Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Derek Atta: “ Crusio: a nephew from Ronald Reagan and his father proud because he’s a Pokemon master, yeah, right. Blatant nonsense. {{db-nonsense}} Derek M. Atta was born in 1984 on the island of Oahu to his parents Peter Atta and Maile Kojiyama. At the age of 5 Derek began participating in Judo and soon […]
Andy 2k8: “ Olly150: Requesting speedy deletion ([[WP:CSD#G3|CSD G3]]). ([[WP:TW|TW]]) {{db-vandalism}} UP THE RA I.R.A Suck Dick Britain! yero ohara is spaced out lmao!
“ (Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Zhuan Faraj: “ WikiDan61: {{db-vandalism}} Zhuan Faraj FUCKING RULES BOW DOWN TO HER YOU COMMONER! “ (Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Citizen prime: “ Excirial: Requesting speedy deletion ([[WP:CSD#G3|CSD G3]]). using [[WP:TW|TW]] {{db-vandalism}} “ (Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Stephen Peterkins: “ DeadlyAssassin: Requesting speedy deletion ([[WP:CSD#G3|CSD G3]]). ([[WP:TW|TW]]) {{db-vandalism}} =Stephen= Friend of G808 and he is good at drawing and music. “ (Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Tim loten: “ DeadlyAssassin: Requesting speedy deletion ([[WP:CSD#G3|CSD G3]]). ([[WP:TW|TW]]) {{db-vandalism}} =Tim Loten= G808 Friend. He can be annoying and he is really good with Lego “ (Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Shane groff: “ Theterribletwins1111: {{db-vandalism}} [ATTACK CONTENT DELETED] “ (Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Kunberger: “ A Cool Editor: {{db-vandalism}} kenny is the coolest mann alive. “ (Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Adam bradberry: “ DeadlyAssassin: blanked attack {{db-vandalism}} {{courtesy}} “ (Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Chris roan: “ MER-C: JS: Requesting speedy deletion ([[WP:CSD#g3|CSD G3]]) {{db-g3}} CHRIS IS A SPAGETTI MONSTER THAT LIVES IN MY PANTS “ (Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)