Author Archives: Brittany

About Brittany

Hi! I'm Brittany Hartory a senior at Bowling Green State University majoring in Business Education and Marketing Education.

Chapter Nine Key Point

 Chapter nine is about the future of the web.  This chapter states that “In the not-so-distant future, teachers will be able to provide students with learning applications based on their level of understanding. ”  This is a cool statement because it … Continue reading

Posted in Chapter Nine | 5,335 Comments

Chapter Eight Key Point

Chapter eight has a large focus on Wiki’s and why they are useful to the classroom.  In this it states that teachers use wiki’s in their classroom to post technology projects in the wiki and then allow students to use … Continue reading

Posted in Chapter Eight | 3,717 Comments

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

The title of my article is “Creating a VW Killer App for the Department of Defense.”  The main focus of this article is to show how virtual environments can be utilized in the Military.  I selected this article for this … Continue reading

Posted in Chapter Seven | 5,673 Comments

Chapter Seven Key Point

A virtual environment is a great tool for teachers to utilize because it can be integrated into any classroom.  Under this teachers can utilize this for professional development.  In this development educators can share sites that are important to their classroom environment with others … Continue reading

Posted in Chapter Seven | 3,359 Comments

Chapter Six Key Point

Chapter six explains to us that there are digital tools that allow for classroom integration such as digital storytelling and video documentaries.  In this digital storytelling is where students create a story and show their creativity in ways that look … Continue reading

Posted in Chapter Six | 3,736 Comments

Chapter Five Key Point

This chapter explains to us social networking and how to utilize it in the classroom.  One area that the chapter specifies in is professional development within social networking.  Within this section it explains how twitter can be used for communication … Continue reading

Posted in Chapter Five | 2,621 Comments

Chapter Four Key Point

This chapter explained the importance of productivity tools.  Within this it stated why teachers and students utilized these tools in the classroom.  Productivity tools are useful because the information is online and numerous people can edit these and everyone can … Continue reading

Posted in Chapter Four | 6,585 Comments

Education Podcast

“ Are Single-Sex Classrooms Better for Kids?” This podcast is about the debate of having single sex classrooms for students.  This has been an ongoing debate where it is wondered if students should be in co-ed classrooms or single … Continue reading

Posted in Education Podcast | 8,543 Comments

Business Podcast

“Smart Answers” This business podcast explains how introverts can run a small business just as well as an extrovert.  The women who is speaking in this podcast is an author of her book and explains how introverts can be … Continue reading

Posted in Business Podcast | 2,780 Comments

Selling to an Employer

Please listen to my podcast for selling myself to an employer. Selling

Posted in Employer Podcast | 3,267 Comments

Business and Marketing Education at BGSU

Please listen to my podcast about Business and Marketing Education at Bowling Green State University. WS500050

Posted in Business and Marketing Education Podcast | 4,466 Comments

Chapter Three Key Point

Podcasts and Vodcasts are available for professional development and can be utilized for teachers in this way.  Educators are supposed to be life long learners, so these educators can be learning from their own classroom or home on a variety … Continue reading

Posted in Chapter Three | 3,186 Comments

Chapter Two Key Point

Twitter is a microblogging site that allows students to post comments or ideas of their own with up to 140 characters.  This is a popular tool for educators as well as businesses to promote themselves in a condensed version.  Twitter is a popular area in schools … Continue reading

Posted in Chapter Two | 4,083 Comments

Chapter One Key Point

Within chapter one it explains how teachers can utilize blogs within their classrooms.  In this it shows how to integrate this into the classroom.  Educators can integrate blogs into the classroom in a variety of ways with all kinds of … Continue reading

Posted in Chapter One | 12,267 Comments