Martin Presents at AHA/ADHS Conference


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Professor and Department Chair Scott Martin participated in a roundtable discussion on alcohol and drugs history at the American Historical Association meeting in Atlanta on January 8, 2016. The roundtable, “Alcohol and Drugs History: Accomplishments and Prospects,” sponsored by the Alcohol and Drugs History Society (ADHS), examined developments within the field over the past 35 years, along with likely directions for future research. Other panelists were William Rorabaugh, David Courtwright, Scott Haine, Isaac Campos, and Jon Miller.


Trigger Warnings


Guest post by Travis Snyder. Travis Snyder is a second-year M.A. student in the history program. His interests are American Military History with a specialization in Psychological Effects of Warfare.

Every life experience a person goes through leaves a mark on him or her whether it is good or bad. For some the mark is physical and others it may be of the invisible mental sort. When it comes to more intense negative experiences the world around a person could “trigger” powerful negative memories of the experience to resurface and cause an intense psychological or physiological response. These memories are something that the person who has these negative “triggers” tries to avoid at all costs as it is extremely uncomfortable for the person to have to re-experience their negative trauma. There are many possible “triggers” that come up in the material of nearly all the history courses.

On Wednesday October 28, 2015 the faculty and graduate students of the BGSU History department met in a teaching forum to discuss real-world experiences, both teaching and personal, concerning the handling of sensible contents and whether “trigger warnings” help students in their process of learning. The most prominent issue was that of how to deal with students who come forward with the issue of having “triggers” that would most likely come up during the course.

Through examples of different experiences, participants had varying opinions on the type of accommodations and adjustments, but all agreed on a few bottom line principles. The first was that for every occasion that a student comes to an instructor informing the instructor of possible triggers that could occur needed to be dealt with a case by case basis. Second, the responsibilities of instructor or teacher goes beyond the course material, and that the human side of academia should not be something that is shunned but rather played upon when a “trigger” is brought up in class. The third principle is the awareness of opportunistic behavior to take advantage of the notion of “trigger warnings” to get out of assignments or class.

To conclude, I thought that the discussion beneficial to all in attendance and an excellent example of how the History Department here at Bowling Green State University cares for their students and constantly strives to better serve the students in the classes.
Alternative: To conclude, I felt the discussion was beneficial to all in attendance and the start of a discussion that needs to be had in departments across the country. As attendants left the conference room I believe they left with a better grasp on their thoughts of trigger warnings.

Public talk on the history of capitalism in Mexico, 11/2/2015 6PM


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The Department of History is pleased to announce an upcoming public talk:
Mexican Workers and the Spread of Global Capitalism (1880-1930)
by Dr. Aurora Gómez-Galvarriato
Dr. Gómez-Galvarriato is a Professor of History at El Colegio de México (Mexico City), author of Industry and Revolution (Harvard University Press, 2013), and the former director of the General National Archive of Mexico, considered one of the most important archives in the world.

Monday, November 2, 2015
6:00pm Reception — 141 Williams Hall
6:45pm Lecture — 314 BTSU

Free and open to the public
Organized by the Department of History, with the sponsorship of the Institute for the Study of Culture and Society’s Latin American and Latino/a Studies Cluster

BGSU PhD Camillia Rodgers Directs Buffalo Soldiers Museum



Camillia Zanette Rodgers, who recently earned the M.A and Ph.D. in history and Africana Studies at Bowling Green State University, is the newly appointed Director of the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum in Houston, Texas.  Founded by Captain Paul Matthews around 2001, this is the only museum in the U.S. that is “dedicated primarily to preserving the legacy and honor” of the African American Buffalo Soldiers.  These military units were formed at the end of the Civil War to patrol and maintain peace on our western borders. 
As chief administrative officer, Dr. Rodgers will oversee research as well as the collection and interpretation of artifacts and information that relate experiences of Buffalo soldiers to those of soldiers who have succeeded them in time.  Additionally she will hire, supervise and evaluate a staff and oversee maintenance of the building in which the museum is housed.
The academic skills, creative talents, and commitment to excellence that Rodgers applied to study and service in BG-Toledo communities render her poised to excel in her new position. 

Nicole Jackson presents paper at Midwest Conference on British Studies


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Dr. Nicole Jackson at the Midwest Conference on British Studies

Dr. Nicole Jackson at the Midwest Conference on British Studies

On Friday, September 25, 2015, Dr. Nicole Jackson presented a paper at the Midwest Conference on British Studies meeting in Detroit. Her paper, “Representing Black British Histories: Race, Nation, and Empire,” appeared as part of a panel entitled “Britain in the 21st Century: Contemporary Issues.” It addressed the experiences of the Afro-Caribbean population as members of the British empire.

Hess’ Book on Vietnam in the BGSU News!


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Dr. Gary Hess’ new book, Vietnam: Explaining America’s Lost War, is being published to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the escalation of troops in Vietnam. The BGSU News published an article detailing the book and Dr. Hess’ interest and approach.

Dr. Gary Hess is the Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus in the Department of History at Bowling Green State University. For more on his research, please visit his faculty pageDr. Hess' Vietnam: Explaining America's Lost War

Reception for Dr. Beth Griech-Polelle: Friday, July 17 from 1-3 pm


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The Department of History will host a farewell reception for Dr. Beth Griech-Polelle on Friday, July 17th from 1-3 pm in the History Conference Room (Williams 141). Dr. Griech-Polelle will be heading to Pacific Lutheran University in the fall, after having been at BGSU since 1999.

