Alex Sycher, BGSU History, Chloe Kosheva-Scissons, Christian Lengyel, Douglas Forsyth, graduate student awards, Graduate Students, Joe Faykosh, Katie LaPlant, Megan Cross, Michael Brooks, Nate Kuehnl, Nicole Jackson, Rachel Pawlowicz, Ruth Herndon, Scott Martin, Sherri Bolcevic, Walter Grunden

Graduate Award Winners: Sherri Bolcevic, Honorable Mention Research Paper; Christian Lengyel, Outstanding Thesis; Alex Sycher, Honorable Mention Research Paper; Joe Faykosh, Outstanding Graduate Teaching; and Rachel Pawlowicz, Outstanding Departmental Service. Missing are Megan Cross, Nate Kuehnl, and Chloe Kosheva-Scissons, and Katie LaPlant.
The Graduate Awards for the Department of History at BGSU were given on Friday, May 2nd in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union as part of the Department of History’s Excellence in History celebration.
The Lawrence Friedman Thesis/Dissertation Award was presented to Christian Lengyel for his Outstanding Thesis, “Pictures of a Forgotten Past: The Socio-Historic Significance of Wartime Vignettes on Confederate Currency,” advised by Dr. Scott Martin and Dr. Ruth Herndon.
Honorable Mention for Outstanding Thesis were: Megan Cross for her thesis, titled “Formulas for Cultural Success: Behavioral Prescriptions in Early American Translations of Perrault’s Classic Fairy Tales,” advised by Dr. Ruth Herndon and Dr. Thomas Barden (University of Toledo); Katie LaPlant for her thesis, titled “Katherine Chidley, Damaris Masham, and Mary Wollstonecraft: The Development of a Liberal Feminist Tradition,” advised by Dr. Beth Griech-Polelle, Dr. Douglas Forsyth, and Dr. Susan Shelangoskie (Lourdes University); and Nate Kuenhl for his thesis, titled “Establishing Professional Legitimacy: Black Physicians and the Journal of the National Medical Association,” advised by Dr. Walter Grunden and Dr. Nicole Jackson.
The Outstanding Graduate Research Paper was presented to Chloe Koscheva-Scissons for her paper, titled “‘Puritan Indoctrination’ – The Politics of Publication in Mary Rowlandson’s and John Williamson’s Captivity Narratives,” written for the History 6210 seminar with Dr. Ruth Herndon.
Honorable Mention for Outstanding Graduate Research Paper were: Sherri Quirke Bolcevic for her paper, titled “Walk Lights, Goodnights, and Cardboard Cars: German Unification, the Culture of the GDR, and the Creation of Ostalgie,” written for her History 6540 seminar with Dr. Douglas Forsyth; and Alexander Sycher for his paper, titled “The Origins of the Final Solution in Europe: The Intentionalist vs. Functionalist Historiographical Debate,” for his History 6540 seminar with Dr. Douglas Forsyth.
The Bernard Sternsher and Edward & Xin-Zhu Chen Award for Graduate Teaching was presented to Joe Faykosh. Dr. Michael Brooks highlighted Faykosh’s teaching evaluations and observations, as well as mentoring of fellow graduate students. Faykosh has taught both American History survey sections.
The Outstanding Departmental Citizen Award was presented to Rachel Pawlowicz, with Dr. Michael Brooks highlighting Pawlowicz’s willingness to help out with departmental events, serving as student orientation leader for Graduate Student Orientation, and her service with Phi Alpha Theta.
For more on the Graduate Awards presented by the Department of History at BGSU, please click here.
For a list of previous winners, please click here.
- Joe Faykosh Awarded Outstanding Graduate Teaching
- Rachel Pawlowicz Awarded Outstanding Departmental Citizen
- Christian Lengyel Awarded the Lawrence Friedman Outstanding Thesis Award