
SRC Holiday Membership Specials

The Student Recreation Center offers two holiday membership specials. Take advantage of them today!

Last Friday, the Student Recreation Center launched its seven-month-long membership specials for this year’s holiday season. The SRC requests that BGSU affiliates and community members take advantage of these holiday specials which are scheduled to end May 4, 2012.

“These membership specials allow individuals to recreate, socialize and become physically active throughout the winter season when exercising outdoors becomes difficult/uncomfortable.” said SRC Facilities Assistant Director, Dave Hollinger.

The reduced membership rates include the Snowbird Special intended for individuals with or without children and the Family Holiday Membership Special for families with or without children. Please note that both regular season and holiday season membership rates do not include the cost of parking passes. Also note that the cost per dependent child is $10 for both regular and holiday season membership rates.

For less than a dollar a day, the holiday membership specials allows full SRC facility access to BGSU affiliates and community residents. As with regular season membership plans, the SRC holiday specials do not include access to group exercise or the climbing wall, however, these facilities can be accessed for an additional nominal fee.

The Snowbird and Holiday Family Membership specials last one to three months longer than regular, semester-long membership plans. Fall semester memberships cost $120 for BGSU affiliates, $144 for community members, and last for six months. Spring semester membership plans have the same rates as the Fall semester plans and last a little over four months. Compared to regular semester membership rates, community members can expect 13 percent off for the Snowbird Special as well as three additional months in the Spring and one additional month in the Fall.  Community members can also expect 19 percent off for the Family Membership Special as well as an additional one or three months depending on the semester.

For BGSU affiliates, the Snowbird Special costs an additional $5 however, the holiday membership last one or three months longer than regular semester plans. The Family Membership Special reduces costs by $6 for BGSU affiliates and, as previously mentioned, lasts one or three months longer.

Those interested in participating in the SRC’s membership holiday specials must call SRC front desk at 419.372.8454.















Need to rent a space for a summer event?

BGSU and non-BGSU groups can rent a variety of facilities at the Perry Field House, Student Recreation Center or Ice Arena

Summer may seem far in the distance, but it is never too early to book a space for an event. Depending on the event, BGSU and non-BGSU groups can rent spaces from three different locations on the BGSU campus: The Perry Field House, Student Recreation Center and Ice Arena. Each location offers different, rentable areas for a variety of events. These areas will provide groups with safe, reliable and fully-functional spaces that can be used for wedding receptions, practicing sports, swimming, ice skating and so much more.

Each location offers unique spaces with a variety of rental rates. Follow the links below to see which location and space can best serve you.

The Perry Field House has six areas available for rental: The Track Room, Turf Room, Sports Care Center, Conference Room and Foyer/Lobby. These areas are ideal for holding sport practices, physical therapy and/or physical therapy training and meetings.




The Student Recreation Center has ten areas available for rental: Gym Courts, Andrews Pool, Cooper Pool, Racquetball Court, Wallyball Court, Climbing Wall, Dance Room, Multi-Purpose Room, Youth and Family Room and Full Facility (excludes pools and climbing wall). These areas are ideal for holding birthday parties, dances or dance practice, exercise classes, swimming lessons or parties, after-prom activities, family/individual/group racquetball, basketball and/or wallyball games.




The Ice Arena has three areas available for rental: The Main Ice, Multi-Purpose Ice and lounge. These areas are ideal for curling hockey, figure skating and/or recreational skating,  wedding receptions, after-prom, retirement parties, academic seminars, business meetings and family/group organizations and outings. Renting the Multi-Purpose Ice along with the Lounge is widely popular.




If you are interested in hosting your summer event at the University please use the following links for registration and booking information: Perry Field HouseStudent Recreation Center and Ice Arena.





Three-on-Three Women’s Intramural Basketball

Monday night, the three-on-three women’s intramural basketball season began. Each three-on-three basketball game is played half court in the Perry Field House. Each successful basket is worth one point and teams are required to record their own scores. The tournament is divided into two divisions: Women’s 5′ 6″ and Under and Open Division. Below are pictures of the first game in the Women’s three-on-three open division tournament. The four teams that competed Monday night were The Breezeway, Team Falcon, Geeks-N-Sneaks and BG Ballers.

If you are interested in joining an intramural team please contact the Department of Recreation and Wellness at 419.372.2464 or email at imsports@bgsu.edu. Please visit the intramural web page for more information concerning costs and eligibility. Also, become a free member of IM Leagues and keep up with your favorite team.

