theorized that ‘psychosocial integration and personality development progresses in eight sequential stages of development. Satisfactory solution of a developmental task at one stage forms. Developmental task is an accomplishment of balances between two opposites that a person attempts to make during each of the age periods through which he passes. It did not imply that one of the two opposite in the life, but during each stage of development the person strives for a balance that allows for eventual growth toward positive achievement. The adolescene at age 13 to 31, the psychosocial development. Stage is the diffusion versus identity (identity versus diffusion).
There is over slapping in the theories of these men. This can be expected even though they approached the subject of human development from somewhat different viewpoints. From all these theories, certain generalization about the nature of human development can be made. Some of these generalizations affected an adolescene in attitude and perception toward an object, particularly, the proliferation of men’s magazine

C. S. Schuster, ‘Piaget’s Theory on Adolescence’ Development,’ The Process of Human Development (Boston: Little Brown & Co., 2000) pp.88
Generally, human development is very complex. There are many processes that comprise human developmental, all interrelating with each other, that is, the physical, the mental, and the social development. This generalization supports the concept that ‘man strives for wholeness throughout the life span’. In the mental a social development includes the individual attitude and perception towards people, object, culture, beliefs, practices, social norms, laws, and environment.
Human development is both quantitative and qualitative. Continuously adding to quantity would result in grossness and chaos. But the person constantly differentiates and becomes selective in what will support and maintain. In both the physical and psychophysical sense, as it strives for constancy and stability. The person differentiates and alters in a complex yet organized and qualitative manner.
Human development is continuous and orderly. There is no time when development is static, and orderly and organized. , even during periods of decline. Because of this, it is possible to describe characteristic patterns for the different stages in life through which human pass.
The tempo of human development is uneven. Development is orderly and organized, but proceeds unevenly. Physical development varies among people. Maturation does not occur at the same time for every person. This is true of both psychological and psychosocial development.
There are many environmental influences that affect psychosocial development. As a result, psychosocial development is generally less predictable

R. J; Havigurst, ‘The adolescene Period, ‘Developmental Task and Education, 3rd ed. (New York: Longman, Inc., 1992) pp.97.
Than psychological development. Here, the adolescene in there high school and college years faced different influenced from their social environment, affecting their attitudes and perceptions towards people, object, medium of communication, as in the proliferation of men’s magazine.
Different aspects of development occur at different rates, as in physical development varies in age, as does in mental and social maturity.
The rate and pattern of development can be modified. Experiences early in life are known to have far-searching effects on a person’s later mental and social development.
There is a tendency for an individual to seek its maximal potential for development —physically, mentally, and socially. The environment of the individual plays a crucial role in maximizing his/her hereditary potential. When factors completely unrelated to genetics are overwhelming, genetic potential cannot be obtained.
Each person develops his/her own unique way. No two personal are alike, not even identical twins. A person uniqueness result from interplay between hereditary and environmental influences, and individuality can be observed throughout the life span.
Knowledge of development is important for human beings since it is basic, and each human remains distinctly individuals.

D. C. Suyterley, ‘the adolescene, ‘Perspectives in Human Development (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 2003), pp. 90.

Adolescene is the period between childhood and adulthood, ages 12-13 to 18-21 years. This period is when the adolescene spend his/her high school and college education. Adolescene is characterized by rapid development: physically mentally, socially.
According Piaget, ‘between ages 12-15 years the youth is in stage 4 (formal operation) of cognitive development, important for this stage of development is the approaching acuity of the adult mind, with he ability to deal with the abstract concepts, as:
1. the mind becomes capable of using deductive ,reflective , and hypothetical reasoning and can test hypotheses
2. the culmination of logical through occur;
3. abstract problems can be handled;
4. there is much forming and revising of concept

