3 thoughts on “JOLT Article Reflection

  1. lininga
    8:05 pm - 10-13-2010

    This article sounded very informative! I actually had to participate in a wiki for my EDAS 4090 class last semester. She had to incorporate technology for one of her doctorate programs into a class, so she had the class use a wiki for our presentation preparation. It was beneficial to understand how they worked, but the use of the wiki ended up to be exactly what you are talking about with the negatives. We only had to post one thing for a grade. As a result, we all posted something and then never returned to look at what everyone had posted after us. I can see the usefulness of a wiki, but agree that if they are used in a classroom somehow they have to be interactive and continuous participation must occur by the students.

  2. Rose Kuceyeski
    7:17 am - 10-17-2010

    Yes, wikis can be a challenge. We will create the BGSU wiki and work with it some so you have experience.

  3. ashtonc
    2:47 am - 10-19-2010


    Wikis are very interesting but can be misleading to students learning for the exact point you made. “Wikis can be changed and manipulated by any person.” I had a friend who went on and changed it for the fun of it because his other friend was using wikipedia for a project. It made a great point, but then his change to the wiki page did return to its normal page after 15 minutes.

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