
BGSU Night at Forrest Creason Golf Course

Play one day or play all summer with colleagues from BGSU.  BGSU Night at Forrest Creason Golf Course is every Thursday throughout summer.

  •  Tee Times begin at 5:00 PM.
  •  $15.00 for 9 holes with a cart.
  •  At least one player must be a BGSU faculty/staff/alumni.
  •  Valid BGSU ID required.

Call for tee times: 419.372.2674
Book Online

For More Information:
Kurt Thomas, Director of Golf

WellAware Event Updates

May 13:  National Employee Health and Fitness Day

Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Time: Stop by anytime between 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Location: City Park

Represent BGSU in a walking competition between Wood County Hospital, BGSU, the City of Bowling Green and Wood County employees! The walk is being hosted by Bowling Green Parks and Recreation in celebration of National Employee Health and Fitness Day. The employer with the most employees (percentage based) wins bragging rights and a trophy. Let’s go Falcons! A special lunchtime walk in the park and free event to encourage health and fitness activities for Bowling Green community members and local businesses. Bring your own sack lunch, beverages are provided. Everyone who walks a mile around the park (2 laps), either before or after lunch, will be entered into a raffle for prizes. Event will be held rain or shine, in the case of inclement weather the event will be moved to the Community Center.

Summer Session 1: Free Fitness Classes

Summer group exercises classes at the Student Recreation Center begin May 18. For no charge, BGSU Faculty/Staff can participate in the following 2 classes:

  • Cardio Tone – Tuesdays, 5:30 – 6:15 PM, Student Recreation Center Studio B.
  • Zumba® – Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:15 PM, Student Recreation Center Studio B.
    A mixture of cardio, total body toning, and upbeat Latin dance music.

Pre-registration for the fitness classes is required. Click HERE to register! Family and friends (over the age of 16) can participate in the classes with you by purchasing a Group X pass at the SRC Welcome Desk.

NEW! Faculty/Staff Recess Breaks: Free classes in Eppler South Gym

Starting May 19, take a mid-day break and add “play” back into your day by participating in Recess Breaks in the Eppler South Gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:10 – 12:50 PM.

Recess Breaks are facilitated by certified trainers and include fun ways to be active while incorporating cardiovascular, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Register in advance HERE or just arrive to class a few minutes early and register onsite. For comfort and safety, it is recommended to change into tennis shoes and exercise clothes.

Women on Weights – New workshop begins May 18

Interested in receiving individualized attention from a personal trainer while having fun in a small-group setting?  Receive support and guidance to start or sustain an active lifestyle by registering for the Women on Weights workshop at the Student Recreation Center. This progressive 12-class workshop includes strength training circuits to increase strength and cardiovascular endurance. Enjoy using a variety of equipment such as free weights, BOSU, stability balls, TRX, and resistance bands. Exercise modifications are available making it appropriate for beginners and all fitness levels. Class is limited to 10 participants.

May 18 – June 29: Classes are available in the SRC Multipurpose Room on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 – 6:15 PM.  *No class on Memorial Day, May 25. Makeup class will be held on Monday, June 29.

Register this week at the SRC Welcome Desk. The 12-class workshop fee is only $35 for students/SRC members and $45 for faculty/staff/retirees.

Attend Group X classes with Friends and Family

Have fun and get fit with family and friends by attending unlimited fitness classes together at the Student Recreation Center. BGSU faculty/staff can purchase a Group X pass at a discounted rate and SRC membership is not required. Attached is the full summer schedule and additional class details are posted on the Falcon Fitness website.

Strive for FIVE is back!

Our popular nutrition and physical activity challenge is coming back this summer!  This 6-week program will run June 22 – August 2. Faculty and staff can register as an individual or as part of a team. Stay posted for more details!

Questions on WellAware programming? Contact Karyn Smith at karync@bgsu.edu

Kids Camp Enrollment Open Now

Kids Camp programming includes a variety of recreation-based one day, evening and week-long camps designed for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade (ages 5 – 12) emphasizing physical development and education while promoting a healthy lifestyle. Activities are conducted at the Student Recreation Center and Perry Field House, with opportunities to golf at Forrest Creason Golf Course. Walking field trips, special guests, and sport instruction are offered to complement the foundation of recreational, leisure, and social activities on which the camps are founded.

2015 Summer Kids Camp Programming | Eight 1-Week Camps

Date | Theme | Optional Instructional Component

  • June 8 – 12 | Falcon Frenzy | Golf
  • June 15 – 19 | Color Crazy | Swimming
  • June 22 – 26 | Blast from the Past | Volleyball
  • June 29 – July 2 | Pirate Pandemonium | None
  • July 6 – 10 | All Things Mythical | Swimming
  • July 13 – 17 | Zany Zoo | Soccer
  • July 20 – 24 | Underwater Adventure | Golf
  • July 27 – 31 | Friends Galore | Rock Climbing

Enrollment and Payment Information

Placement is guaranteed only upon receipt of all documentation and payment. Payments can be made via credit card (Master Card, Visa, Discover), cash or check. Credit card payment is processed in person at the Student Recreation Center Welcome Desk or over the phone at 419.372.9900. Due to Payment Card Industry compliance, DO NOT fax or email a completed registration form containing a credit card number.

