March, 2010

WB for March 31

Black holes are a pretty controversial topic. Generally anything that we look for in the universe may not be certain. Black holes do not emit and kind of energy or light from the spectrum, so how can we even know that they may exist. It is based on a scientific hypothesis that is not known for sure yet. Also, Einstein made theories about the gravity from black holes. He said that the gravity is so strong that time itself is bent. If one flew near a black hole, time would seem to be moving in double the time it would normally. This would make time travel possible, however one would only be able to travel into the future. This is why black holes are so controversial.

WB for March 19

I found a few web sites that talk about Hitlers reign and the method in which he trained his army. Also there are articles that discuss the way he treated the Jews and other groups he wanted removed from the world. It is hard to find articles that talk about the German soldiers, but I will have to look a little more for those.

I also watched a couple of clips from the Milgram experiment. The people in the experiment definitely did not want to be part of what was going on there. They felt bad that they were hurting another human being, but they did not want to disregard the experimenter.

WB for March 17th

I would like to explore peoples response to being threatened with our topic of obedience to authority. People do not respond very positively to being threatened. It breaks apart the very fiber of their mind that is sane, and tells them to disregard their conscience. I will pull in Milgrim, Zimbardo, and also some references maybe to World War II and the Vietnam War. Both the wars brainwashed people and made them go insane.