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Podcast links will be updated frequently!

Chloe S. Kozal : Mexican Civilian Protest Art during the 1960s-1980s

Chloe S. Kozal has been passionate about researching how civilians express their political views through art during tumultuous periods of history in Latin America. A continuation of her research and her article (Communication from Far: The Role of Subversive Mail Art During the Argentine Dirty War (1976-1983), this podcast investigates how Mexican artists and mail artists brought change and protest during the Mexican Dirty War.

Nicholas Hartzell- NPR Mexican Debt Crisis Talk

A podcast on the Mexican Debt Crisis in 1982. Listen on Spotify!

Connor Przysiecki- NAFTA, the Economy, and Mexico’s Public Heath Crisis

In Connor’s own words: ” This is my final project for a course I’m taking (Spring 2022) at Bowling Green State University, Modern Mexico. I’ve never done a project in this format. I’m open to civil conversations in the comments, if you’d like more context on a particular subject within this area of study. Enjoy!”