Dusko Topolic

Another amazing bgsu blog


Welcome to Dusko’s Blog. My name is Dusko Topolic and I am a tourism major at Bowling Green State University. I am coming from a small country named Serbia, that is located in south eastern part of Europe as you can see in this picture bellow.



This Blog that I created is mainly for class purpose – TLEP 4830, and it has all different projects that we were asked to do. However this blog has some other information. I also played soccer for four years for BGSU and here is the short video of one of our games.

Bowling Green – Hartwick

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2011 Calendar

September 2024

Welcome to Dusko’s Blog. My name is Dusko Topolic and I am a tourism major at Bowling Green State University. I am coming from a small country named Serbia, that is located in south eastern part of Europe as you can see in this picture bellow.



This Blog that I created is mainly for class purpose – TLEP 4830, and it has all different projects that we were asked to do. However this blog has some other information. I also played soccer for four years for BGSU and here is the short video of one of our games.

Bowling Green – Hartwick