
pbest on February 26th, 2010

I gonna start off by saying that I’m kind of burned out today and I gonna do a super quick review of the chapter. It’s all about writing sweet specifications. The reason for this is so that everyone’s on the same  page and no mess ups happen.  Also it states when specific elements of the […]

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pbest on February 25th, 2010

Sorry for getting to this so late in the week, but nothing really happened until today. Last week we finalized the designs of the website and today was the only time they could meet to sign off on them, which to a great weigh off my shoulders, they did. Now i’m moving into the next […]

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pbest on February 19th, 2010

Reading the next chapter of the making things happen book, really makes me enjoy the book even more. I’m not trying to suck up, but this book is really giving some great ideas about how to tackle project in ways I never thought of, and maybe it’s just me but, I think that this book […]

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pbest on February 16th, 2010

My work with my client ran into a bit of a halt. I though we had a design down, but it changed greatly over the weekend. We also ran into communication issues, on both ends, and hopefully I’ve found a way to combat it.  Where I’m at now is I contacted the client today, and […]

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pbest on February 12th, 2010

So this week, we had to read a marathon of chapters in the Making Things Happen book (actually just two). With that being said, I’m just going to summarize both chapters, but I will say that I enjoyed these two chapters more than the past few. So the first chapter was all about the vision […]

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pbest on February 9th, 2010

I just got done speaking to my client again today. I showed her how the rest of the pages would be laid out for the redesign of the valentine website and she seemed please d once again. Only a few more minor changes to be made and hopefully I should be starting production on the […]

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pbest on February 5th, 2010

The third chapter of the book continued on with planning and how to determine what needs to be done and how we’ll go about doing it. The author starts off by describing the 3 different types of projects that can be done including solo projects, small team projects (2-10) and large team projects (around 100 people). […]

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pbest on February 3rd, 2010

The links to my two comps are: So, when I met with the client last week and showed them my comps, I learned that I kinda missed the mark on my designs. After spending time with my client, we came up with an idea of how to redesign them, while keeping some of […]

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pbest on January 29th, 2010

Ok, so there’s a lot going on with this post so I’m just going to knock out the topics one at a time. First off is the second chapter review of making things happen. This chapter was all about scheduling, and man, did I learn that I’m pretty much doing it all wrong. Basically, the […]

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pbest on January 26th, 2010

***** Update, the links to the site weren’t working so I posted then to this blog, See below **** It took a bit longer than expected, but I’ve finally completed some comps for the redesign of the valentine website. I ran into a few issues while creating these (mainly designers block), but I’ve got them […]

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