BGSU History, Donna M. Neiman Award for Undergraduate Research Excellence, General Niles J. Fulwyler History Scholarship, Grover and Virginia Platt Memorial Scholarship, Jo Enger Arthur Scholarship for Study Abroad, John Schwarz Essay Award, Mary Ellen Kiel Scholarship, Outstanding Senior in History Award, Stuart R. and Florence P. Givens Senior History Scholarship, Student Awards

To learn more about previous undergraduate awards winners, see this link.
Mary Ellen Kiel Scholarship
Olivia Burkart, Magdalena Fuller, Reagan Good, Morgan Goodchild, Chloe Kozal, Gabriella Mancini, Paige Pasztor, Sydney Skala, Collen Smith, Sabrina Sprague
Jo Enger Arthur Scholarship for Study Abroad
Alex Eckhart, Magdalena Fuller, Erika Putnam, Dylan Selhorst, Ian Small
General Niles J. Fulwyler History Scholarship
Joseph DeSario, Andrew Hoeffel, Braxton Howard
Grover and Virginia Platt Memorial Scholarship
Morgan Dillon and Nicolas Paprocki
Stuart R. and Florence P. Givens Senior History Scholarship
Alex Eckhart, Noah Fitch, Chloe Kozal, Dylan Selhorst, Ian Small
John Schwarz Essay Award (best essay completed for a history requirement)
Chloe Kozal
Donna M. Neiman Award for Undergraduate Research Excellence (awarded for an excellent history paper based on primary sources)
Braxton Howard
Outstanding Senior in History Award
Chase Fleece