Become a SRC Member, Save Big in Fall

Parking Passes and Membership Plans are Half-Off

Becoming a Student Recreation Center (SRC) member has serious financial benefits, especially for the remainder of the Fall semester. The SRC is currently offering memberships at pro-rated costs. This means that SRC membership costs are 50 percent off until Jan. 18, 2012. Membership plans include access to general SRC facilities, group exercising and climbing wall facilities.

Originally, an individual seeking SRC membership could expect to pay $144, however, with the current pro-rated costs, such individuals need only pay $72. The same goes for couples as well. Normally, couples are required to pay $246 but now, they need only pay $123. This is an amazing opportunity to get involved with the SRC and take advantage of its facilities.

The best part about this deal is that it doesn’t stop at membership costs. It also includes parking passes as well. As a general rule of thumb, all vehicles parked in a University lot must have proper BGSU parking tags. Luckily, with the new, Fall semester deals, parking pass costs are also half-off, meaning it costs only $6 to park on campus for the rest of the semester.

To acquire a permit, bring a completed Parking Permit Order Form (available at the SRC Front Desk or through Parking Services) to the BGSU Visitor Information Center, or BGSU Parking Services.  A receipt showing proof of membership is required.

There are 20 types of membership plans a person can purchase. To see which plan best suits you please visit the SRC website. Please note, that full year memberships are not included in the new deals for the Fall semester. If you need further information, please call the SRC front desk at 419.372.2000.



Intramural Ultimate Frisbee Champs: Friends of Jesus

Friends of Jesus celebratory huddle
Friends of Jesus teammates huddle up for the last time this season.  They end their regular season with a 3 – 1 record and win the championship game against Kettering Kounty.

Last week, the Ultimate Frisbee playoffs were held at the Perry Field House over a period of two days. Friends of Jesus squashed the competition and were the overall victors. Intense and aggressive, Friends of Jesus played their first playoff game against team Phrenocon last Tuesday night and wiped the floor with the competition gaining a 10-point lead by the end of the game. Phrenocon team captain, David Harrand, said his team seriously underestimated their competitors and the near shut out by Friends of Jesus upset their usual cooperative attitude with one another.

“We made the mistake of playing in our flag football game just before our frisbee game thinking that Tuesday night was going to be as easy as the regular  season was.” said Harrand. “We clearly weren’t prepared. We were down early in the game and instead of working together we criticized each other. No one was on the same page and everyone wanted to play their own way.”

After a big win against Phrenocon with a final score of 7-17, Friends of Jesus were scheduled to play Kettering Kounty the following night in the championship game.

The Kettering Kounty defense intensifies as Friends of Jesus’s Holden Smith nears the end zone. Ahmed Hayat (center, back, left) attempts to tear away from the Kettering Kounty defense to assist Smith.

Unlike Phrenocon, Kettering Kounty team captain, Nathan Wahle, understood that Friends of Jesus were serious competition.

“[We knew] it would be a tough game to win because we knew how good they were.” said Wahle.

With two teams prepared and ready to play, competition was fierce. The championship game began with an intense alternating goals between the two teams. Within the first two minutes of play, Friends of Jesus scored. Within seconds, Kettering Kounty tied up the game, however, Friends of Jesus quickly gained another one-point lead. This type of intense gameplay continued throughout the championship.

In fact, gameplay became so intense that twice “things got a little heated,” Wahle said. In the second half, a Friends of Jesus offensive player made a beautiful diving catch into the end zone. Friends of Jesus teammates cheered and Kettering Kounty teammates jeered, insisting that the frisbee hit the ground first. Ultimate Frisbee is known as a “gentleman’s sport” which means teams are expected to rely on the honor code in terms of play discrepancies. In the end, they determined the pass to be complete and Friends of Jesus went on to win the championship with a hard-earned win of 13-11.

Participating in intramural sports is a great way to stay active, be competitive and interact with people. According to Scott Sehmann, assistant director for intramurals and sports clubs, nearly 6,000 people participate in intramurals annually, earning approximately $65,000 for the University Sehmann said.

“Our offerings are as vast as any institution in the country and we typically have more divisions(levels of play) then most institutions as well giving more participants an opportunity to compete for an IM Championship title and T-Shirt.” said Sehmann.

If you are interested in joining an intramural team please contact the Department of Recreation and Wellness at 419.372.2464 or email at imsports@bgsu.edu. Please visit the intramural web page for more information concerning costs and eligibility. Also, become a free member of IM Leagues and keep up with your favorite team.



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BGSU utilizes many web masters across campus to maintain all of its web properties.  Keeping the BGSU website in compliance with section 508 is a joint effort between Disability Services, Marketing and Communications and Information Technology Services.  If any page is discovered to be inaccessible, please report it using the above link and we will ensure that the issue is addressed.