10 Interesting Characters

Alan Partridge – Played by Steve Coogan, Alan is an interesting character because the audience does not identify with Alan, who is an egotistical jerk. Rather they find common ground in loving to hate him.

Bender – I think what makes bender a special character is the dichotomy between his attitude and his being. His rudeness and kleptomania go against our traditional perceptions of what robots should be, subservient.

Fritz the Cat – Fritz is interesting because of the relationship he shares with his creator, Robert Crumb. Through Fritz, Crumb is able to live out his fantasies of being a ladies man and CIA agent. Unfortunatly,  with out knowlege of this connection Fritz may fall kind of short.

R2-D2 – Recognized by his trashcan-like design, R2-D2 was unique for his time because of the way he was able to express himself via a series of boops and beeps. Combine this with context of the scene and the audience can identify with R2 on some level.

Batman – Like many other comic book super heroes, Batman has been constantly evolving through the numerous artists that choose to continue his story. Recently, he has been greatly humanized and distanced from the super natural.

Rocky Balboa – Rocky is an example of very traditional character elements. Anyone familiar with the films knows that they are not so much about who wins or loses the fight but instead they revolved around Rocky’s internal struggles with his love for boxing, his family and even his safety.

Wallace and Gromit – I think Wallace and Gromit are unique because they are an example two characters who work exclusively as a duo. I don’t think they would work as well individually.

Jaws – The very concept of Jaws is interesting. How can something with relatively little screen time and no dialogue become so iconic and feared? I think it is because the character gets its mileage out of the audiences emotions and our association with sharks being dangerous.

Professor Frink – Professor Frink is an example of a character who has adopted his mannerisms from a real life person,  Jerry Lewis. Unfortunately he’s not a great example of an interesting character but the idea behind him is, in a way, unique.

Woody – I feel obligated to mention a Pixar character. I feel that Woody is an interesting character because although he is a toy he exhibits complex human emotions. Specifically his jealousy after his fall from favor when he becomes an enemy of the people type character. Pixar is generally very thorough with their characters making them multidimensional (no pun intended) yet easily understood by by young viewers.

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