Sorry for getting to this so late in the week, but nothing really happened until today. Last week we finalized the designs of the website and today was the only time they could meet to sign off on them, which to a great weigh off my shoulders, they did. Now i’m moving into the next phase of my project, building the site in Joomla. I’m gonna start on this part of the project over the weekend and give them a more accurate deadline of the project completion, Monday. Finally, a smige of good news, a staff member left the Valentine and the staff has to pull more weight. This means that the staff member who would do the online updates, won’t be able to anymore and I was given an opportunity to get paid hourly to do the job. So, i guess this means I scored a freelance opportunity and all I have to do is get back to them with a by the hour price. I’m gonna research what I can and get back to them soon. She also mentioned that if all goes well, this position could blossom into something else. We shall see, but for right now, I’m totally content.

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