February, 2010

WB 16: Works Cited (Multiple Source Essay)

Bennett, William J. “Against Gay Marriage.” Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 10thed. Ed. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen.  New York: Pearson Longman, 2008. 287-289.

Hekker, Terry Martin. “The Satisfactions of Housewifery and Motherhood” and “Paradise Lost.” Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 10thed. Ed. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen.  New York: Pearson Longman, 2008. 244-249.

O’brien, Keith. “Single Minded.” Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 10thed. Ed. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen.  New York: Pearson Longman, 2008. 337-343.

Swartz, Mary Ann and BarBara Marliene Scott.  “”Debunking Myths about Marriages and Families.”  Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum.  10thed.  Ed. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen.  New York: Pearson Longman, 2008. 276-281.

WB 15: Topic Proposal

I feel like my topic proposal is a good subject to talk about. It has potential to have a lot of info to explain. As of now I am struggling with how I am going to approach it. My idea is a good one, it’s just taking me a while to come up with my info. I don’t normally have this problem with writing. It must be because I am not used to the “synthesis” aspect of this essay.

WB 14: Theme for my Essay.

For my Multiple Source essay, I am going to describe why people would want to stay single rather than get married. People arent just staying single or getting married just because it is trendy and everyone else is doing it. They are for reasons like financial, personal preference, and other various reasons. I am not sure at this point what else I am going to put into the essay, but I plan on using most of the optional articles we discussed in class

WB 13: Single Minded Themes.

A major theme in the article “Single Minded” that we had to read for class is how people assume they will be married by a certain age. They assume  when they are younger that this is what most people do, so they want to follow the trend. Nancy Howell assumed at the age of 30 that she would be settling down and ready to have kids. She was surely mistaken according t the article. Later in the article they mention how they took a survey. Based on results, they found that people that are single do not always feel the need to be married. “The single life, once a way station, is becoming a movement (P. 339 of WRAC).”

WB 12: Synthisis in Essays

All of the essays we have read for class so far have to deal with some kind of relationship. Some have to deal with no relationship, some gay some non gay, and some talk about issues that occur in a relationship. All of the articles have some sort of arguments to them. They use general logical, moral, and ethical claims to appeal to the reader. These are all things used to pull the reader in and make them take your side.

WB 11: Final Draft

I am confident in my final draft for the critique essay. I know that it is an effective piece of writing that has enough support and detail to pass. It is weird to think about this is my first paper for GSW 1120. It seems like yesterday I was writing my first paper for 1110. I know that there is a major improvement from then comepared to this first paper. However I am not saying I am an expert and I know that I still have room to improve in the future.

WB 10: Revising my essay.

I can honestly say that I am a bit late for this blog, but I can remember my process for revising my first essay. When I revised my first essay in preparation for the turning in of the final draft, I added a lot more detail. I am positive that in my rough draft definitely was strong but I needed to add in detail straight from the reading. When I turned in my essay, I was confident that I had put enough into it that it was a strong article.

WB 9: Class Debate

Todays debate was for the class to discuss points why they think the articles we are critiquing are good or bad. This exercise helps us to see a point of view we may not have seen before. One student may have thought of something,  mentioned it during the debate, and that could have been something I have never thought about discussing. Sometimes writers need a boost, and looking at some other opinion besides our own can force us to think in a different way.

WB 8: Peer Review

I was absent on peer review day.

WB 7: Thoughts on rough draft for critique.

I feel like my essay is quite weak at this point. I do not have enough support from the essay to prove my point. Also my side on the article remaining in the text is not as well defined as it should be. I think it should remain in the book but I do not believe that I elaborated on this thought enough.

My essay does  have strong connecting thoughts as to what Hekker is talking about. I think I have understood what Hekkers view is and I feel like I can relate that to my audience very well.

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