
January 16th, 2009

A list of all the literacy acts I use in an average week:

College students engage in hundereds of literacy acts every day.

-reading books, websites, sylabus etc.


-writing blogs 🙂

-driving, reading signs, reading maps.

-Facebook, myspace

-watching movies or TV shows

-reading magazines, newspapers, mail.

-navigating through the internet: e-mail, etc.

-I work in the Creative writing department so read MFA applications all day

-I use to work at a daycare and teach literacy-sounding out letters, to make words, etc.

1/14 Blog

January 14th, 2009

I expect to learn how to be a better writer.  I want to learn how to evaluate and use different forms of media to communicate, i.e blogs.  To me literacy means being able to read, comprehend and apply information.  You can read any words but if you cannot understand the word then apply it to something you cannot fully use and comprehend the information fully.  We write as a form of communication.  We write to communicate something to someone.  We write to gather our thoughts and remember things.

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