
pbest on January 22nd, 2010

Ok, so I mustered up enough strength to read through the first chapter of the book (a few days ahead of time as well). From what I’ve read so far, I enjoy how the writer has managed to keep my attention, while secretly teaching me helpful information for my future. I do actually enjoy this […]

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pbest on January 19th, 2010

I met with my content last Friday to discuss the time line for the project. Basically we mapped out the entire semester and I now have a list of things to do over the next few weeks. First, I’m contacting users of the CMS concert 5 to see how it works for them. The reason […]

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pbest on January 15th, 2010

So I reviewed the forward for the Making Things Happen and my intial reactions are that I’m gonna like this book. I always skim books when I read them and the author of this book states that this is a good book to do it with. I also feel very confident because the author seems […]

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pbest on January 14th, 2010

Hey guys, It’s Paul. I guess for this first post I’ll discuss my client, project and progress so far. I currently do have a client to work for and that is the Valentine Theatre in Toledo, Ohio. The project I’ll be working on for them is setting up a content management system, building their current […]

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