Final Story Concept

1. Be careful what you wish for Glen is a local book critic known for his scathing reviews, note his prominently displayed articles on the wall. It is evening and Glen is ready to sit down in his favorite modern chair and begin reading his next critique. However, just as Glen settles in, his upstairs neighbor begins practicing his trumpet. Glen, having very little tolerance, tries ignoring it. It becomes louder and fiercer. Glen tries drowning it out, with his fingers in his ears but now he can’t turn the pages. Then he tries ear muffs (or head phones), which doesn’t muffle the sound enough. Frustrated, Glen walks to his kitchenette and grabs the broom. He begins tapping the celling, the music persists, he begins driving the  broom into the celling with full force, the sound continues. Glen is at the end of his rope. He throws down the broom and stomps up the stairs. The trumpet stops. Glen comes back to his room and crushes the instrument into an indistinguishable mass of brass, ultimately throwing it out the window. Glen is convinced that he can finally relax….That is until his neighbor decides to practice his other instruments (most likely a tuba or something).

**** 10-02-08 ****

An alternative that I’ve been considering is….

Glen wants to listen to a record and his neighbor’s playing begins to drown the music out. So Glen goes through this routine of confiscating and destroying his neighbor’s instruments and ,ultimately , in the end….

a) he no longer feels like listening to music because his neighbor has ruined the mood.

b) his record breaks and he left in silence, secretly wishing he could at least heard his neighbor play.

c) the record begins to play the same thing the neighbor had been playing.

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