Well, I fudged up this week. I’ve been working on my project very closely and kind of lost track of time. Sorry for missing one of my posts. I know my life is the most interesting of everyone who has ever lived. he he he….. What I’ve been up to recently is trying to finish the Valentine site on my server so I can drop it onto the valentine server. So far I’ve completely rebuilt the site on my own server because I couldn’t transfer my database information. That was pretty sweet. Long story short, I’ve got a information gathering form I need to fix, re-Photoshop of one image, and I need clean up the backend of the site (for user usability).

This project has been the craziest project that I’ve worked on in a long time. So far I’ve probably put about 40 to 50 hours on the website creation alone. Normally this would bug me but this project has some wonderful perks associated with it. I am planning on building another website in Joomla, and believe me I learned my weight in gold. No, I’ve learned so much just to do something simple; I’m really not worried about using this program anymore. I also am now going to receive 25 dollars an hour for web updates for the valentine after this project. A sweet freelance gig.  Well, I’m trying to have this site completed by tomorrow morning so I’m going to leave you guys and continue busting it out.

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