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Dr. Nwauwa

Dr. Apollos Nwauwa, Professor of History & Africana Studies at Bowling Green State University, gave a lecture with the Igbo Studies Association on Saturday, January 2. Read more about and view the lecture below:

The post-World War II period in Africa was accompanied by a new intellectual revolution in which a distinguished scholar of Igbo extraction, Professor Kenneth Onwuka Dike, was in the vanguard. The emergent transformation was most evident in African studies, especially in the realm of African historical consciousness, African historical thought, and African historical methodologies. This study explores not only the pioneering role of Professor Dike in inaugurating this new intellectual revolution but also in expanding the corollary frontiers that crystallized and augmented several African political and intellectual concepts of his time. Dike’s efforts stimulated a new intellectual consciousness that rescued African studies and African history from the colonialist, racist and patronizing tradition of his time.