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Christopher Buzzelli

Christopher Buzzelli: “

Cbuzzelli: /* Spirituality */

Christopher Robert Buzzelli is a scholarly enigma of a young man, and figure of futuristic importance that manages to remain remarkably unknown to the public at large.


== Family History ==
Christopher Buzzelli is descendent of mainly four obscure bloodlines, all of which a European in origin. His namesake, from his father, Christopher John Buzzelli, is obviously Italian, and was inherited from John Loretto Buzzelli, his grandfather. This grandfather was married to Jane Arrilyn Buzzelli, whose maiden name was Murray, being English, and Scottish. Both his paternal grandparents hailed from Minnesota, before residing in Michigan, and retiring to the South. Christopher was given birth to by his mother, Sheryl Ann Buzzelli, originally surnamed Fachini. Her father was Richard John Fachini, Italian resident of Michigan. Her mother was Joan Ellen Fachini, whose maiden name was Hall, actually French, and slightly Polish, she also lived in Michigan, where they enjoyed their late years, occasionally hibernated in the South.

== Birth ==
Christopher was born on a Tuesday, July 28, 1992. His mother experienced hours of labor at St. Johns Hospital of Clinton Township. His father was set to help with the delivery, however just minutes beforehand the pain overcame Sheryl and she grabbed the doctor. Hospital procedure then called for a staff only delivery, and the baby boy was birth by way of C-Section.

== Family Affairs ==

Growing up, his father held a position as a firefighter and paramedic, and had several marine-related small businesses, his mother did secretarial work mostly at schools. It was also very significant when two years after he was born, he had a sister, Stephanie Renee, born just three days after his own birth-anniversary. He lived in many houses, until the family built their own, which they lived in a few years, whilst turmoil brewed between the parents. The mother and father divorced, and the children lived with their mother. Soon after this, his father remarried, to Lori Sarazin, a fellow paramedic and a female firefighter. The new couple was in love, and eventually bought a nice estate to model a home to retire in. Their new house however was a two-and-a-half hour drive from where Christopher and his sister resided, but they still managed to see him. When he was a teenager his life changed again when another sister was born, Savannah Arrilyn Kay.

== Grade School ==

Christopher attended pre-school and kindergarten in the usual manner. During his parents divorce he would have begun first grade, but because of the developments in the household relations, he was put into a unique class, called junior-first, here the class was presented like kindergarten, while they learn advanced first grade curriculum. After moving in with his mother, he started first grade at Lobbestael elementary school; here he excelled academically, and was nearly advanced to third grade during second grade. He especially enjoyed art class there. At the start of middle school, at L’anse Creuse Middle School-Central, he was placed in advanced math courses, and continued to explore art.

== High School ==

Next, he started high school, next door to the middle school at, L’anse Creuse High. Here he felt slightly isolated, but had friends in his Math, Science, and Technology classes taken at the Pankow Center a special district building with advanced materials. He only joined one club, Quiz Bowl, a Jeopardy-like competition, which he mostly enjoyed. He took Drawing, Painting, and wants to take Sculpture, Design, and Photography classes, as well as the Visual Imaging Technology class at Pankow, where you get career certified.


== Spirituality ==

Christopher was brought up going to St. Hubert Catholic Church, and he also took catechism classes there. He was confirmed under the name Innocent, after several popes, but a name also chosen for its uniqueness and it turning his initials into an acronym. His faith was influenced strongly as he matured, and science as was common, faltered his belief in God. He felt there must be a Divine, but he looked into other faiths extensively searching for a way of life that was moral and logical. Buddhism seemed just a ritualistic and unclear as Catholicism, and his attempts with metaphysical guides, like the Way of the Peaceful Warrior, were not whole-hearted. He tried to live doing what he thought was right and tried to enjoy himself as much as he could without religious security.

== Philosophy ==

Christopher spent a large portion of his time, wondering, pondering, and deducting thoughts. His lack of worship left a gap he tried to fill with knowledge, trying to answer the questions religion couldn’t. He would spend lots of time reading about philosophy and paradoxes. He was largely influenced by fiction especially the Matrix trilogy. He used to consider thought experiments during travel, if it was inconvenient to read a book.

== Mankind ==

A special section must be dedicated towards his opinions regarding humanity. Some viewed him as arrogant, because he would often say things insinuated his was superior to others, in fact these statements arose from the upset of others not understanding him. He believed the reason others did not understand him was because they lived as their bodies and did things without reflection. This bothered him for he would never do things without complete understanding; this led to an unfortunate distaste, for the general population. It is speculated his dislike for mainstreamed stereotypical people arose from a jealousy of their happiness, while going about their daily lives just aimlessly busying themselves.

== Purpose ==

Christopher’s thoughts about life’s purpose also deserve special note. Christopher spent a lot of time learning, and being entertained, by television, movies, and books. He did not so much enjoy these things as he used them as a distraction from himself. Even though he would spend half the time in thought the other half the time he feared the thoughts about death, afterlife, god, interaction, how the mind works, and other complexities of life.

== Politics ==

In regards to his beliefs on society and government, important points of opinion in today’s society, Christopher was relatively unbiased. If asked which party e favored he would say he was a democratic republican, he prefers a strong, but smaller federal government, he is pro-life, believes an a secular government, thinks equality is good but should be color-blind, is reverent to the Constitution, and agrees in global government and peace.


== University Years ==

Christopher has no idea what he will do in relations to attending college. He would love to go to a great academic institution such as the Ivy League schools, or a college in California. He would especially appreciate going to school abroad, like at Oxford. He thinks about a time when people didn’t used to go to college, people didn’t even go to school. He wishes there were still a chance he could be successful without the time college takes and the money it costs. He does not have a clear realistic sense of what he will do to pay for his dream lifestyle of not having to work hard or worry about money.

== Mea Domus ==

The Mea Domus is a sailboat, it is Christopher’s hope to avoid college, and see the world, in an efficient but enjoyable manner. Its namesake is Latin for my household; Christopher would live aboard for about five years. He would enjoys the sites, and appreciate gods green earth, including the ocean blue. He would spend quite some time reading literature.

== Mea Sedes ==

Mea Sedes is Christopher’s self-designed house. It is modeled after Japanese architecture, and half the living space is underground. The ground level would have the theme of the outside, garage, and yard; it would even have tatami flooring. His bedroom would be accessible by a butterfly door disguised as a mirror. The basement would have a trapdoor entry, and a spiral staircase, there would be the laundry room, the library, a home office, a home theater, a grand piano, and probably a game room, as well as a kitchenette.

== Economic Security ==

Christopher’s plans of how to pay for his deferred lifestyle are not definitive, but they involve making money online, and it is highly likely that he will work in an entrepreneurial manner. He also could be an investor, stock-trader, or do something similar to drop-shipping, as long he would not have to work more than two hours a day, to create income.

== Diplomacy ==

Another one of his aspirations, abated only by his nervousness around people, caused by his complex annoyance by the majority of them is to be President. He understands the difficulties in securing such a position, but thinks he could do well for the United States. He would like for the government to be more globally unified. He also would like to try to eliminate party politics, because the country was founded without them and can be run without them. He thinks they only complicate communication in government.

(Via Wikipedia – New pages [en].)

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