Please RSVP to Tina at!

Faykosh Presents at Alcohol and Drugs History Society Conference


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Joe Faykosh, doctoral candidate in the Graduate Program in Policy History at BGSU, presented at the Alcohol and Drugs History Society conference, titled “Borders, Boundaries, and Contexts: Defining Spaces in the History of Alcohol and Drugs,” held at BGSU from June 18-21. Faykosh presented “A Place in the Party: Wets, Drys, and the Klan at the 1924 Democratic Convention,” part of his dissertation research, on a panel titled “Perspectives on US Prohibition” that also included Dr. Michael Brooks’ “‘Ham-Strung, Shackled, and Tied’: the Ku Klux Klan and Prohibition Enforcement in Wood County, Ohio.” 

Among other BGSU faculty participating in the conference were: Dr. Scott Martin, Dr. Amilcar Challu, Dr. Apollos Nwauwa, Dr. Beth Griech-Polelle, Dr. Walt Grunden, Dr. Don Rowney, and Dr. Shirley Green, who chaired panels and served as commenters.

Faykosh Presenting "A Place in the Party" at the ADHS Conference

Faykosh Presenting “A Place in the Party” at the ADHS Conference


BGSU History Department well represented at Alcohol and Drugs History Society Conference (this weekend!)


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The Department of History at Bowling Green State University will be well-represented when the Alcohol and Drugs History Society Conference meets this weekend (Thursday, June 18-Sunday, June 21) at Bowling Green State University’s Bowen-Thompson Student Union (BTSU). The conference includes panelists from all over the world, on a wide array of topics related to Alcohol and Drugs History.

Dr. Scott Martin, chair of the History Department at BGSU, serves as president of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society and is the coordinator of the conference. In addition, he is leading a plenary session on Thursday from 7-9 pm in 201 BTSU on “The Heroin/Opioid Epidemic in Northwest Ohio.” He will also chair a panel on “Medical Responses to Substance Abuse” on Saturday from 4-5:30 in 318 BTSU.

Dr. Don Rowney, professor emeritus at BGSU, will chair a panel on “Alcohol Policy in Soviet Russia and Beyond” on Friday from 9-10:30 in 318 BTSU.

Dr. Amilcar Challu, professor at BGSU, will chair a panel on “Drugs in North American Borderlands” on Friday from 9-10:30 in 315 BTSU.

Dr. Shirley Green, instructor at BGSU and Ph.D. alum, will chair a panel on “Crime and Law Enforcement in the History of Alcohol and Drugs” on Friday from 9-10:30 in 316 BTSU, with Dr. Matthew Daley, professor at Grand Valley State and Ph.D. alum of BGSU, presenting “Prohibition’s Hangover: Murder, Gangsters, and Gambling in Toledo, Ohio, 1920-1970.”

Dr. Apollos Nwauwa, professor at BGSU, will chair a panel on “International Drug Control: Colonialism and Its Aftermath” on Friday from 10:45-12:15 in 314 BTSU.

Dr. Beth Griech-Polelle, professor at BGSU, will chair a panel on “Gendered Spaces in Alcohol and Drugs History” on Saturday from 10:45-12:15 in 314 BTSU.

Dr. Walt Grunden, professor at BGSU, will chair a panel on “Defining Intoxicants and the Intoxicated” on Saturday from 10:45-12:15 in 316 BTSU.

Joe Faykosh, doctoral candidate at BGSU, will present a paper titled “A Place in the Party: Wets, Drys, and the Klan at the 1924 Democratic National Convention,” and Dr. Michael Brooks, professor at BGSU, will present a paper titled “‘Ham-Strung, Shackled, and Tied’: the Ku Klux Klan and Prohibition Enforcement in Wood County, Ohio” on a panel titled “Perspectives on US Prohibition” on Sunday from 9:30-10:45 in 318 BTSU.

For more on the Alcohol and Drugs History Society Conference, visit the conference site. For the detailed conference program, please click here.

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Martin and BGSU History Host Alcohol and Drugs History Society Conference-June 18-21


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Bowling Green State University will host “Borders, Boundaries and Contexts: Defining Spaces in the History of Alcohol and Drugs,” the eighth annual Alcohol and Drugs History Society Conference from Thursday, June 18-Sunday, June 21 in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union. Dr. Scott Martin, chair of the Department of History, serves as  president of the society and is chair of the conference program.

The conference will present the research of scholars from 16 states and 15 countries across North America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Participants will seek to break down barriers in the historical study of drugs and alcohol, and encourage transnational approaches and methodologies that transcend the singular focus of alcohol or drugs. Topics include national Prohibition in the U.S.; drugs in North American borderlands; the evolution of concepts of addiction, alcohol and drugs policy in colonial contexts; and the national and international histories of regulating alcohol, coca, opium and psychedelic drugs.

The event is sponsored by: the Alcohol and Drugs History Society, BGSU Department of History, BGSU College of Arts and Sciences, the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President at BGSU, and the BGSU Graduate College.

For more on the conference, including panel titles, participants, and other information, see the article in the BGSU NewsFeed or the conference website.

For more on Dr. Scott Martin’s research and teaching, visit his faculty page.

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