Piaget describe concept development, which goes on during all of life, as being dependent as assimilation, that is adding information to already concepts, and also as being dependent on accommodation, which is restructuring the concept with new information. Accommodation that alters a concept markedly is most typical during adolescene and results in sophisticated and abstract concepts.
This is the 1st major stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory, which is built on theory describe the mind as having an order generating capacity and built in drive to learn.
Havighurst’s developmental task points out that, ‘Development during adolescene is concerned primarily with physical and emotional maturing. He supports this with observations of typical task seen during this period.
1. Achieving new and more mature relation with age mates of both sexes –
Sexual attractions become important during this period. Youth becomes preoccupied in social groups and social experimentation. Groups of one sex are learning to became and behave like men and women, and mixed groups, the youngster begins learning the technique of courtship, which usually lead to marriage. A characteristic of this age is the strong desire for sameness and group approval by peers. It is significant to note that adolescents social relationships markedly influenced by cultural patterns and by classes within the particular culture.
2. Achieving a masculine and feminine social role.
This task is concerned primarily with developing social roles related to what culture defines traditionally as masculinity or femininity. However, in recent years, roles have been blurring as girls want to be treated equally with boys, and as a result, the usual male role has broadened also. The present day generation described ‘third sex’ where men becomes gays(feminine roles) and women becomes lesbian (masculine roles), generally known as homosexuals’.
3. Accepting one’s physique and using the body effectively.
Adolescents become very interested in their changed bodies, which are maturing to adult levels. There is much concern about self image. It is a period of great worry about being normal. Although girls tend to mature earlier than boys, there is also variation in the process of maturation among adolescents of each sex. There is often to reassure adolescents who vary from average and to help all of them accept their bodies normal and beautiful.
4. Achieving emotional independence of parents and other adults.
Adolescents start developing independence from parents as they gradually move away from their homes emotionally to forms relationship with non family members. The period is characterized by ambivalence with desire to be independent of adults, yet with lingering desire to be dependent. This ambivalence often results in rebellion against adults and in estrangement, as the adolescent strives to overcome adult authority and then swings back at times to being as dependent as a child. The difficult tasks most adolescents experience when they are weaning themselves from elders id not necessarily a universal phenomenon. As demonstrated by an author, in her studies of adolescent Samoans, she theorized that ‘Adolescents Samoans, their cultures, is an easier period in life when compared with American Adolescence, primarily because Samoans marry earlier, and this fosters easier independence from parents. Also, she pointed out that ‘Culture changed less quickly than the American culture, so that the generation gaps were less apparent in Samoa than in the United States.
5. Preparing for marriage and family life
As sexual maturity is attained , the attraction between the sexes become is attained, the attraction between sexes becomes strong and thoughts or at present, there are changing attitudes in American society toward marriage and families, as, living together outside of marriage does not carry the stigma that it once did. These changes are often reflected in the behavior and thinking adolescents.
6. Preparing for career.
During adolescence, there is an increased interest in careers, in earning a
living an in living independent, of a parent. While career opportunities seem
almost endless in the society, the adolescent of ten feels frustration because of
difficulty of finding satisfactory work without first having the considerable
educational preparation needed to develop skills and abilities that are required
In our complex economic system.
7. acquiring a set of values and ethical system as guide to behavior—developing an ideology
Describe by Havighurst, and resembles Erickson’s emphasis on the task that ‘Adolescents need to achieve identity.’ Both men, havighurst and Erickson, imply a need during adolescence for forming an ideology encompassing social, political philosophical, and ethical values. Reflective thinking becomes important and is characteristic who are able to continue their education and eventually become good candidates for leadership roles in society.
8. Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior.
This task is concerned primarily with working toward becoming a responsible
adult in the community and nation. The process begins with identity within the
family, where one learn to give up certain individual pleasures for the sake of the
group. The process continues through all of childhood with expanding horizons.
Adolescents often demonstrate highly altruistic behavior while tackling this
developmental task and many frequently become involved in various movements
to improve society. If the altruistic behavior or attitude is not present, the
adolescent tends to withdraw into private world may fail to engage in effective
Erickson proposed that during adolescence, people deal with the developmental task of self-identity versus self-identity diffusion. There are certain basic requirements for satisfactory psychosocial development during this period:
1. components of a sense of identity include feeling at home in one’s body, being able to anticipate recognition from those who are important in one’s life , knowing where one is going, being able to meet challenges of adulthood. The adolescent resolves who he is, in both his eyes and those of the world.
2. an earlier trust in one’s body is often distributed because of the growth spurt, especially growth involving the reproductive system.
3. Clannish peer relationship takes one or more significance than family relationship as the adolescent strives to be in the stream of whatever is the ‘in’ thing to do. This Clannishness defends against diffusion and permits identification until a more secure self-identity is found.
4. while seeking independence and individuality, the adolescent still wants to like his peers, independence from adults occurs when peers are there to offer support and the opportunity to test their reaction to certain behaviors exist.
5. when role identity does not occur, identity diffusion results, which is often associated with delinquent and lawless behavior and commonly with suicidal ideation.
Cognitive and psychosocial development during adolescent occurs when achievement in late childhood is consolidated and the individual becomes eager and ready to assume an adult role in society. Development is enhanced when self-identity is well achieved.
To further elaborate the discussion on the psychosocial development of the adolescent, the researched literatures covered the local literature.

