Inspiring Artists

Michael Michera is a Digital 3D artist I’ve found to be admirable for his attention to detail. The intricate parts modeled in his robotic designs are quite stunning on both a technical and conceptual level. Many hours must have been spent laboring over the many small parts that make up Michael’s beautifully eerie creations. While the technical achievements of his work are impressive, what makes his work truly stand out is the emotions that pour out of each scene that have been masterfully rendered. Michael appears to have a story figured out for each character presented in his series of work. This is not apparent by text, but by the small details and tonal cues he adds to make each character have their own personality. This is something I wish to replicate in my work within my BFA Project. I wish for each character I sculpt to tell their story using the details in their visual appearance, much like how Michael does for his.


Matthew O is a 3D vehicle and Prop artist I find to be inspiring as well. His work is strong in its design in that Matthew has a clear understanding of how to use shape language to make an object look appealing. Many of his fantastical vehicle designs are quite imaginative and well thought out. I feel that Matthew is good at knowing where to include pieces of intricate detail, then where to add moments of rest for contrast. I also appreciate the fact that even his most fantasy-inspired designs have clear roots i vehicles that exist in the real world. Matthew’s understanding of shape language and design principles are also something I wish to achieve within my own work as a 3D artist.


Jason Hill is a 3D character artist with memorable designs that tell a story. His work represents closer to what I wish to achieve with this project. I have a similar appreciation to him as I do Matthew in that Jason has a clear understanding of design principles and shape language. The difference is that rather than use these skills to make slick sci-fi vehicles, Jason sculpts thoughtfully proportioned characters with details that (like Michael Michera’s work) tell the character’s story. Jason has a clear understanding of anatomy, how the things he’s sculpting would work in real life, and how he wants the viewer to feel when viewing his work. All of these are skills I wish to also show in the characters I sculpt for my BFA Project.

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