BLOG ENTRY NUMBER FOUR: Great Works of Color

history of art: Claude Monet Impression: soleil levant 1875

This painting ‘s title supposedly gave impressionism it’s name. In this picture color is used to show the water and sky in a beautifully done painting of the harbor outside of Monet’s room. In this image Monet uses a lot more brilliant colors than he does in his numerous paintings of water lilies. Here in this painting you are given bright yellows that stand amongst brilliant blues and are beautifully connected with soft greens. These colors work well with one another and make you feel as if it were you out in that boat staring at the midsun. Although the reference is small the human forms seen in the boat seem human in a way. While one is standing, it is apparent that one is sitting fishing. While looking at this artwork I have a strong wish to paint water. Just looking at how many colors he used to show the waves of the ocean inspires me to want to do the same and explored the different ways that color can be used to express movement.





visual culture: [Based in Paris, Zevs the anonymous Parisian street artist has been active since the early 90s].


Yellow, that stereotypical happy-go-lucky color. The color of sunshine, the color of sunflowers, the color of fast food? For years this anoymous street artist named Zevs has been running around Paris adding his point of views to billboards and advertisements. Whether it be adding a bleeding gunshot wound to a model’s airbrushed face, or by giving the Mac Apple logo a bleeding and smearing appearance. Above is a pieve he did in front of a McDonald’s resturant. Make of it what you will. To me, it appears that the logo is slowly melting off and going away, or… perhaps the logo is vomiting from its over commercialized business. How does it make you feel? Just like with other people’s street art, i feel influenced to want to go out and create some pieces of my own. I think street art is amazing and so creative and I only wish i were able to get the nerve to out and and create some of my own.

fashion: Emma Hack 3D ‘human wallpaper’


Artist Hack spends 19 or so hours trying to paint a design she has created onto the naked body of a woman. She begins by designing a background that she finds pleasing. With the selection of colors above I feel that they compliment the skin of the women above nicely and gives her a nice healthy tan appearance. While yes, fashion can be made with cloth and other materials, I was far more intrigued by the painting aspect of it. To think that this model laid still for more than 19 hours just for a photoshoot shows devotion. But just looking at the beauty of the images painted onto her shows that it wasn’t in vain. I love the way that the colors play off of eachother and I am glad that the artist chose against using black to outline her pictures. The use of the maroony, deep purple causes a beautiful contrast to the whites and blues of the background.

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