Local literature

Based from local author, ‘there are several noticeable difficulties as the adolescent struggles to cope with rapid growth, sexual maturity, and the development of a self-image, but they are gradually integrated. And an improved and intact self-image eventually appears. The adolescent is neither a child nor an adult, and he/she seems to trying desperately to put himself/herself together. As though to add to the problem, the human body reaches physiological maturity before psychosocial maturity. This is period of negativism and a time when the adolescent love what adults hate. These characteristic help the adolescent to find his/her own identity and development a self image, as he/she strives to avoid being like his/her elders.
Many authorities in adolescence’ problems, is that the cure for such is five years. The rebellious and anxious adolescent usually progresses to the disciplined person with a good self-identity, relative independence from his/her family, and ideas on a career choice. He/she has achieved a developmental stage so that he/she is ready is ready to accept the responsibilities and to appreciate the joys of adulthood.
In social psychology, this is the study of individuals’ behavior in a social setting. It studies the effect on individuals and the other persons. As a discipline, it is concerned with social attitudes and group behavior. A social attitude is a combination of feelings, beliefs, and action tendencies toward classes of person or objects that are directly or indirectly social in nature. Thus, an attitude has three components:
1. beliefs or knowledge – the cognitive components
2. Feeling, the emotional – motivational component – with the exception of simple reflexes, all human behavior is motivated. A motive means something the incites the individual to an action or that sustains and gives direction to action once the individual has been aroused. There are many words that can be used to describe motivation: – needs urges, impulse, desires, goals, purposes. All of these words refer to the circumstances that energize behavior and give it direction and the terms motive and drive are often used almost interchangeably, as drives generally refers also to any internal stimulus condition of the individual which impels it to activity. Two main aspect of motivated behavior are present: the activating or energizing aspect the directional aspect. The activating or energizing aspect produces is toward the achievement of some goal, reward or inceptive. The goal is an end status at which sustained activity eases. Once the goal is reached, behavior changes. New, motives and behavior patterns may be acquired.
3. Tendencies to act on particular ways on the basis of knowledge and emotion – the performance component. All emotion have at least four aspects,
a. personal emotional experience – those characteristic of the emotion which the person consciously feels, knows and can describe verbally:
b. the physiological or bodily changes that occurs during the emotion;
c. the behavior of the person – how he/she does;
d. the motivational aspect. Man knows his/her own feeling through the process of introspection. Man looks into his/her emotional experience, and able to fill and know it consciously. If he/she likes, he/she may report his/her own feelings to someone else. Since man is often aware his/her own feelings. He/she tends to jump to the conclusion that emotions are always conscious. However, just as he/she is aware of such feelings, there are other affective states that may develop which he/she have little or nor conscious awareness. Trend has found that adolescents sometimes have an intense but unconscious hatred for their parents, as demonstrated in patient using psycho-analysis to being their consciousness of feelings. There are other but prefer to keeps others from knowing it. All us have developed a certain skills in masking the overt expression of how we feel. There are times of great sorrow when we hold back our tears and force a smile. There are times when we should like to lash out in anger, but instead we stand immobile a try to appear clam.
Emotions are stirred – up states of an individual, and are conscious feeling, too. As such, they are rich varied, concrete and personal. They are also considered as responses, both the internal and external. Emotional states range from the mild affective states of pleasantness and unpleasantness to the more intense states. They may vary from the mildest satisfaction to the most complete panic. The more intense states can be classified into those that are pleasant as joy, hope, affection, and those that are unpleasant as anger, fear, and grief.
Attitudes are sometimes referred to social concepts. They are generally, though not always, concepts about classes of people, and they are concepts with prominent evaluative character. They provide a way of responding to all members of a given class membership. Attitudes serve as guide to future behavior. They are an important basis for consistency, for we always respond in the same way to class members,
Attitudes can be learned both by direct examples and by the instruction form others. They can be organized according to the principle of consistency, which states that the attitudes held by a particular individual are mutually and do not conflict with each other.
A kind of attitude, pre justice, consisting of a combination of feelings, beliefs, and action tendencies. It is often matter of prejudice. The implication is that one has made up his mind too soon, before all the facts are in or has come to his/her attention. Prejudice is usually though not always:
A. highly emotional character
B. rigidly or inflexibly felt and acted on by group members (meaning they won’t listen to reason), and
C. negative (the object of the prejudice is disliked and the group’s tendency is to mistreat or discriminate against members of the disliked group
When an individual behaves in full accord with the values of the social group, there is conformity. Conformity is a rational process reflecting recognition of the validity of other viewpoints. Perception of a given situation is the same as that of the social groups as their might be conformity despite a difference in interpretation.
Perception is the combination of the different sensations and utilization of past experiences in recognizing objects and facts in which the present stimulation arises. The individuals, in his/her attempt to satisfy his/her motives, are always sensitive and responsive to his/her environment. By way of his/her sense organs, he/she translates or perceive the stimulation around his/her. But his/her behavior cannot occur in an organized manner, unless the individual can select from among the stimuli on him/her those stimuli that are important to him/her or have relevance for his/her need. Adjusting cannot proceed unless the individual can also recognize and bring meaning to the stimuli affecting his/her receptors.
Sometimes there are errors in perception. There are situation in which errors in perceptions have practical, even life-and-death, consequence. Under such stimulus conditions, certain errors in perception have practical occurrence in nearly everybody such errors, which depend on stimulus condition and occur in normal people, are called illusions. Illusion is the misinterpretation of the relationship among presented stimuli. What is perceived does not correspond to physical reality. There are many reasons for errors in perception, as poor observation or understanding of aim purpose, it also possible that events may takes place so rapidly that we fall behind in interpreting them.
Expectations can also distort our perception. Our needs and attitudes can cause us to perceive wrongly. Two groups of students were made to judge the market-ability of men’s magazine are pornographic that can corrupt their knowledge in human anatomy and sexuality. Thus, it showed that attitudes and perception of these students differ in their mental and social adjustment to the purpose of the object used as a medium of communication.
Men differ in all sorts of ways. They differ in physical, mental, social dimensions — in the strength in interest and skill. In attitudes and perceptions. They differ in the rate and pattern of physical, mental, and social development. They differ in keenness with which they have their intellectual and physical functions are integrated. They differ in their proficiency in certain tasks. Their differences may affect their attitudes and perception towards people, objects, events, and the society.
Individuals differences may inborn are acquired. Individuals, characteristic are inherited, while habits, attitudes, understanding distinctively his/her own are developed out of the experiences at home, in school, and community the unique person is product of hereditary and partly from environmental factors.
D. A. Limping co , ‘The human growth development.’ General psychology (Quezon City: Ken, Inc.2002), pp. 28; 56; 95; 106.