  • Hand Deliver: Student Recreation Center Welcome Desk
  • Email:  kidscamp@bgsu.edu
  • Fax:  419.372.8454
  • Mail:  BGSU Recreation and Wellness
    Kids Camp
    BGSU Student Recreation Center
    1411 Ridge Road
    Bowling Green, OH 43403

Falcon Fitness Event Update

Sexual Assault Awareness Month 5K & Dog Walk – Tomorrow!
Show your support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month and participate in the SAAM 5K & Dog Walk. This event is a fundraiser to benefit the SAAFE center in Wood County. Participants will receive a T-shirt and dogs get a bandana.
Date: Saturday, April 11
Time: 10 AM
Location: Race begins and ends at the Student Recreation Center
View the attached flyer or website for more information. You can register tomorrow before the race at the Student Recreation Center Welcome Desk.

April 13 – GLOW Turbokick!
Fitness Instructor, Alex, wants to celebrate her birthday with all of YOU by teaching a GLOW Turbokick class on Monday, April 13 from 6 – 6:45 PM in Studio A. Glow sticks are provided, but feel free to wear other glow material you have! Bring a friend and get ready to dance, jump, kick and punch!

March Madness Fitness Challenge
Congrats to all who completed the March Madness Fitness Challenge. If you forgot to turn in your completed bracket, no worries, there is still time! To be entered into the drawing for free BGSU workout gear, give your completed bracket to a fitness instructor before Monday night, 8 PM. The drawing for our March Madness winner will be held on Tuesday!

Interested in Teaching Dance Fitness?
Falcon Fitness is seeking WERQ® certified instructors!

WERQ® is the fiercely fun dance fitness workout class based on pop, rock, and hip-hop music taught by Certified Fitness Professionals. The signature WERQ® warmup previews the dance steps used in class and the signature WERQ™ cooldown includes balance and yoga inspired poses. Become certified in WERQ® and be the first to bring it to the BGSU Student Recreation Center! Are you ready to WERQ®?

On Sunday, May 31, there is a training in Dublin, Oh. View details and other available training dates and locations here: http://werqfitness.com/instructor-training/
For More Information contact Kali Morgenstern at kalim@bgsu.edu

April Fitness Challenge of the Month – How many pull-ups can you do?
Women complete as many pull-ups as possible at 75% bodyweight on the assisted pull-up machine, men complete as many pull-ups as they can unassisted. Winners receive a Falcon Fitness Champ T-shirt! Take the challenge during the following days/times:
Mondays: 5 – 7 PM
Thursdays: 7:30 – 9 PM
Fridays: 10 AM – 1 PM

One Text or Call Could Wreck It All

April, 2015

Wood County Safe Communities announced today that there have been three fatal crashes in Wood County for calendar year 2015, compared to two for the same time period in 2014.

In an effort to make our roads safer, Wood County Safe Communities announced today that it continues to promote is continuing to promote the “One Text or Call Could Wreck It All” campaign to stop distracted driving. Wood County Safe Communities has pledged its support to help spread the message that distracted drivers are not only a danger to themselves, but everyone else on the road.

“We all know that talking on our cell phones while driving is distracting, but that doesn’t stop most people from continuing to do it,” said Sandy Wiechman, Coordinator for Wood County Safe Communities. “This effort is intended to educate our community about the dangers of cell phone use and other distractions while driving. We hope that once people see the statistics and realize the danger involved, they will change their driving habits to help protect themselves, their families, and others on the road.”

In 2013, 3,154 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver and an estimated additional 424,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver. That same year, eleven percent of fatal crashes were reported as distraction-affected crashes.

While anything that takes your eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, or mind off the task of driving is a hazard, there is heightened concern about the risks of texting while driving because it combines all three types of distraction – visual, manual, and cognitive. (added a comma here)

The national distracted driving effort mobilization to stop distracted driving focuses on ways to change the behavior of drivers through legislation, enforcement, public awareness, and education – the same activities that have curbed drunk driving and increased seat belt use.

“Every driver in Wood County has a role in this effort,” said Ms. Wiechman. “However, we especially want to reach out to parents with teen drivers because we know that statistically, the under-20 age group had the highest proportion of distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes.”

Wood County’s goal with this campaign is simple – save lives by getting drivers to remember that “One Text or Call Could Wreck It All.”

For More Information:
• Lt. Jerrod Savidge, 419-352-2481
• www.distraction.gov
• Safe Communities Coordinator, Sandy Wiechman
419-372-9353 or swiechm@bgsu.edu.



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