2/25 BlOG!!

February 25th, 2009

Computers are an important tool to have in schools.  They are important because society is using them more and more, so everyone will need to have knowledge and capability to use a computer appropriately.  They enhance the quality of learning, and aid in different kinds of learning.  For example, hearing impairedindividuals, could use software that aids their impairment.  In the future the ability to use a computer will be a requirement, not to mention the efficiency it creates for students and teachers.

My new audience: Seniors in high school:

When you graduate, and continue your education through college and/or the workforce, it is important to have the ability to use a computer for education.  To learn, teach, and communicate.  You will probably encounter the use of computers in all areas of your future, so having this ability is imperative.

2 thoughts on “2/25 BlOG!!

  1. bcottri
    3:58 pm - 2-25-2009

    Nice job, Olivia. One way you can approach a specific audience is to think about their needs and how you can best approach them. Nice work.

  2. Laura
    8:54 pm - 2-26-2009

    I think you really did a great job re-structuring your argument for your new audience. I feel you brought up alot of good points, especially about how computers will be important for college, the workforce and their overall development. In short, I think you argued the importance very well.

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