3/2 Update on our amazing PSA

March 2nd, 2009

At first our assignment sounded overwhelming, but once  we got our ideas organized and made our story-bored, it was a lot easier.  Our group had differing ideas and expectations for the project, so once we got a unanimous decision on a topic, we were able to work together better.  We all get along really well, so we had a good time recording and work well together.  We still have the first have the video to record and some editing to do, but overall I think it came together all better than we expected.  We are pretty on top of things as far as the audience analysis goes and the story-bored.  We still need to finish the script and add text.

2/25 BlOG!!

February 25th, 2009

Computers are an important tool to have in schools.  They are important because society is using them more and more, so everyone will need to have knowledge and capability to use a computer appropriately.  They enhance the quality of learning, and aid in different kinds of learning.  For example, hearing impairedindividuals, could use software that aids their impairment.  In the future the ability to use a computer will be a requirement, not to mention the efficiency it creates for students and teachers.

My new audience: Seniors in high school:

When you graduate, and continue your education through college and/or the workforce, it is important to have the ability to use a computer for education.  To learn, teach, and communicate.  You will probably encounter the use of computers in all areas of your future, so having this ability is imperative.

Criteria for a PSA

February 23rd, 2009

A PSA should have a clear purpose.
A specific audience.
Text and music.
Emotional/rhetorical appeals.
Compel the audience to listen: entertain, inform, relate.
Empower the listener: its their duty to do something.
Use words that promote action: “earn..”  Talk to your audience, not at them.
Use humor appropriately.
Select and appeal: sensory, appetite, acquisition, well-being, attractiveness, threat, humor, convenience, curiosity, ego.
Single Message.

*PSA topics*

February 21st, 2009

3 Possible Topics for a PSA:

1.) Drunk dialing/texting.  The message would be to drink responsibly, and dial responsibly.  If you have ever regretted (or don’t remember) saying or texting something to someone.  Our audience would be the 21 and over population.  It would be done in video format.

2.) Plagiarism. The message would be to not plagiarize (off the internet), or raise awareness about what plagiarism is: that it is paraphrasing, and it is illegal.  Our audiences would be students (high school and college).  It could be done in video format.

3.) Blogging. The message would be about raising awareness about what you post in your blog can be read by lots of people, and you may not realize who (your boss, mother, best friend, boyfriend, family, etc.)  The audience would be Teens to young adults (or even adults for that matter).  It would be done in video format.

PSA analysis activity

February 20th, 2009


Text: family, friends, anyone, think before you post–> simple
Persuasive: Shows emotion, makes you angry, scared then cautious.  It gives you something you can relate to, because everyone post pictures online, or at least know someone who does.
Actors: portray message:Teens, in high school.  Shows reaction to picture.  Then shows the girls fear when she can’t take the picture down
Voice overs: “Once you post your image online, you can’t take it back, anyone can see it: Family, friends, anyone. Remember, think before you post.” Calm, simple, precise.  23words is all that is needed.


–The PSA informs you, tells your to take action, makes it your responsibility to do so.  Uses humor appropriately, focues on one idea.  It appeals to our sense and wants and needs to be respected.  The PSA was the raise awareness about something, many people do not think about.

Literacy Statistics

February 20th, 2009

What we can gain form these literacy statistics is that literacy is very important in our everyday lives, and improves our overall well being.  But, despite this, a growing number of people are illiterate, or lack the skills to function as a literate person.  I do notice that most these studies were done in the late 90s, so much of these statics could begin to change.  For example, the “No Child Left Behind Act” was initiate in 2001, and could change these statics.  It is also interesting the difference that culture can make, for example 1 in 12 white 17 yr olds, but only 1 in 100 African American 17 yr. olds can read and gain information.  Socioeconomic status can also be important, because it effects the quality of education a child receives. 

Another startling fact is that there are approximately one billion illiterate adults, and two-thirds of them are women.  Why is this?  Is this a reflection of the ongoing oppression of cultures and sexes.

T.e.c.h.n.o.l.o.g.y is taking over my life, and I love it.

February 18th, 2009

Technology is used in everyday life from driving to, school, work, and other activities.  Technology is used to entertain, study, keep in touch with people, communicate, organize, etc.  Technology will continue to play a big and important role in our society.  The benefits of technology is making our life easier, with more and quicker access to information.  We can communicate with people from all around the world in a matter of seconds.  Obviously there are major threats to the use of technology.  With the use of the Internet, people use it to prey on unsuspecting people to steal their identity or credit card numbers, or worse young children.  Technology does play an important part in literacy with the advent of the Internet and other devices.  For hearing or sight impaired people, there are technologies to accommodate them better with voiceactivated devices and such.  I use technology a lot through my day, from texting or taking on my cell phone, to using the computer to look up research homework, e-mail my teachers, blog, keep track of files at my job, chat with my sister online, etc.

——————-blogs, blogs, and more blogs———————–

February 16th, 2009

I have found that peer evaluations can be very helpful.  I use it in many of my classes for presentations and/or research papers.  Being an IPC major I write a lot of papers.  Peer evaluations help get another point of view on a topic or subject and allows someone to make unbiased opinions about something.  Also, it helps look over grammar and syntax errors that you made.  Sometimes people do not always like constructive criticism.  So, I tell people they do not HAVE to use my ideas, its only an option.  I always find peer evaluations helpful, and I do it a lot.  I have friends, and even my brother from different universities, that e-mail me their papers, for me to look over and evaluate.  I always offer my point of view, not for them to change their papers but to let them know how and “outsider” would think.  Sometimes they just laugh, other times they say, wow I didn’t realize that..etc.

MoNsTeR BLOGG!!!!!!!

February 13th, 2009

My monter’s name Rawarasours.  He is purble brown green and orange.  He has spiked hair and a long short head.  He had no neck.  His arms are sqiggly lines of purple and orange.  His legs are skinny and close together.  His eyes are slaingted.  He has a little triangle nose.  His mouth is like and explosion.  He has brown spots.


February 10th, 2009

Pathos, is one of Aristotle’s three rhetoric’s of persuasion.  It is and emotional appeal, popular in advertisements.  It engages in an audiences emotions of love, fear, happiness, sadness, sympathy, regret, remorse,  etc.  Although sometimes all three rhetoric’s work together, sometimes pathos is the strongest, because it touches nervous that are important and powerful.


The above link is a commercialfor Pedigree dog food.  It is a powerful use of pathos.  First off, the music is very slow and soft.  They use the cutest, saddest looking dogs around.  Then, the narrator speaks as if he was one of the dogs: “I know how to sit….but what I don’t know is how i ended up in here (a cage).”  Then the music becomes more uplifting and the dogs tails wag, which shows that there is a way to change that feeling of sadness, which is what we want to do right?  So, it says if you buy pedigree they will donate to help dogs.

In particular, Douglas’ narrative used pathos very well.  It makes you feel bad that he was treated so poorly and in such ways, we cannot even begin to imagine.  In particular, the line, “A nigger should know nothing, but to obey his master-”  It makes me feel angry that he was deprived of something so vital to a persons existence as a human being. Something that we take for granted is something that he wanted most in life, but it was also something that was used as power. Continue reading »

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