Research Methodology

Methods Used
This study use the descriptive – normative survey methods of research, because the researcher realized that this study is a fact-finding issue, with adequate presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered and compiled comprehensively. This involved descriptions and recording of researched literatures and respondents’ data furthermore, these methods of research have primary purpose to report the present issue, that is, the proliferation of men’s magazine like Playboy, Playmate, Stud, Bunny, Cover Girl, which imported foreign magazine, and for local, the FHM. These magazine are popular saleable, particular among student in high school and colleges. And the focus of the study is to find out the student’s attitudes and perception towards the proliferation of men’s magazine in our present society.

Instrument Used

The availability of books, foreign and local authors/writers. With studies made regarding the adolescents’ attitude and perception on regarding materials like men’s magazine; and formal letter request, survey questionnaire sheets, were the instruments used for the completion of the study. Naturally, the researcher also used writing pens and ball pen, yellow pad, coupon bonds, typewriter and computer, for the draft, manuscripts, and final printing of data.


The researcher after the final decision of the topic for the study, upon motivation from the teacher, the following procedure guided the order work:

1. made a final draft outline of the study
2. gathered and compiled the researched literatures;
3. made formal request letter and survey questionnaire sheets;
4. distributed and collected the data form selected respondents;
5. presented, analyzed and interpreted the data gathered
6. made a summary of findings, conclusions amd recommendations;
7. submitted to the teacher the type manuscript of the study for correction revision;
8. Computer-printing of the final study ready for approval of concerned school authorities.

Target Respondent and Area:

The researcher and realized that for accessibility and convenience to time, money, and effort, the target respondent and area were students of this school. One hundred in numbers, divided into gender/sex, fifty males, and fifty females, enrolls in two sessions, the first fifty in the morning; and the second fifty in the afternoon sessions. Again, again the selective respondents were also divided into two levels: the first fifty were first and second year; and the second fifty were third and fourth year level. All these for the school year 2008-2009, respectively.

