
Concept Statements

1.) character is faced with multiple options and must only pick one.

2.) character is unable to open a bottle/jar.

3.) character(pencil) refuses to erase what it has drawn.

4.) character is trapped in a device/room and must think quickly to survive

5.) character is unable to turn off a radio and resorts to drastic measures.

6.) character is unable to sleep because of noises outside.

7.) character cannot reach the top drawer of his dresser.

8.) character hears someone in the house while he is sleeping.

9.) character is faced with a difficult decision and chooses something unexpected.

10.) character falls through floor into basement and must find his way out.

11.) character is walking home in the dark and becomes paranoid because of sounds behind him.

12.) character is unable to complete a simple task and uses ridiculous solutions to resolve his problem