Posts Tagged ‘Design’

AutoCAD vs. MacDraft Pro


AutoCAD and MacDraft Pro are two very similar programs in the drafting and design category.  The biggest difference between the two are the quality levels and price ranges.  The MacDraft Pro is the top product within the Microspot company and will run for a price of about $350.  It is a relatively basic program running on 2D software and seems to be a cheap alternative to the more expensive and intricate AutoCAD.

AutoCAD will run for a price of about $11,000 for the top line of product.  It is 3D and of a much higher quality.  This software is primarily used for businesses in which the software is vital for the survival of the company.  It is highly intricate and detailed.  It is not something that seems eay to learn and can be mastered by trained professionals.

As a student or amateur at building design, it seems to be much more useful for me to buy the MacDraft Pro instead of the AutoCAD software.  It is much cheaper and still allows me to do what I want to accomplished.  The MacDraft is also compatible for the AutoCAD which means that if a colleague has AutoCAD and needs to send me a file, MacDraft can open the file.  I think that for the price and usage of the product, the macDraft is the product for me, however, if I were a professional or owned a company that needs a higher-quality software, I would definitely go with the AutoCAD software because of its detail and reliability.

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