Statistical Analysis of Data:

The researcher facilitated the use of number score and percentage ranking of respondents of respondents’ data to meet the total score of fifty and 100 pecentage.
The number-score will show how the first fifty respondent related to the second fifty respondents, for a total of fifty respondents; while in the percentage-ranking related to the group.

The number- score and percentage of respondents’ data will be presented, analyzed, interpreted through evaluative explanation of the researcher, to justify the negative or positive attitudes and perceptions of CCP students towards proliferation of men’s magazine.

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation of Data

Table 1
Profile of Respondent as to: AGE

Age Number-Score Percentage-Ranking
12-19 50 50%
13-21 50 50% total 100 100%

As gleaned from the table above. The result of the respondents’ data showed that according to age category, there are fifty and fifty percentage of number score and percentage ranking of respondents’ aged 12-19; and another fifty and fifty percentage of number score and percentage ranking of respondents’ aged 13-21. with a total of 100 and 100%, meaning there equality in number score and percentage ranking if respondents.

Table 2
Respondent’s Profile as to: Gender/Sex

Gender/Sex Number – Score Percentage –Ranking
Male 50 50%
Female 50 50%

This table showed that respondents; profiles as to gender/sex, there are fifty male with fifty percent and there again fifty female garnering fifty percentage ranking, for total number score of one hundred nale and females; and 100% percentage ranking of both gender/sex category respondents. Therefore, here represented the equality of number score and percentage ranking of correspondents’ profile as to gende/sex category. The researcher made an accurate selection of respondents wit equal division of males and females under the gender/sex category.

Table 3
Respondent’s: Educational Level

Category Level Number- Score Percentage Ranking
First year 20 20%
Second year 30 30%
Third year 20 20%
Fourth year 30 30%
Total 100 100%

Based on the data of this table, there showed that can in the first- level, the number score is 20, with 20% ranking; while second year level have 30 and thirty is higher number and percentage ranking of five and ten. With regard third year and fourth year again, the same difference of five number score and ten percent age ranking for third year is lower; and fourth year is higher. Thus, there is accuracy in respondents’ data analysis.

Respondents’ Attitudes and Perceptions towards Proliferation
Of Men’s Magazine

Category Number-Score Percentage-Ranking
Positive (Yes) 35 30%
Negative (No) 55 60%
Neutral (Maybe) 10 10%
Total 100 100%

In view of data in this table, the researcher analyzed and intercerpreted the respondents’ attitudes and perception towards proliferation of men’s magazine in the market (bookstores, magazine stands, malls, and shops), he believed that of the total 100 respondent, the highest number-score and percentage – ranking is in the negative attitudes and perception, garnering fifty five and sixty in number score and percentage-ranking; the lowest number score is ten and percentage-ranking. Meaning to say that there are more in the negative attitudes and perceptions, because based from their reasons written below survey-questionnaire sheets, most respondents’ total answers to questions raised in the negative (NO) sides. Most of their reasons stated the men’s magazine corrupt, particular the moral and educational values of the individual, particularly the young students, because most of the picture in these magazine showed naked bodies of males and females, where celebrities or popular figures in the society. Although they said, some of the pictures are moderately dresses-up models, still, there are insinuation of pornography (boldness and seductive poses of males and females models).
However, according to those in the positive views, they believed that men’s magazine are intended to enhance the artistic talents of those who are in photography profession, the art of appreciating beautiful body contours of male and female artists, and those ii nude painting career are inspired to be more adept in their skills of showing the beauty of human anatomy.
On the other hand those neutral side, men’s magazine maybe immoral or educational, depending on the knowledge and understanding of the individual.

