April Fools

April 1st, 2009

My weaknesses of my essay are few and far between.  This blog would be a lot easier if we had our grades back, because I am not really sure what my weaknesses are.  I think I put a lot of time and effort into my paper and made all the possible revisions.  Since I have stepped away from it I have blocked it out of my mind because of all the numerous other papers I have to write currently.  I often struggle with organization and detail.  But in t he revision process I played close attention to these aspects, I hope that it shows.  I think I did a good job analyzing the PSA, which took a little effort, and I think i had strong points with strong details.  I could have probably used a little more help on the organization part.


March 30th, 2009

Revision is the act of rewriting, altering, changing something; it often improves the overall product.

You conduct revision by reading over and evaluating a product and making changes where they are necessary.  This includes grammical errors, organization errors, spelling, sentence structure and overall details.

Revising helps enhance your paper or product. Also, an outside person who revises your paper is always helpful.  You can see what is interesting and maybe what is not, and maybe something you understand someone else may need some more clarity.

Peer Review

March 27th, 2009

Peer review reflection: My peer review went well, there are just a few citation errors and organization issues to work on.  Also, I need to reflect a little more on some statements I make.  The the relevancy of the message and how the use of rhetorical appeals enhance the overall message.  Peer review is really helpful because it offers another persons views that you are unable to see.

3 things to revise essay:   

-Work on organization and focus more on specific topics.
-Work on in-text citations.
-Use more examples.

? Rhetorical Analysis ?

March 25th, 2009

I currently have no questions about a rhetorical analysis, however, I could not fully understand it correctly.

The gaol of a rhetorical analysis is to experiment with evaluating a pieceof work and its overall effectiveness of its purpose.  It focuses on the ability to identify the goal, audience, appeals, style, tone, etc and how it does or does not meet these criteria.  It allows us to be better writers if we are able to be more effective evaluators.

Rhetorical analysis criteria

March 23rd, 2009

A Rhetorical analysis should be graded on an authors ability to recognize and evaluate the original authors choice of:

audience and how they appealed to their targe audeince according to their age, gender, education, etc.
the main point
the purpose
the use of rhetorical appeals
the message and appeal of the message
the delivery and appeal of the deliver
the credibility of the authors
supporting evidence for the claim
it should have a clear thesis statement

Rhetorical Analysis PSA

March 18th, 2009

The following PSA I choose to do for my rhetorical analysis is:

Teen Dating Violence Prevention – Textual Harassment

It is current.  It highlights the growing digital community among teens, and along with that unhealthy relationship behaviors.  The PSA allows teens to recognize it first as a problem them provides the tools to initiate a conversation about it, or a web site: thatsnotcool.com

It is uses a creative way in which the phone is an actual person that follows a girl around all day in a very “stalkerish way.”  With the growing digital era, new problems and delimas are created that we are not yet sure how to address and handle.  Awareness is the first step.

Introductions to Retorical Analysis.

March 18th, 2009

Both introductions state the topic and purpose of the analysis.  The introduction sets the tone for the analysis.  Can use detail, defines the audience, provides credentials.  When introducing their topic, both authors used specific evidence straight from the original piece. 

Overall, I think and introduction to a rhetorical analysis should include a topic, the purpose for writing the analysis (to inform, persuade, anger, amuse, motivate, etc.) and a thesis.  It should describe the situation, introduce and writer and some background on them or why the wrote on the subject.  It should identify a context and an audience.  You should also be able to identify an overarching tone or style (i.e. formal vs. informal).

My Spring Break

March 16th, 2009

Spring Break is very important for a persons psyche. It is a time to unwind, catch up on homework, relax and come back fully rejuvenated.  For my spring break I caught up on sleep, spent time with my family and friends, went shopping, and did some much needed catching up on school work, scholorships, paperwork, and cleaned my apartment.  I also tried some new recipies.  I enjoyed my spring break, but it is hard to get back into “school-mode:” concentrating, homework, getting up early, paying attention, etc.

Other breaks are also important because everyone needs a breakkkkkkkkk 🙂

What is a Portfolio?!

March 6th, 2009

Portfolios, goals, how/when you used.

I never used a portfolio.  I went to a different school for my first two years of college, and we never used them.  However, I did have a friend that went to BG her freshman year, and she said something about them.  I believe it is where you submit your writings from class to a panel of people, and they pass or fail you.  The goal of a portfolio is to share your work.  I don’t really think it is that important or productive for a grade.

However, in Eng. 111 I only got a C.  I cannot write fictional stories very well, however I can write research papers easily.  I lack in using details.  That’s what I lacked in my fictional narrative also.

I love Blogging :):):):):):)

March 4th, 2009

How does your PSA relate to literacy.

Our PSA relates to literacy on many levels.  First off, it is about texting.  Texting is a form of literacy.  Typing out words, spelling, communicating, is all incorporated in texting.  Texting is also a form of literacy that our target audience uses regularly, probably more regularly than other age groups.  For me, I text a lot, so this literacy was directly related to me.

Our process of creating our PSA could also be considered a literacy.  Our storyboard, our audience analysis, and script are forms of literacy.

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