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At the annual Ohio Academy of History conference, which met at the Stark Campus of Kent State University on April 1 and 2, 2016, BGSU History faculty and alumni participated in four panels. Drs. Ben Greene and Steven Schrag delivered papers, “Waging a Cultural Cold War: U. S. Public Diplomacy During the Cold War,” and “Goering in Captivity: An Analysis of the Treatment of High Value German POWs in the Immediate Postwar Period,” respectively, while PhD alumnus Dr. Don Eberle’s paper was entitled “Dumped in to the Maumee River of Placed in a Padded Cell: Scott Nearing, Toledo University and Academic Freedom During the First World War.” Graduate Director Dr. Michael Brooks participated in a roundtable discussion of Graduate Directors in Ohio.  Department Chair Dr. Scott C. Martin chaired and commented on a panel that was co-sponsored by the Alcohol and Drugs History Society: “Drink and Temperance: Literature, Rum, and Central Asia.”  In addition, Dr. Martin, who assumed the presidency of the Ohio Academy for the coming year, delivered his Presidential Lecture at Business Meeting/Luncheon on Saturday, speaking on “Serendipity in the Cemetery: The Anglo-American Community in Florence, 1840-1860.”

Dr. Scott C. Martin became the OAH president for the coming year.

Dr. Scott C. Martin became the OAH president for the coming year.