Summary Of findings, Conclusion, And Recommendations


This study, based from researched literatures, evidenced by foreign and local sociologist and psychologists, revealed that:

1. The focus of discussion is about the adolescents’ psychosocial growth and development. The important knowledge about the adolescents’ psychosocial growth and development. The important knowledge about the adolescents’ stages of mental and social development, the perception, cognitive and developmental task that the adolescents learned and experienced throughout the life span;
2. Throughout the knowledge and understanding comprehensively discussed by the foreign and locals author/writers from their vast studies about the adolescent’s mental and social development. There have several studies on different aspect of human growth and development, particularly in the psychosocial and development task, supported with theories of prominent authorities, to name: Erickson, Piaget, Havinghurst, and the local writers like Gaerlan, Limpingco, and Sanchez-Agpaoa.
Based from these researched literatures, the study on students’ attitudes and perceptions towards proliferation of men’s magazine, showed that the positives, negatives and neutral attitudes and perception of the young students’ depends on their mental and social knowledge and understanding, their maturity and sense of values, which maybe inherited from their family , or influenced data of selected respondents, there revealed that there are more student in the negative attitudes and perception towards proliferation of men’s magazines, than the positive respondents, and lesser in the neutral opinions.
3. there were one hundred selected respondents, fifty males, and fifty females, who were in their first, second, third and fourth year educational level, enrolled in this school, attending the morning and afternoon session, for the school year 2008-2009, respectively.
Fortunately, these selected respondents were all approachable, showed willingness and cooperation in their time and effort to answer the question raised in the survey –questionnaire sheets.
4. this study have made the findings, conclusion and recommendations, based from the researched literatures and data-gathered from selected respondents, with accuracy the comprehension.


The researcher made an honest and sincere conclusion, by stating:

1. that awareness and understanding of the adolescents’ growth and development will give us the opportunity to learn and understand their attitudes and perceptions on people, objects, situation and their social environment. Their attitudes and perception on the topic, proliferation of men’s magazines, have differences, because of the fact that every individual have his/her own unique ways, and this uniqueness result from interplay between hereditary and environmental influence, and such individuality can be observed throughout the life span.
2. generally, it is concluded in this study that there are higher negative (NO) attitudes and perception of students towards proliferation of men’s magazines, for the very reason that these materials are not educational and lessen moral values of the individual, particularly the young student of this school, and so with the other students in other schools throughout the country.


In my own personal recommendation, every young and even the senior students and school authorities of this school and the rest social authorities, should be concerned and give their concerted time and effort to prevent the publication and marketing of these materials throughout the country. Each and every student must be properly guided and supervised by their parent, teachers, and concerned elders to devote their time, money and effort in their studies, to indulge in wise spending of their time, money and effort in good reading materials, hobbies, extra curricular school activities, like attending dramatic clubs, sport s and games, religious activities, and avoid unfavorable people and objects, such as indecent magazines.

Request Letter

Dear Respondent:
Pleasant greetings!
May I take this opportunity to have you honest and prompt attention, in view of my study on: CCP student’s attitudes and perceptions toward proliferation of Men’s Magazine?
Please marks your answer with YES (Positive), or NO (Negative), or Maybe (Neutral) on the questions raised, in the Survey- questionnaire Sheet.
Thank you for king and prompt consideration.

Truly yours


Name: Age:
Gender/sex: educational level:
Session/shift: school year:
Please remarks your answer with a check ( ) if
1. are you aware that there many men’s
Magazine in the market? ___ ____ ____
2. have you tried to buy and read the? ___ ____ ____
3. do you believe that as a reading material
It is educational? ____ _____ _____
4. do you agree that it will corrupt your moral
Values? ____ _____ _____
5. is it necessity to enhance your knowledge? ____ _____ _____
(Please explain your reasons, whether you are in the positive, negative or neutral attitudes and perceptions)

Foreign Reference:
Erickson, E.H. adolescence and Society, 5th ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2003
Havighurst, R; J; ‘The Adolescene Period.’ Developmental Task and Education, 3rd ed. New York: Longman, Inc., 1992
Mead Margaret ‘the adolescene, ‘reflection on cultural Differences. New York: hardcore Brace Jovanovich
Schuster, C. S. ‘Piaget’s theory on Adolescene, ‘development, ‘ The process of human development. Boston little brown & Co., 2000.
Sutterley, D. C. ‘the adolescene,’ Perspectives in Human Development. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 2003.
Turnside, J.M. et. Al. ‘the adolescene,’psychosocial development throughout the life span. New York: McGraw-hill, 2001.

Local Reference
Gaerlan, J. E. ‘the adolescene, ‘principles of growth and development. Quezon City: KEN, inc., 1997
Limpingco, D. A. ‘the human growth and development,’ general psychology. Quezon City: KEN, inc., 1997
Sanchez, C. A., and F. B. Agpao. ‘The youth, role in society.’ Manila: National Bookstore, Rev. Ed. Contemporary Social Problems & Issues, 2007.

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

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