Wow, all I can say is wow. So many triumphs and so many failures in one day. Creating or even setting up Joomla for the new Valentine site is a challenge. For ever step I take towards completing the site, It’s taken me ten to get there. Designing the website was a creativity challenge that has taken quite a bit of my time, but this portion of the project has taken about double that. So far I have spent about 25 to 30 hours on this project and still have to work early tomorrow mourning. I’m hoping to have about 90 percent of the site up and running tomorrow (everything except the join email php and the click here to view larger images areas). What I still have left to complete is creation of 3 other templates, uploading additional images, updating the links, adding in the content for the pages, and placing the site on my online server. Sounds fun, right? Creating the additional templates won’t be bad because they’re a play off the original template, and I have all the content and images created, it’s just getting it online. The transfer over to my online server could be a pain, but I’m hoping I can short cut it. All and all, nothings been really hard, it’s just everything takes time and to do it for the first time takes long online searches. Hopefully if everythings approved by this weekend, I can throw it up on their server sometime early neek week, grab their mural website, throw that online and wash my hands of the project by the end of next week. Some good news is that my contact at the valentine is trying to get me more money to freelance for them.  She mentioned something around the amount of $25 an hour. I guess the hard work is paying off.

One thought on “Kill me now

  1. Gwendolyn
    12:19 am - 3-20-2010

    Despite all the pain, you’ve done a fabulous job so far I think. 🙂 Hope that lifts your spirits a little!

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